Semiconductor Technology Track

Duke ECE's master's track in semiconductor technology is led by international leaders in the areas of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, microfluidic systems, integrated optics, sensors, integrated multifunctional devices/systems, energy conversion devices, and quantum sensors

Semiconductor technology research at Duke is highly interdisciplinary, and includes the fabrication of devices and circuits through the state-of-the-art Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMiF) cleanroom and characterization lab.

The Semiconductor Technology Track is available as part of:

Our Semiconductor Technology Track (SCT) is designed to prepare master's students either to engage in PhD research or to obtain engineering jobs in the semiconductor industry.

Students can opt to earn a graduate certificate in Nanoscience or Photonics in conjunction with their Duke ECE master's degree.

Duke also offers an interdisciplinary Master of Engineering in Photonics and Optical Sciences featuring coursework in both ECE and the Duke Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Detailed Course Requirements