Miroslav Pajic
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director of Master's Studies, Professor in the Department of ECE
Research Themes
Applications, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Trustworthy Computing
Research Interests
Design and analysis of autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPS), and in particular, embedded systems, AI, learning and controls, CPS security and high-assurance autonomy, with various application domains including robotics, automotive, and medical systems
Miroslav Pajic's research focuses on design and analysis of cyber-physical systems with varying levels of autonomy and human interaction, at the intersection of (more traditional) areas of embedded systems, AI, learning and controls, formal methods and robotics.
- Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 2012
- Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Director of Master Studies in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Associate Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Associate Professor of Computer Science
Courses Taught
- MENG 552: Master of Engineering Supplemental Internship
- MENG 551: Master of Engineering Internship/Project Assessment
- MENG 550: Master of Engineering Internship/Project
- ME 592: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 591: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- EGRCOOP 501: Engineering Graduate Cooperative Education 1
- EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering
- ECE 899: Special Readings in Electrical Engineering
- ECE 891: Internship
- ECE 701S: Being a Successful ECE Masters Student
- ECE 567: Cyber-Physical System Design
- ECE 495: Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 494: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 493: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 459: Introduction to Embedded Systems
- ECE 392: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 292: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering