Maiken H. Mikkelsen
Electrical and Computer Engineering
James N. and Elizabeth H. Barton Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Themes
Research Interests
Quantum nanophotonics, plasmonics, light-matter interactions in artificially structured nanoscale materials, hybrid molecular-scale materials and spin phenomena in the solid state
Maiken H. Mikkelsen is the James N. and Elizabeth H. Barton Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. She received her B.S. in Physics from the University of Copenhagen in 2004, her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2009 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley before joining Duke University in 2012. Her research explores nanophotonics and new quantum materials to enable transformative breakthroughs for optoelectronics, quantum science, the environment, and human health.
Her awards include the Maria Goeppert Mayer Award from the American Physical Society, the NSF CAREER award, the Moore Inventor Fellow award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and young investigator program awards from the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Office and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
- Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009
- James N. and Elizabeth H. Barton Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Associate Professor of Physics
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Stansell Family Distinguished Research Award. Pratt School of Engineering. 2021
- Young Investigator Program Award. Office of Naval Research . 2017
- Early Career Achievement Award. SPIE u2013 the international society for optics and photonics . 2017
- Maria Goeppert Mayer Award . American Physical Society. 2017
- Scialog Fellow. Research Corporation for Science Advancement . 2016
- Young Investigator Program Award . Army Research Office . 2016
- Cottrell Scholar Award. Research Corporation for Science Advancement . 2016
- CAREER Award . National Science Foundation . 2015
- Young Investigator Program Award . Air Force Office of Scientific Research . 2015
- Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award . Oak Ridge Associated Universities. 2014
- Ph.D. Thesis prize, Quantum Electronics and Optics. European Physical Society. 2011
Courses Taught
- ECE 891: Internship
- ECE 524: Introduction to Solid-State Physics
- Stewart JW, Vella JH, Li W, Fan S, Mikkelsen MH. Ultrafast pyroelectric photodetection with on-chip spectral filters. Nature materials. 2020 Feb;19(2):158u201362.
- Shen Q, Hoang TB, Yang G, Wheeler VD, Mikkelsen MH. Probing the origin of highly-efficient third-harmonic generation in plasmonic nanogaps. Optics express. 2018 Aug;26(16):20718u201325.
- Huang J, Akselrod GM, Ming T, Kong J, Mikkelsen MH. Tailored Emission Spectrum of 2D Semiconductors Using Plasmonic Nanocavities. ACS Photonics. 2018 Feb 21;5(2):552u20138.
- Wilson WM, Stewart JW, Mikkelsen MH. Surpassing Single Line Width Active Tuning with Photochromic Molecules Coupled to Plasmonic Nanoantennas. Nano letters. 2018 Feb;18(2):853u20138.
- Sykes ME, Stewart JW, Akselrod GM, Kong X-T, Wang Z, Gosztola DJ, et al. Publisher Correction: Enhanced generation and anisotropic Coulomb scattering of hot electrons in an ultra-broadband plasmonic nanopatch metasurface. Nature communications. 2017 Dec;8(1):2135.
- Hoang TB, Akselrod GM, Yang A, Odom TW, Mikkelsen MH. Millimeter-Scale Spatial Coherence from a Plasmon Laser. Nano letters. 2017 Nov;17(11):6690u20135.
- Hoang TB, Akselrod GM, Mikkelsen MH. Ultrafast room-Temperature single photon source with plasmonic nanocavities. In: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2017 - Proceedings. 2017. p. 1u20132.
- Stewart JW, Akselrod GM, Smith DR, Mikkelsen MH. Multispectral metasurface absorbers for optoelectronic devices. In: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2017 - Proceedings. 2017. p. 1u20132.
- Boyce AM, Stewart JW, Wheeler V, Mikkelsen MH. Actively-tunable plasmonic metasurfaces using a phasechange material. In: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2017 - Proceedings. 2017. p. 1u20132.
- Sykes ME, Stewart JW, Akselrod GM, Kong X-T, Wang Z, Gosztola DJ, et al. Enhanced generation and anisotropic Coulomb scattering of hot electrons in an ultra-broadband plasmonic nanopatch metasurface. Nature communications. 2017 Oct;8(1):986.
- Mikkelsen MH. Large-scale plasmonic pixels and combinatorial colors. In: International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics. 2017.
- Huang J, Hoang TB, Ming T, Kong J, Mikkelsen MH. Temporal and spatial valley dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors probed via Kerr rotation. Physical Review B. 2017 Feb 24;95(7).
- Stewart JW, Akselrod GM, Smith DR, Mikkelsen MH. Toward Multispectral Imaging with Colloidal Metasurface Pixels. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2017 Feb;29(6).
