April Brown, Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Themes
Nanoelectronic Materials & Devices
Dr. April Brown received her B.S.E.E. from North Carolina State University in 1981, her M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1984 and 1985, respectively. She worked at the Hughes Research Laboratories (now HRL LLC) in Malibu, Ca. from 1986-1993, and spent one year at the Army Research Office in the Physics Division (1988). She joined the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1994 as an Associate Professor and was promoted to Professor in 1999. She was Associate Dean in the College of Engineering from 1999-2001 and Executive Assistant to the President from 2001-2002. In addition, she was named Pettit Professor in Microelectronics in 2001. She joined Duke University as Professor and Chair in July 2002.
- Ph.D. Cornell University, 1985
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Fellow. American Physical Society. 2011
- Fellows. Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 1998
- Paul Rappaport Award. IEEE Electron Devices Society. 1992
Courses Taught
- ECE 590: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 230L: Introduction to Microelectronic Devices and Circuits
- ECE 230L9: Introduction to Microelectronic Devices and Circuits-Lab
- ECE 110L: Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Losurdo M, Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Suvorova A, Giangregorio MM, Rubanov S, Brown AS, et al. Gallium Plasmonic Nanoantennas Unveiling Multiple Kinetics of Hydrogen Sensing, Storage, and Spillover. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2021 Jul;33(29):e2100500.
- Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Garcu00eda-Fernu00e1ndez P, Junquera J, Brown AS, Moreno F, Losurdo M. Polymorphic gallium for active resonance tuning in photonic nanostructures: From bulk gallium to two-dimensional (2D) gallenene. Nanophotonics. 2020 Oct 1;9(14):4233u201352.
- Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Brown AS, Moreno F, Losurdo M. Plasmonics beyond noble metals: Exploiting phase and compositional changes for manipulating plasmonic performance. Journal of Applied Physics. 2020 Aug 28;128(8).
- Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Giangregorio MM, Palumbo F, Gonzu00e1lez F, Brown AS, Moreno F, et al. Sustainable and Tunable Mg/MgO Plasmon-Catalytic Platform for the Grand Challenge of SF6 Environmental Remediation. Nano letters. 2020 May;20(5):3352u201360.
- Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Giangregorio MM, Brown AS, Moreno F, Losurdo M. Understanding electromagnetic interactions and electron transfer in Ga nanoparticle-graphene-metal substrate sandwich systems. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2019 Oct 1;9(19).
- Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Losurdo M, Garcu00eda-Fernu00e1ndez P, Sainz de la Maza M, Gonzu00e1lez F, Brown AS, et al. Gallium Polymorphs: Phase-Dependent Plasmonics. Advanced Optical Materials. 2019 Jul 4;7(13).
- Gutierrez Y, Giangregorio MM, Palumbo F, Brown AS, Moreno F, Losurdo M. Optically addressing interaction of Mg/MgO plasmonic systems with hydrogen. Optics express. 2019 Feb;27(4):A197u2013205.
- Gutiu00e9rrez Y, Losurdo M, Garcu00eda-Fernu00e1ndez P, De La Maza MS, Gonzu00e1lez F, Brown AS, et al. Dielectric function and plasmonic behavior of Ga(II) and Ga(III). Optical Materials Express. 2019 Jan 1;9(10):4050u201360.
- Aprile E, Aalbers J, Agostini F, Alfonsi M, Amaro FD, Anthony M, et al. Signal yields of keV electronic recoils and their discrimination from nuclear recoils in liquid xenon. Physical Review D. 2018 May 1;97(9).
- Collar KN, Li J, Jiao W, Kong W, Brown AS. Unidirectional lateral nanowire formation during the epitaxial growth of GaAsBi on vicinal substrates. Nanotechnology. 2018 Jan;29(3):035604.
- Losurdo M, Gutierrez Y, Giangregorio MM, Humlicek J, Moreno F, Brown A. Multiphase gallium-based nanoparticles for a versatile plasmonic platform. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2018.
- Collar K, Li J, Jiao W, Guan Y, Losurdo M, Humlicek J, et al. Determination of the impact of Bi content on the valence band energy of GaAsBi using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. AIP Advances. 2017 Jul 1;7(7).
