Joel Alter Greenberg
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests
Computational sensing with a focus on novel, physics-based measurement techniques for practical applications. Primarily focused in the electromagnetic/optical spectrum ranging from ELF through visible and hard X-rays, with applications to security, non-destructive testing, and medical imaging. Investigations range from basic science (e.g. fundamental studies in material science, optics, and information science) to applied and transitional work (e.g. design and implementation of architectures at the system level targeted at particular, real-world problems)
Dr. Greenberg's research is in the area of computational imaging with a focus on physics-based modeling and system-level design from fundamental science through algorithm implementation. His work spans the electromagnetic spectrum, with a focus on X-ray and visible imaging and detection systems for security and medical applications.
- Ph.D. Duke University, 2012
- Associate Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Gude Z, Kapadia AJ, Greenberg JA. Resolution analysis of a volumetric coded aperture X-ray diffraction imaging system. Journal of X-ray science and technology. 2024 Jan;32(3):809–22.
- Greenberg JA, Dudley C, Moody R, Richmond T, Espenhahn E, Pike D, et al. High-resolution X-ray diffraction imaging in a tabletop system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2024.
- Gude Z, Coccarelli D, Kapadia AJ, McCall S, Greenberg JA. Towards a high-resolution volumetric X-ray diffraction imaging system for biospecimen. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2024.
- Richmond T, Pike D, Franco E, Dudley C, Moody R, Lawe A, et al. Improved reconstruction and classification performance in a hybrid CT + XRD explosives detection system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2024.
- Greenberg JA, Richmond T, Gude ZW, Li X, Nanda A, Coccarelli D, et al. X-ray diffraction imaging of glioblastoma and ductal carcinoma in-situ. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2024.
- Thamvichai R, Pike D, Greenberg J, Ashok A. Classifiers for material discrimination with dual modality X-ray transmission and coherent X-ray diffraction system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023.
- Greenberg JA, Pike D, Coccarelli D. Unique opportunities to sample parameter space using physics-based synthetic x-ray data. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023.
- Gude ZW, Dudley C, Kapadia AJ, Greenberg JA. Detector Comparison for High-Resolution 3D X-ray Diffraction Imaging for Biospecimen Analysis. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023.
- Ruiz SD, Hurlock AX, Yang S, Martinez M, Thamvichai R, Greenberg JA, et al. Simulation and information-theoretic analysis of a hybrid CT+XRD imaging system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023.
- Coccarelli D, Dudley C, Pike D, Greenberg R, Moody R, Franco E, et al. Performance of a high-throughput full-tunnel XRD checked baggage scanning system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023.
- Gude Z, Kapadia AJ, Greenberg JA. 3D x-ray diffraction imaging of optically thin samples. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2022.
- Stryker S, Kapadia AJ, Greenberg JA. Application of machine learning classifiers to X-ray diffraction imaging with medically relevant phantoms. Medical physics. 2022 Jan;49(1):532–46.
- Ruiz SD, Gude ZW, Hurlock AX, Ferguson K, Miller C, Carpenter JH, et al. Characterization of photon counting detectors for x-ray diffraction (XRD) applications. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2022.
- Hurlock AX, Ruiz SD, Carpenter JH, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME. Spectrally responsive edge-illumination (SREI) x-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI). In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2022.
- Stryker S, Greenberg JA, McCall SJ, Kapadia AJ. X-ray fan beam coded aperture transmission and diffraction imaging for fast material analysis. Sci Rep. 2021 May 19;11(1):10585.
- Stryker S, Kapadia AJ, Greenberg JA. Simulation based evaluation of a fan beam coded aperture x-ray diffraction imaging system for biospecimen analysis. Physics in medicine and biology. 2021 Mar;66(6):065022.
- Greenberg JA, Carpenter J. X-ray diffraction for explosives detection. In: Counterterrorist Detection Techniques of Explosives. 2021. p. 315–38.