- Boyce AM, Stewart JW, Wheeler V, Mikkelsen MH. Actively-tunable plasmonic metasurfaces using a phasechange material. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Hoang TB, Akselrod GM, Mikkelsen MH. Ultrafast room-temperature single photon source with plasmonic nanocavities. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Stewart JW, Akselrod GM, Smith DR, Mikkelsen MH. Multispectral metasurface absorbers for optoelectronic devices. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Akselrod GM, Weidman MC, Li Y, Argyropoulos C, Tisdale WA, Mikkelsen MH. Efficient Nanosecond Photoluminescence from Infrared PbS Quantum Dots Coupled to Plasmonic Nanoantennas. ACS Photonics. 2016 Oct 19;3(10):1741u20136.
- Ge W, Hoang TB, Mikkelsen MH, Stiff-Roberts AD. RIR-MAPLE deposition of plasmonic silver nanoparticles. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2016 Sep 1;122(9).
- Hoang TB, Mikkelsen MH. Broad electrical tuning of plasmonic nanoantennas at visible frequencies. Applied Physics Letters. 2016 May 2;108(18).
- Hoang TB, Huang J, Mikkelsen MH. Colloidal Synthesis of Nanopatch Antennas for Applications in Plasmonics and Nanophotonics. Journal of visualized experimentsu202f: JoVE. 2016 May;(111).
- Huang J, Hoang TB, Mikkelsen MH. Probing the origin of excitonic states in monolayer WSe2. Scientific reports. 2016 Mar;6:22414.
- Hoang TB, Akselrod GM, Mikkelsen MH. Ultrafast Room-Temperature Single Photon Emission from Quantum Dots Coupled to Plasmonic Nanocavities. Nano Letters. 2016 Jan 13;16(1):270u20135.
- Akselrod GM, Huang J, Hoang TB, Bowen PT, Su L, Smith DR, et al. Large-Area Metasurface Perfect Absorbers from Visible to Near-Infrared. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2015 Dec;27(48):8028u201334.
- Argyropoulos C, Akselrod GM, Ciraci C, Hoang TB, Fang C, Huang J, et al. Directional plasmonic nanoantennas to enhance the purcell effect. In: 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 - Proceedings. 2015. p. 65.
- Akselrod GM, Argyropoulos C, Hoang TB, Ciraci C, Fang C, Huang J, et al. Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2015.
- Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Mikkelsen MH, Smith DR. Large and ultrafast nonlinear absorption of an air/gold plasmonic waveguide. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2015.
- Hoang TB, Akselrod GM, Argyropoulos C, Huang J, Smith DR, Mikkelsen MH. Ultrafast spontaneous emission source using plasmonic nanoantennas. Nature communications. 2015 Jul;6:7788.
- Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Mikkelsen MH, Smith DR. Ultrafast self-action of surface-plasmon polaritons at an air/metal interface. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2015 May 11;91(19).
- Akselrod GM, Argyropoulos C, Hoang TB, Ciracu00ec C, Fang C, Huang J, et al. Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement. In: CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015. 2015. p. 1551p.
- Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Mikkelsen MH, Smith DR. Large and ultrafast nonlinear absorption of an air/gold plasmonic waveguide. In: CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015. 2015. p. 1551p.
- Akselrod GM, Ming T, Argyropoulos C, Hoang TB, Lin Y, Ling X, et al. Leveraging Nanocavity Harmonics for Control of Optical Processes in 2D Semiconductors. Nano letters. 2015 May;15(5):3578u201384.
- Kolchin P, Pholchai N, Mikkelsen MH, Oh J, Ota S, Islam MS, et al. Correction to High Purcell Factor Due to Coupling of a Single Emitter to a Dielectric Slot Waveguide. Nano Letters. 2015 Apr 8;15(4):2763.
- Yang A, Hoang TB, Dridi M, Deeb C, Mikkelsen MH, Schatz GC, et al. Real-time tunable lasing from plasmonic nanocavity arrays. Nature communications. 2015 Apr;6:6939.
- Kolchin P, Pholchai N, Mikkelsen MH, Oh J, Ota S, Islam MS, et al. High purcell factor due to coupling of a single emitter to a dielectric slot waveguide. Nano Letters. 2015 Jan 14;15(1):464u20138.
- Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Larouche S, Gauthier DJ, Mikkelsen MH, et al. Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces. In: Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015. 2015.
- Mikkelsen MH. On-demand optical properties of quantum emitters using plasmonic nanoantennas. In: 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2014. 2014. p. 544u20135.
- Lassiter JB, Chen X, Liu X, Ciracu00ec C, Hoang TB, Larouche S, et al. Third-Harmonic Generation Enhancement by Film-Coupled Plasmonic Stripe Resonators. ACS Photonics. 2014 Nov 19;1(11):1212u20137.