- Kong W, Roberts AT, Jiao WY, Fournelle J, Kim TH, Losurdo M, et al. UVB-emitting InAlGaN multiple quantum well synthesized using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. AIP Advances. 2017 Mar 1;7(3).
- Losurdo M, Suvorova A, Rubanov S, Hingerl K, Brown AS. Thermally stable coexistence of liquid and solid phases in gallium nanoparticles. Nature materials. 2016 Sep;15(9):995u20131002.
- Jiao W, Kong W, Li J, Collar K, Kim TH, Losurdo M, et al. The characteristics of MBE-grown In
x Al1-x N/GaN surface states. Applied Physics Letters. 2016 Aug 22;109(8). - Li J, Collar K, Jiao W, Kong W, Kuech TF, Babcock SE, et al. Impact of vicinal GaAs(001) substrates on Bi incorporation and photoluminescence in molecular beam epitaxy-grown GaAs
1-x Bix . Applied Physics Letters. 2016 Jun 6;108(23). - Wood AW, Collar K, Li J, Brown AS, Babcock SE. Droplet-mediated formation of embedded GaAs nanowires in MBE GaAs(1-x)Bi(x) films. Nanotechnology. 2016 Mar;27(11):115704.
- Jiao W, Kong W, Li J, Collar K, Kim TH, Losurdo M, et al. Characterization of MBE-grown InAlN/GaN heterostructure valence band offsets with varying in composition. AIP Advances. 2016 Mar 1;6(3).
- Kong W, Jiao WY, Li JC, Collar K, Leach JH, Fournelle, et al. Structural Characterization of the Nanocolumnar Microstructure of InAlN (Accepted). Journal of Electronic Materials. 2015 Nov 6;
- Kong W, Roberts AT, Jiao WY, Fournelle J, Kim TH, Losurdo M, et al. Room temperature Ultraviolet B emission from InAlGaN films synthesized by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2015 Sep 28;107(13).
- Giangregorio MM, Jiao W, Bianco GV, Capezzuto P, Brown AS, Bruno G, et al. Insights into the effects of metal nanostructuring and oxidation on the work function and charge transfer of metal/graphene hybrids. Nanoscale. 2015 Aug;7(30):12868u201377.
- Brown AS, Ptak AJ. Preface of the 18th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE 2014). Journal of Crystal Growth. 2015 Jul 28;425:1.
- Kong W, Jiao WY, Li JC, Collar K, Kim TH, Leach JH, et al. Effect of strain in sputtered AlN buffer layers on the growth of GaN by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2015 Jul 20;107(3).
- Luo G, Yang S, Li J, Arjmand M, Szlufarska I, Brown AS, et al. First-principles studies on molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaA s1-x B ix. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2015 Jul 14;92(3).
- Li J, Forghani K, Guan Y, Jiao W, Kong W, Collar K, et al. GaAs
1-y Biy Raman signatures: Illuminating relationships between the electrical and optical properties of GaAs1-y Biy and Bi incorporation. AIP Advances. 2015 Jun 1;5(6). - Wood AW, Babcock SE, Li J, Brown AS. Increased bismuth concentration in MBE GaAs
1-x Bix films by oscillating III/V flux ratio during growth. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 2015 May 1;33(3). - Knight MW, Coenen T, Yang Y, Brenny BJM, Losurdo M, Brown AS, et al. Gallium plasmonics: deep subwavelength spectroscopic imaging of single and interacting gallium nanoparticles. ACS nano. 2015 Feb;9(2):2049u201360.
- Brown AS, Losurdo M. In Situ Characterization of Epitaxy. In: Handbook of Crystal Growth: Thin Films and Epitaxy: Second Edition. 2015. p. 1169u2013209.