- Greenberg JA, Stryker S, Carpenter J, Kapadia AJ. Concealed drug detection via fan beam coded-aperture X-ray diffraction imaging. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021.
- Greenberg JA, Carpenter J, Coccarelli D, Ding Y, Yang S, Fang E, et al. Design and analysis of a hybrid X-ray transmission and diffraction system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021.
- Greenberg JA, Ashok A, Gehm ME. The all-seeing baggage scanner. IEEE Spectrum. 2020 Jul 1;57(7):22–7.
- Coccarelli D, Gehm ME, Greenberg JA. Modeling realistic virtual objects within a high-throughput X-ray simulation framework. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2020.
- Ding Y, Coccarelli D, Hurlock A, Greenberg JA, Gehm M, Ashok A. Task-specific information in X-ray diffraction and transmission modalities: A comparative analysis. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2020.
- Li X, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME. Single-shot multispectral imaging through a thin scatterer. Optica. 2019 Jul 20;6(7):864–71.
- Gong Q, Greenberg JA, Stoian RI, Coccarelli D, Vera E, Gehm ME. Rapid simulation of X-ray scatter measurements for threat detection via GPU-based ray-tracing. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2019 Jun 15;449:86–93.
- Brumbaugh K, Royse C, Gregory C, Roe K, Greenberg JA, Diallo SO. Material classification using convolution neural network (CNN) for X-ray based coded aperture diffraction system. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2019.
- Hazineh DS, Greenberg JA. Coding versus collimation in pencil-beam X-ray diffraction tomography. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2019.
- Li X, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME. Single-shot multispectral color imaging through scattering media. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2019.
- Carpenter JH, Ding Y, Hurlock A, Coccarelli D, Gregory C, Diallo SO, et al. Motivations and methods for the analysis of multi-modality X-ray systems for explosives detection. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2019.
- Royse C, Wolter S, Greenberg JA. Emergence and distinction of classes in XRD data via machine learning. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2019.
- Coccarelli D, Hurlock A, Royse C, Carpenter JH, Greenberg JA, Johnson E, et al. Modeling real world system geometry and detector response within a high-throughput X-ray simulation framework. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2019.
- Li X, Stevens A, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME. Single-shot memory-effect video. Scientific reports. 2018 Sep;8(1):13402.
- Gong Q, Stoian RI, Coccarelli DS, Greenberg JA, Vera E, Gehm ME. Rapid simulation of X-ray transmission imaging for baggage inspection via GPU-based ray-tracing. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2018 Jan 15;415:100–9.
- Greenberg JA, MacGibbon C, Hazineh D, Keohane B, Wolter S. The role of texturing in X-ray diffraction tomography. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018.
- Diallo SO, Tadlock K, Gregory C, Wolter S, Greenberg JA, Roe K. Towards an X-ray-based coded aperture diffraction system for bulk material identification. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018.
- Coccarelli D, Greenberg JA, Thamvichai R, Voris J, Masoudi A, Ashok A, et al. An information theoretic approach to system optimization accounting for material variability. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018.
- Zhao B, Wolter S, Greenberg JA. Application of machine learning to X-ray diffraction-based classification. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018.
- Zhu Z, Katsevich A, Kapadia AJ, Greenberg JA, Pang S. X-ray diffraction tomography with limited projection information. Scientific reports. 2018 Jan;8(1):522.
- Yuan S, Wolter SD, Greenberg JA. Classification-free threat detection based on material-science-informed clustering. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017.
- Spencer JR, Carter JE, Leung CK, McCall SJ, Greenberg JA, Kapadia AJ. Coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging for assessment of breast cancers: An ex-vivo demonstration. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2017.
- Lakshmanan MN, Greenberg JA, Samei E, Kapadia AJ. Accuracy assessment and characterization of x-ray coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging for breast cancer classification. J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2017 Jan;4(1):013505.
- Coccarelli D, Greenberg JA, Mandava S, Gong Q, Huang LC, Ashok A, et al. Creating an experimental testbed for information-theoretic analysis of architectures for x-ray anomaly detection. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017.