- Akselrod GM, Argyropoulos C, Hoang TB, Ciracu00ec C, Fang C, Huang J, et al. Probing the mechanisms of large Purcell enhancement in plasmonic nanoantennas. Nature Photonics. 2014 Nov 5;8(11):835u201340.
- Mikkelsen MH, Rose A, Hoang TB, McGuire F, Mock JJ, Ciracu00ec C, et al. Giant fluorescence enhancement of molecules coupled to plasmonic nanoscale patch antennas. In: Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2014. 2014.
- Rose A, Hoang TB, McGuire F, Mock JJ, Ciracu00ec C, Smith DR, et al. Control of radiative processes using tunable plasmonic nanopatch antennas. Nano letters. 2014 Aug;14(8):4797u2013802.
- Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Mikkelsen MH, Smith DR. Ultrafast self-action in an air/gold plasmonic waveguide. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014.
- Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Mikkelsen MH, Smith DR. Ultrafast self-action in an air/gold plasmonic waveguide. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014.
- Mikkelsen MH, Rose A, Hoang B. TB, McGuire F, Mock J. JJ, Cristian Ciracu00ec, et al. Tunable plasmonic platform for giant fluorescence enhancement. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014.
- Mikkelsen MH, Rose A, Hoang TB, McGuire F, Mock JJ, Ciracu00ec C, et al. Tunable plasmonic platform for giant fluorescence enhancement. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2014.
- Kolchin P, Pholchai N, Mikkelsen MH, Oh J, Ota S, Saif Islam M, et al. Single-emitter quantum electrodynamics in a onedimensional dielectric continuum far beyond the diffraction limit. CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013. 2013 Nov 21;
- Kolchin P, Pholchai N, Mikkelsen MH, Oh J, Ota S, Islam MS, et al. Single-emitter quantum electrodynamics in a one-dimensional dielectric continuum far beyond the diffraction limit. 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013. 2013 Jan 1;
- Zentgraf T, Liu Y, Mikkelsen MH, Valentine J, Zhang X. Plasmonic Luneburg and Eaton lenses. Nature nanotechnology. 2011 Mar;6(3):151u20135.
- Zentgraf T, Liu Y, Mikkelsen MH, Valentine J, Zhang X. Plasmonic Luneburg and Eaton lenses. Nature Nanotechnology. 2011;6(151).
- Mikkelsen MH, Berezovsky J, Awschalom DD. Ultrafast optical manipulation of single electron spins in quantum dots. Solid State Communications. 2009 Sep 1;149(35u201336):1451u20137.
- Berezovsky J, Mikkelsen MH, Stoltz NG, Coldren LA, Awschalom DD. Picosecond coherent optical manipulation of a single electron spin in a quantum dot. Science. 2008 Apr 18;320(5874):349u201352.
- Mikkelsen MH, Myers RC, Fuchs GD, Awschalom DD. Chapter 1 Single Spin Coherence in Semiconductors. Semiconductors and Semimetals. 2008 Jan 1;82:1u201344.
- Myers RC, Mikkelsen MH, Tang JM, Gossard AC, Flattu00e9 ME, Awschalom DD. Zero-field optical manipulation of magnetic ions in semiconductors. Nature Materials. 2008;7(203).
- Berezovsky* J, Mikkelsen* MH, Stoltz NG, Coldren LA, Awschalom DD. Picosecond coherent optical manipulation of a single electron spin in a quantum dot. Science. 2008;320(349).
- Myers RC, Mikkelsen MH, Tang JM, Gossard AC, Flattu00e9 ME, Awschalom DD. Zero-field optical manipulation of magnetic ions in semiconductors (Nature Materials (2008) 7 (203-208) ). Nature Materials. 2008 Jan 1;7(4):339.
- Myers RC, Mikkelsen MH, Tang JM, Gossard AC, Flattu00e9 ME, Awschalom DD. Zero-field optical manipulation of magnetic ions in semiconductors. Nature Materials. 2008 Jan 1;7(3):203u20138.
- Mikkelsen MH, Berezovsky J, Stoltz NG, Coldren LA, Awschalom DD. Optically detected coherent spin dynamics of a single electron in a quantum dot. Nature Physics. 2007;3(770).
- Mikkelsen MH, Berezovsky J, Stoltz NG, Coldren LA, Awschalom DD. Optically detected coherent spin dynamics of a single electron in a quantum dot. Nature Physics. 2007 Jan 1;3(11):770u20133.
- Berezovsky J, Mikkelsen MH, Gywat O, Stoltz WG, Coldren LA, Awschalom DD. Nondestructive optical measurements of a single electron spin in a quantum dot. Science. 2006 Dec 1;314(5807):1916u201320.
- Berezovsky J, Mikkelsen MH, Gywat O, Stoltz NG, Coldren LA, Awschalom DD. Nondestructive optical measurements of a single electron spin in a quantum dot. Science. 2006;314(1916).
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