- Kong W, Mohanta A, Roberts AT, Jiao WY, Fournelle J, Kim TH, et al. Room temperature photoluminescence from In
x Al(1-x) N films deposited by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2014 Sep 29;105(13). - Forghani K, Guan Y, Losurdo M, Luo G, Morgan D, Babcock SE, et al. GaAs
1-y-z Py Biz , an alternative reduced band gap alloy system lattice-matched to GaAs. Applied Physics Letters. 2014 Sep 15;105(11). - Li J, Kim TH, Forghani K, Jiao W, Kong W, Collar K, et al. Growth of GaAs
1-x Bix by molecular beam epitaxy: Trade-offs in optical and structural characteristics. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014 Jul 28;116(4). - Yang Y, Akozbek N, Kim TH, Sanz JM, Moreno F, Losurdo M, et al. Ultraviolet-Visible Plasmonic Properties of Gallium Nanoparticles Investigated by Variable-Angle Spectroscopic and Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry. ACS Photonics. 2014 Jul 16;1(7):582u20139.
- Ahmed MU, Saaem I, Wu PC, Brown AS. Personalized diagnostics and biosensors: a review of the biology and technology needed for personalized medicine. Critical reviews in biotechnology. 2014 Jun;34(2):180u201396.
- Losurdo M, Bergmair I, Dastmalchi B, Kim TH, Giangregroio MM, Jiao W, et al. Graphene as an electron shuttle for silver deoxidation: Removing a key barrier to plasmonics and metamaterials for sers in the visible. Advanced Functional Materials. 2014 Apr 2;24(13):1864u201378.
- Losurdo M, Yi C, Suvorova A, Rubanov S, Kim T-H, Giangregorio MM, et al. Demonstrating the capability of the high-performance plasmonic gallium-graphene couple. ACS nano. 2014 Mar;8(3):3031u201341.
- Zhong M, Roberts J, Kong W, Brown AS, Steckl AJ. P-type GaN grown by phase shift epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2014 Jan 6;104(1).
- Sanz JM, Ortiz D, Alcaraz de la Osa R, Saiz JM, Gonzu00e1lez F, Brown AS, et al. Metals for UV plasmonics. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014 Jan 1;
- Sanz JM, Ortiz D, Alcaraz de la Osa R, Saiz JM, Gonzu00e1lez F, Brown AS, et al. Metals for UV plasmonics. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014.
- Jiao W, Kong W, Li J, Collar K, Kim TH, Brown AS. The relationship between depth-resolved composition and strain relaxation in InAlN and InGaN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2013 Oct 14;103(16).
- Sanz JM, Ortiz D, Alcaraz De La Osa R, Saiz JM, Gonzu00e1lez F, Brown AS, et al. UV plasmonic behavior of various metal nanoparticles in the near- and far-field regimes: Geometry and substrate effects. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2013 Sep 26;117(38):19606u201315.
- Ahmed MU, Brown AS, Wu PC. Point-of-Care Devices. 2013 Aug 29;1:372u201380.
- Yang Y, Callahan JM, Kim T-H, Brown AS, Everitt HO. Ultraviolet nanoplasmonics: a demonstration of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence, and photodegradation using gallium nanoparticles. Nano letters. 2013 Jun;13(6):2837u201341.
- Losurdo M, Bergmair I, Dastmalchi B, Kim T-H, Giangregroio MM, Jiao W, et al. Graphene as an Electron Shuttle for Silver Deoxidation: Removing a Key Barrier to Plasmonics and Metamaterials for SERS in the Visible. Advanced Functional Materials. 2013;
- Kuech TF, Mawst LJ, Brown AS. Mixed semiconductor alloys for optical devices. Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering. 2013 Jan;4:187u2013209.
- Losurdo M, Brown AS, Bruno G. Real-time ellipsometry for probing charge-transfer processes at the nanoscale. In: Ellipsometry at the Nanoscale. 2013. p. 453u201391.
- Li B, Yi C, Brown A, Fischer MC, Warren WS. Homodyne near-degenerate four-wave-mixing microscopy for graphene imaging and biomedical applications. In: 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012. 2012.
- Ahmed MU, Brown AS, Wu PC. Point-of-Care Devices. In: Genomic and Personalized Medicine. 2012. p. 372u201380.