- Mandava S, Coccarelli D, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME, Ashok A, Bilgin A. Image reconstruction for view-limited x-ray CT in baggage scanning. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017.
- Li X, Stevens A, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME. Dynamically coded memory effect imaging. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Greenberg JA, Hassan M, Regnerus B, Wolter S. Design and implementation of a fan beam coded aperture x-ray diffraction tomography system for checkpoint baggage scanning. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017.
- Odinaka I, Kaganovsky Y, Greenberg JA, Hassan M, Politte DG, O’Sullivan JA, et al. Spectrally grouped total variation reconstruction for scatter imaging using ADMM. In: 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015. 2016.
- Hassan M, Greenberg JA, Odinaka I, Brady DJ. Snapshot fan beam coded aperture coherent scatter tomography. Optics express. 2016 Aug;24(16):18277–89.
- Greenberg J, Iniewski K, Brady D. CZT detector modeling for coded aperture X-ray diffraction imaging applications. In: 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014. 2016.
- Gong Q, Coccarelli D, Stoian RI, Greenberg J, Vera E, Gehm M. Rapid GPU-based simulation of x-ray transmission, scatter, and phase measurements for threat detection systems. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Coccarelli D, Gong Q, Stoian RI, Greenberg JA, Gehm ME, Lin Y, et al. Information-theoretic analysis of x-ray scatter and phase architectures for anomaly detection. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Odinaka I, Greenberg JA, Kaganovsky Y, Holmgren A, Hassan M, Politte DG, et al. Coded aperture x-ray diffraction imaging with transmission computed tomography side-information. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2016.
- Lakshmanan MN, Morris RE, Greenberg JA, Samei E, Kapadia AJ. Coded aperture coherent scatter imaging for breast cancer detection: A Monte Carlo evaluation. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2016.
- Greenberg JA, Hassan M, Brady DJ, Iniewski K. High precision, medium flux rate CZT spectroscopy for coherent scatter imaging. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Hassan M, Holmgren A, Greenberg JA, Odinaka I, Brady D. Impact of detector geometry for compressive fan beam snapshot coherent scatter imaging. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Greenberg JA, Brady DJ. Snapshot full-volume coded aperture x-ray diffraction tomography. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Wolter SD, Greenberg JA. Spectral feature variations in x-ray diffraction imaging systems. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Lakshmanan MN, Greenberg JA, Samei E, Kapadia AJ. Design and implementation of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging of cancerous and healthy breast tissue samples. J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2016 Jan;3(1):013505.
- Morris RE, Albanese KE, Lakshmanan MN, McCall SJ, Greenberg JA, Kapadia AJ. Validation of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging for normal and neoplastic breast tissues via surgical pathology. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2016.
- Holmgren AD, Odinaka I, Greenberg JA, Brady DJ. Multi-view coded aperture coherent scatter tomography. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Odinaka I, Kaganovsky Y, O’Sullivan JA, Politte DG, Holmgren AD, Greenberg JA, et al. Domain and range decomposition methods for coded aperture x-ray coherent scatter imaging. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Wang L, Huang J, Yuan X, Krishnamurthy K, Greenberg J, Cevher V, et al. Signal recovery and system calibration from multiple compressive poisson measurements. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 2015 Sep 17;8(3):1923–54.
- Greenberg JA. X-ray scatter imaging applications in medicine. In 2015.
- Lakshmanan MN, Greenberg JA, Samei E, Kapadia AJ. Experimental implementation of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging of cancerous and healthy breast tissue samples. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2015.
- Greenberg JA. Practical tabletop X-ray scatter tomography. In 2014.
- Pang S, Hassan M, Greenberg J, Holmgren A, Krishnamurthy K, Brady D. Complementary coded apertures for 4-dimensional x-ray coherent scatter imaging. Optics express. 2014 Sep;22(19):22925–36.
