Master’s Study Tracks
Customize your Duke degree.
With your advisor, select technical elective courses for an array of in-demand fields and foundational research areas.

Software Engineering
Our dedicated and experienced computer engineering faculty includes leading researchers who literally wrote the book on programming.
In the Software Engineering Track, students will take courses in programming, computer architecture, systems, and more. We’ll make you a great programmer!
Course requirements
Computer Hardware Engineering
Duke ECE master’s students learn in the classroom and the lab from faculty working on new, resilient hardware architectures for emerging platforms ranging from major datacenters to personal mobile devices.
Students in the Computer Hardware Engineering track will be instructed by experts in the field with industry and research experience alike. The coursework includes Computer Architecture, Applications of Hardware, Hardware/Software Interface, Digitial System Design, Programming and other courses from the graduate course catalog.
Course requirements
Machine Learning & Big Data
Our focus on data analysis and machine learning provides master’s students with the tools to manage, interpret and gain new insights from data.
Studying in the Machine Learning/Big Data track will help you gain a thorough grounding in the mathematical foundations of Big Data, training in practical programming, and instruction in machine learning, statistics and information theory.
As a student, you’ll join a vibrant community rich in cross-campus initiatives focused on data science and machine learning, such as the Rhodes Information Initiative at Duke (iiD).
Course requirements
Quantum Software & Hardware
Students will learn from a software and hardware focus that prepares them to program and control quantum information devices and design, fabrication and testing of quantum devices.
Duke ECE is home to international leaders in information physics research, embodied in pathbreaking programs in metamaterials, quantum devices, and optical systems.
Master’s students will learn from a faculty team with deep interdisciplinary research strengths and a track record of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Course requirements
Semiconductor Technology
Duke ECE’s master’s track in semiconductor technology is led by international leaders in the areas of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, microfluidic systems, integrated optics, sensors, integrated multifunctional devices/systems, energy conversion devices, and quantum sensors.
Semiconductor technology research at Duke is highly interdisciplinary, and includes the fabrication of devices and circuits through the state-of-the-art Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMiF) cleanroom and characterization lab.
This track is designed to prepare master’s students either to engage in PhD research or to obtain engineering jobs in the semiconductor industry.
Duke also offers an interdisciplinary Master of Engineering in Photonics and Optical Sciences featuring coursework in both ECE and the Duke Department of Biomedical Engineering.
Course requirementsMaster’s Contacts
Miroslav Pajic, Director of Master’s Studies, Professor of ECE
Krista Turner, Master’s Program Coordinator
Kevyn Light, Senior Program Coordinator
Matt Novik, Graduate Program Coordinator