Quantum Entanglement Expands to City-Sized Networks
Chris Monroe comments on work to create quantum entanglement between two nodes in a network
Chris Monroe comments on work to create quantum entanglement between two nodes in a network
Kenneth Brown comments on an algorithm for quantum computing that recently had its greatest theoretical advance in more than 25 years
Without changes, thousands of academic papers could be sent to chatbots as reviewers without the knowledge of the authors, Cynthia Rudin warns.
Yiran Chen says that the US's ban on selling the latest computer chips that enable generative AI could leave China behind and unable to catch up
Chris Monroe and Jungsang Kim write that undermining the Bayh-Dole system could massively stifle new advances in quantum computing and other technologies
Hai "Helen" Li describes her lab's interaction with Arm, which provides hardware and technical expertise to her lab to explore building computers modeled after the human brain
Jimmie Lenz, who organized a digital assets conference in Abu Dhabi last year, says Dubai's efforts to innovate in cryptocurrency is hitting the mark
Boyuan Chen says the physics of the real world may be too complicated to adequately train AI in a virtual representation.
Emily Edwards discusses the need for inclusivity in STEM fields from a young age in working to address future quantum needs
Willie Padilla has determined the theoretical limits of how much electromagnetic energy a transparent material can absorb
Cynthia Rudin is named in a roundup of unsung women who are enriching the AI field with innovations that promise a future where technology is as diverse as the society it serves
Yiran Chen explains why Chinese investments in tech are made for quick turnarounds