- Li B, Cheng Y, Liu J, Yi C, Brown AS, Yuan H, et al. Direct Optical Imaging of Graphene In Vitro by Nonlinear Femtosecond Laser Spectral Reshaping. Nano Letters. 2012 Nov 14;12(11):5936u201340.
- Yi C, Kim T-H, Jiao W, Yang Y, Lazarides A, Hingerl K, et al. Evidence of plasmonic coupling in gallium nanoparticles/graphene/SiC. Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2012 Sep;8(17):2721u201330.
- Cho E, Brown A, Kuech TF. Chemical characterization of DNA-immobilized InAs surfaces using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure. Langmuiru202f: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2012 Aug;28(32):11890u20138.
- Bianco GV, Giangregorio MM, Capezzuto P, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Brown AS, et al. Plasma-plasmonics synergy in the Ga-catalyzed growth of Si-nanowires. Materials Science and Engineering: B. 2012 Jun 5;177(10):700u20134.
- Kim TH, Losurdo M, Choi S, Yoon I, Bruno G, Brown A. Real-time studies of In-adlayer during PAMBE of InGaN/GaN MQWs. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2012 Mar 1;9(3u20134):1036u20139.
- Dedigama A, Angelo M, Torrione P, Kim TH, Wolter S, Lampert W, et al. Hemin-functionalized InAs-based high sensitivity room temperature NO gas sensors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012 Jan 12;116(1):826u201333.
- Li B, Yi C, Brown A, Fischer MC, Warren WS. Homodyne near-degenerate four-wave-mixing microscopy for graphene imaging and biomedical applications. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2012. 2012.
- McKay KS, Lu FP, Kim J, Yi C, Brown AS, Hawkins AR. Erratum: Band discontinuity measurements of the wafer bonded InGaAs/Si heterojunction (Applied Physics Letters (2007) 90 (222111)). Applied Physics Letters. 2012;100(12).
- Losurdo M, Wu PC, Kim T-H, Bruno G, Brown AS. Cysteamine-based functionalization of InAs surfaces: revealing the critical role of oxide interactions in biasing attachment. Langmuiru202f: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2012 Jan;28(2):1235u201345.
- Cho EK, Wu P, Ahmed M, Brown A, Kuech TF. Characterization of immobilized DNA on sulfur-passivated InAs surfaces. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2011 Dec 1;1301:259u201365.
- Albella P, Garcia-Cueto B, Gonzu00e1lez F, Moreno F, Wu PC, Kim T-H, et al. Shape matters: plasmonic nanoparticle shape enhances interaction with dielectric substrate. Nano letters. 2011 Sep;11(9):3531u20137.
- Wu PC, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Garcia-Cueto B, Moreno F, Bruno G, et al. Ga-Mg Core-shell nanosystem for a novel full color plasmonics. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2011 Jul 21;115(28):13571u20136.
- Ruffin PB, Brantley CL, Edwards E, Roberts JK, Chew W, Warren LC, et al. Nanotechnology research and development for military and industrial applications. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2011 May 23;7980.
- Wu PC, Kim T-H, Suvorova A, Giangregorio M, Saunders M, Bruno G, et al. GaMg alloy nanoparticles for broadly tunable plasmonics. Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 2011 Mar;7(6):751u20136.
- Bruno G, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Brown A. Adsorption and desorption kinetics of Ga on GaN(0001): Application of Wolkenstein theory. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2010 Aug 26;82(7).
- Wu PC, Khoury CG, Kim T-H, Yang Y, Losurdo M, Bianco GV, et al. Demonstration of surface-enhanced Raman scattering by tunable, plasmonic gallium nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2009 Sep;131(34):12032u20133.
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Lisco F, Capezzuto P, Bruno G, Wolter SD, et al. InAs(100) surfaces cleaning by an As-Free low-temperature 100u00b0C treatment. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2009 Mar 4;156(4).
- Choi S, Kim TH, Wu P, Brown A, Everitt HO, Losurdo M, et al. Band bending and adsorption/desorption kinetics on N-polar GaN surfaces. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2009 Feb 17;27(1):107u201312.
