Machine Learning/Big Data Track

Our focus on data analysis and machine learning provides master's students with the tools to manage, interpret and gain new insights from data.

Studying in the Machine Learning/Big Data track will help you gain a thorough grounding in the mathematical foundations of Big Data, training in practical programming, and instruction in machine learning, statistics and information theory. 

As a student, you'll join a vibrant community rich in cross-campus initiatives focused on data science and machine learning, such as the Rhodes Information Initiative at Duke (iiD).

Detailed Course Requirements

The Duke ECE Machine Learning/Big Data Track is available as part of:

Duke Engineering offers additional master's degree options focused on data analytics and machine learning, including a Master of Engineering Management and degrees in biomedical, civil/environmental and risk engineering. Learn more »

"Wanxin Yuan""The fundamental software skills and advanced machine learning techniques I learned at Duke are essential for my current job, especially when I'm doing work related to building ML models."

Wanxin Yuan
Software Engineer, Google
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