- Zhu Y, Greenberg JA, Husein NA, Gauthier DJ. Giant all-optical tunable group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber. Optics express. 2014 Jun;22(12):14382–91.
- Greenberg JA, Hassan M, Krishnamurthy K, Brady D. Structured illumination for tomographic X-ray diffraction imaging. The Analyst. 2014 Feb;139(4):709–13.
- Greenberg JA. Steady-state superradiance via emergent order in a cold atomic vapor. In 2014.
- Greenberg JA, Pang S, Krishnamurthy K, Brady D. Structured illumination for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography. In 2014.
- Greenberg J, Krishnamurthy K, Brady D. Compressive single-pixel snapshot x-ray diffraction imaging. Optics letters. 2014 Jan;39(1):111–4.
- Greenberg JA, Brady DJ. Structured illumination for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2014 Jan 1;9020.
- Greenberg JA, Krishnamurthy K, Lakshmanan M, MacCabe K, Wolter S, Kapadia A, et al. Coding and sampling for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2013 Dec 9;8858.
- Gauthier DJ, Schmittberger BL, Greenberg JA. Transverse optical patterns for low-light-level optical switching. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013 Dec 1;
- Schmittberger BL, Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Ultra-low-threshold optical pattern formation in a cold atomic vapor. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013 Dec 1;
- Greenberg JA, Krishnamurthy K, Brady D. Snapshot molecular imaging using coded energy-sensitive detection. Optics express. 2013 Oct;21(21):25480–91.
- Schmittberger BL, Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Ultra-low-threshold optical pattern formation in a cold atomic vapor. 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013. 2013 Jan 1;
- Greenberg JA. Real-time volumetric molecular imaging using coded apertures. In 2013.
- Gauthier DJ, Schmittberger BL, Greenberg JA. Transverse optical patterns for low-light-level optical switching. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013.
- MacCabe KP, Holmgren AD, Greenberg JA, Brady DJ. Coding for X-ray scatter imaging. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013.
- MacCabe KP, Holmgren AD, Greenberg JA, Brady DJ. Coding for X-ray scatter imaging. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013 Jan 1;
- Greenberg JA. Coding and sampling for compressive tomography. In 2013.
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Steady-state, cavityless, multimode superradiance in a cold vapor. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2012 Jul 17;86(1).
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. High-order optical nonlinearity at low light levels. EPL. 2012 Apr 1;98(2).
- Greenberg JA, Schmittberger BL, Gauthier DJ. Bunching-induced optical nonlinearity and instability in cold atoms [Invited]. Opt Express. 2011 Nov 7;19(23):22535–49.
- Zhang R, Greenberg JA, Fischer MC, Gauthier DJ. Controllable ultrabroadband slow light in a warm rubidium vapor. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2011;28(11):2578–83.
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Self-phase matched four-wave mixing in cold vapor. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010 Dec 1;
- Gauthier DJ, Greenberg JA. Toward single-photon nonlinear optics via self-assembled ultracold atoms. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010 Dec 1;
- Gauthier DJ, Greenberg JA. Toward single-photon nonlinear optics via self-assembled ultracold atoms. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010.
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Self-phase matched four-wave mixing in cold vapor. In 2010.
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Super-charging nonlinear optical processes via cooperative effects. In 2010.
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Transient Enhancement of the Nonlinear Atom-photon Coupling via Recoil-induced Resonances. In 2009.
- Greenberg JA. Superradiance in an Ultracold Thermal Vapor. In 2009.
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Superradiance in an ultracold thermal vapor. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009 Jan 1;
- Greenberg JA, Gauthier DJ. Investigation of the Saturation Mechanism of Recoil-induced Resonances. In 2008.
- Greenberg JA, Lakshamanan MN, Brady DJ, Kapadia A. Optimization of a coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging system for medical imaging. In: Proc SPIE 9412, Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging,.
- Greenberg JA, Lakshmanan M, Samei E, Brady D, Kapadia A. Experimental implementation of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging of cancerous and healthy breast tissue samples. Proc SPIE 9412, Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging.
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