- Di Franco C, Elia A, Spagnolo V, Scamarcio G, Lugaru00e0 PM, Ieva E, et al. Optical and Electronic NO(x) Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 2009 Jan;9(5):3337u201356.
- Wu PC, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Giangregorio M, Bruno G, Everitt HO, et al. Plasmonic Gallium Nanoparticles on Polar Semiconductors: Interplay between Nanoparticle Wetting, Localized Surface Plasmon Dynamics, and Interface Charge. Langmuir. 2009 Jan;25(2):924u201330.
- Losurdo M, Wolter SD, Giangregorio MM, Lisco F, Angelo M, Lampert WV, et al. Interplay between surface chemistry and optical behavior of semiconductor-biomolecule functionalized sensing systems: An optical investigation by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2008 Dec 1;1133:19u201324.
- Huang S, Huang PF, Feng ZC, Brown A, Lu W. Optical and material characteristics of InAs/GaAs quantum dots. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2008 Nov 21;7039.
- Garcia MA, Losurdo M, Wolter SD, Lampert WV, Bonaventura J, Bruno G, et al. Comparison of functionalized III-V semiconductor response for nitric oxide. Sensor Letters. 2008 Aug 1;6(4):627u201334.
- Choi S, Kim TH, Wolter S, Brown A, Everitt HO, Losurdo M, et al. Indium adlayer kinetics on the gallium nitride (0001) surface: Monitoring indium segregation and precursor-mediated adsorption. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2008 Mar 20;77(11).
- Pettinari G, Masia F, Capizzi M, Polimeni A, Losurdo M, Bruno G, et al. Experimental evidence of different hydrogen donors in n -type InN. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2008 Mar 11;77(12).
- Wu PC, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Bruno G, Brown AS, Everitt HO. Novel, real-time measurement of plasmon resonance - tailoring nanoparticle geometry optically. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008 Jan 1;
- Wu PC, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Bruno G, Brown AS, Everitt HO. Novel, real-time measurement of plasmon resonance - tailoring nanoparticle geometry optically. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008.
- Wu PC, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Bruno G, Brown AS, Everitt HO. Novel, real-time measurement of plasmon resonance - tailoring nanoparticle geometry optically. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008 Jan 1;
- Wu B, Wheeler D, Yi C, Yoon I, Jha S, Brown A, et al. InAs growth on submicron (100) SOI islands for InAs-Si composite channel MOSFETs. 2007 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, ISDRS. 2007 Dec 1;
- Garcia MA, Losurdo M, Wolter SD, Kim TH, Lampert WV, Bonaventura J, et al. Functionalization and characterization of InAs and InP surfaces with hemin. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2007 Aug 7;25(4):1504u201310.
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Bruno G, Kim TH, Choi S, Brown AS, et al. Behavior of hydrogen in InN investigated in real time exploiting spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied Physics Letters. 2007 Aug;91(8).
- Losurdo M, Kim TH, Choi S, Wu P, Giangregorio MM, Bruno G, et al. Real time optical monitoring of molecular beam epitaxy of InN on SiC substrates. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2007 Jun 11;25(3):1014u20138.
- Choi S, Kim TH, Everitt HO, Brown A, Losurdo M, Bruno G, et al. Kinetics of gallium adlayer adsorption/desorption on polar and nonpolar GaN surfaces. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2007 Jun 11;25(3):969u201373.
- Zhang W, Yi C, Brown A. Impact of arsenic species (As2 As4) on the relaxation and morphology of step-graded in Asx P1-x on InP substrates. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2007 Jun 11;25(3):960u20133.
- Uhlrich J, Garcia M, Wolter S, Brown AS, Kuech TF. Interfacial chemistry and energy band line-up of pentacene with the GaN (0 0 0 1) surface. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2007 Mar 1;300(1):204u201311.
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Bruno G, Kim TH, Wu P, Choi S, et al. Characteristics of InN grown on SiC under the In-rich regime by molecular beam heteroepitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2007 Jan 15;90(1).
- McKay KS, Lu FP, Kim J, Yi C, Brown AS, Hawkins AR. Band discontinuity measurements of the wafer bonded InGaAsSi heterojunction. Applied Physics Letters. 2007;90(22).
