Teaching Students to Think ‘Like Programmers’
A look into Pratt’s revamped computing course, EGR 105L
A look into Pratt’s revamped computing course, EGR 105L
DTech has empowered women to pursue careers in computer science and engineering through mentorship, encouragement and creating opportunities to grow
Emily Wenger says that technical defenses against facial recognition and AI face challenges
Across the university, researchers and educators are finding its best – and perhaps worst – uses
Li is the fourth faculty member in Duke’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering to capture the prestigious award.
Daubechies was awarded the highest recognition the nation can bestow on scientists and engineers for her pioneering work on signal processing
Dan Sorin discusses his work at Realtime Robotics, which has pushed the boundaries of autonomous motion planning, enabling real-time decision-making in dynamic environments.
Chris Monroe says that the hype around Google's new quantum computing chip "Willow" is mostly overblown
Padilla was honored for his contributions to the field of metamaterials, including perfect absorbers and active devices.
Experts from around the world gathered at Duke for the first Advanced Multifunctional Metamaterials Workshop to shape the future of the field
Hai “Helen” Li and Aaron Franklin, two innovative and pioneering electrical and computer engineers, receive one of the top honors for academic inventors.
In just its second year, the hackathon inspired dozens of student-built projects lauded by industry and practice professionals for their inspiring creativity