Media Hits

5/25/22 Association for Computing Machinery

People of ACM – Yiran Chen

A Q&A about the field of memory and storage systems with Yiran Chen from the Association for Computing Machinery.

3/28/22 The Wall Street Journal

Is Nuclear Power the Future?

ECE student Maxwell Tardif offers his opinion that the future of U.S. energy should include a stronger commitment to nuclear power.

3/22/22 Sci NC

Why Flush Toilets are Wasteful

Modern flush toilets waste a gallon and a half of treated, potable water every time you flush. And for many countries, wastewater infrastructure is too expensive to install. Toilet engineers all over the world are trying to solve this basic question: how do we get rid of waste efficiently?

3/3/22 Science

The Toll of White Privilege

ECE Adrienne Stiff-Roberts adds personal insights into an exploration of the struggles Black physicists face in bringing more Black students into the field, and why diversity advocates agree that lasting change won’t happen until the existing dominant white male culture becomes fully engaged in finding solutions.

1/11/22 Nature Physics

Forbidden by Symmetry

A News & Views column in Nature Physics explains how new research from ECE Professor Iman Marvian shows that quantum systems whose interactions are constrained by symmetries can't be broken down as a simple summation of the local operations among its components.