- Wu PC, Kim T-H, Brown AS, Losurdo M, Bruno G, Everitt HO. Real-time plasmon resonance tuning of liquid Ga nanoparticles by in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied Physics Letters. 2007;90(10):103119.
- Huettel LG, Brown AS, Coonley KD, Gustafson MR, Kim J, Ybarra GA, et al. Fundamentals of ECE: A rigorous, integrated introduction to electrical and computer engineering. IEEE Transactions on Education. 2007;50(3):174u201381.
- Wu PC, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Choi O, Bruno G, Brown AS. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry to monitor surface plasmon resonant group-III metals deposited by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2007;25(3):1019u201323.
- Yoon I, Yi C, Kirn T, Brown AS, Seabaugh A. Effect of surface pretreatment and substrate orientation on the characteristics of InAs quantum dots on Si and SiO2 substrates. Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2007;25(3):945u20137.
- Brown A, Ybarra G, Massoud H, Board J, Holmes J, Coonley K, et al. Redesign of the core curriculum at Duke University. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2006.
- Huettel L, Brown A, Collins L, Coonley K, Gustafson M, Kim J, et al. A novel introductory course for teaching the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2006.
- Choi S, Kim TH, Brown A, Everitt HO, Losurdo M, Bruno G, et al. Kinetics of gallium adsorption and desorption on (0001) gallium nitride surfaces. Applied Physics Letters. 2006 Nov 13;89(18).
- Morse M, Wu P, Choi S, Kim TH, Brown AS, Losurdo M, et al. Structural and optical characterization of GaN heteroepitaxial films on SiC substrates. Applied Surface Science. 2006 Oct;253(1):232u20135.
- Bruno G, Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Capezzuto P, Brown AS, Kim TH, et al. Real time ellipsometry for monitoring plasma-assisted epitaxial growth of GaN. Applied Surface Science. 2006 Oct;253(1):219u201323.
- Kim TH, Choi S, Wu P, Brown A, Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, et al. Real time spectroscopic ellipsometry investigation of homoepitaxial GaN grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2006 Jul 31;3:1583u20136.
- Triplett GE, Brown AS, May GS. Strain monitoring in InAs-Al
x Ga1-x ASy Sb1-y structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2006 Jul 28;89(3). - Losurdo M, Capezzuto P, Bruno G, Brown AS, Brown T, May G. Fundamental reactions controlling anion exchange during mixed anion heterojunction formation: Chemistry of As-for-Sb and Sb-for-As exchange reactions. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Jul 26;100(1).
- Triplett GE, Brown AS, May GS. Strain monitoring in InAs-AlxGa1-xAsySb1-y structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2006 Jul;89(3):345u20139.
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Bruno G, Kim TH, Wu P, Choi S, et al. Modification of InN properties by interactions with hydrogen and nitrogen. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2006 May 15;892:155u201360.
- Brown AS, Losurdo M, Capezzuto P, Bruno G, Brown T, May G. Fundamental reactions controlling anion exchange during mixed anion heterojunction formation: Chemistry and kinetics of P-for-As exchange reaction. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 May 1;99(9).
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Bruno G, Kim TH, Choi S, Brown A. Buffer free MOCVD growth of GaN on 4H-SiC: Effect of substrate treatments and UV-photoirradiation. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. 2006 May 1;203(7):1607u201311.
- Losurdo M, Bruno G, Kim TH, Choi S, Brown A. Study of the dielectric function of hexagonal InN: Impact of indium clusters and of native oxide. Applied Physics Letters. 2006 Mar 20;88(12).
- Triplett GE, Brown AS, May GS. Interrelationships in the electronic and structural characteristics of strained InAs quantum well structures. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2006 Jan 15;286(2):345u20139.
- Bruno G, Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Capezzuto P, Brown AS, Kim T-H, et al. Real time ellipsometry for monitoring plasma-assisted epitaxial growth of GaN. Applied Surface Science. 2006;253(1 SPEC ISS):219u201323.
- Garcia MA, Wolter SD, Kim T-H, Choi S, Baier J, Brown A, et al. Surface oxide relationships to band bending in GaN. Appl Phys Lett (USA). 2006;88(1).
- Brown A, Ybarra G, Massoud H, Board J, Holmes J, Coonley K, et al. Redesign of the core curriculum at Duke University. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2006.
- Huettel L, Brown A, Collins L, Coonley K, Gustafson M, Kim J, et al. A novel introductory course for teaching the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2006.
- Brown AS, Kim T-H, Choi S, Wu P, Morse M, Losurdo M, et al. Growth of InN on 6H-SiC by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 2006;3:1531u20135.
- Kim T-H, Choi S, Brown AS, Losurdo M, Bruno G. Impact of 4H- And 6H-SiC(0001) nitridation on Ga wetting layer development and GaN growth by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. 2006;89(2):021916.
- Morse M, Wu P, Choi S, Kim TH, Brown AS, Losurdo M, et al. Structural and optical characterization of GaN heteroepitaxial films on SiC substrates. Applied Surface Science. 2006;253(1 SPEC ISS):232u20135.
- Yi C, Kim T-H, Brown AS. InAs-based p-n homojunction diodes: Doping effects and impact of doping on device parameters. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2006;35(9):1712u20134.
- Kim TH, Choi S, Morse M, Wu P, Yi C, Brown A, et al. Impact of unintentional and intentional nitridation of the 6H-SiC(0001)Si substrate on GaN epitaxy. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2005 Dec 1;23(3):1181u20135.
- Losurdo M, Bruno G, Kim TH, Choi S, Brown A, Moto A. Nucleation and growth mode of the molecular beam epitaxy of GaN on 4H-SiC exploiting real time spectroscopic ellipsometry. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2005 Oct 15;284(1u20132):156u201365.
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Capezzuto P, Bruno G, Kim TH, Choi S, et al. Remote plasma assisted MOCVD growth of GaN on 4H-SiC: Growth mode characterization exploiting ellipsometry. EPJ Applied Physics. 2005 Sep 1;31(3):159u201364.
- Seo SW, Cho SY, Huang S, Jokerst NM, Brown AS. Pulse response tuning of high speed InGaAs thin film MSM photodetector using external RCL loads. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2005 Jul 21;5726:52u201360.
- Losurdo M, Capezzuto P, Bruno G, Brown A, Kim TH, Yi C, et al. Interfacial reactions during GaN and AiN epitaxy on 4H- and 6H-SiC(0001). Applied Physics Letters. 2005 Jan 10;86(2).
- Brown AS, Losurdo M, Kim TH, Giangregorio MM, Choi S, Morse M, et al. The impact of SiC substrate treatment on the heteroepitaxial growth of GaN by plasma assisted MBE. Crystal Research and Technology. 2005;40(10u201311):997u20131002.
- Losurdo M, Giangregorio MM, Capezzuto P, Bruno G, Brown AS, Kim T-H, et al. Modification of 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC(0001)Si surfaces through the interaction with atomic hydrogen and nitrogen. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2005;34(4):457u201365.
- Collins LM, Huettel LG, Brown AS, Ybarra GA, Holmes JS, Board JA, et al. Theme-based redesign of the duke university ECE curriculum: The first steps. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2005. p. 14313u201326.
- Brown AS. Flat, cheap, and under control [electrochemical mechanical planarization]. IEEE Spectr (USA). 2005;42(1):40u20135.
- Huettel L, Brown A, Gustafson M, Massoud H, Ybarra G, Collins L. Work in progress: Theme-based redesign of an electrical and computer engineering curriculum. In: Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. 2004.
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- Lee KK, Doolittle WA, Kim TH, Brown AS, May GS, Stock SR, et al. A comparative study of surface reconstruction of wurtzite GaN on (0 0 0 1) sapphire by RF plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2001 Sep 1;231(1u20132):8u201316.
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- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Laskar J, Wills DS, Brown AS, Vendier O, et al. Smart photonics: Optoelectronics integrated with Si CMOS VLSI circuits. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2000 Dec 1;4109:241u201351.
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