Christopher Monroe
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gilhuly Family Presidential Distinguished Professor

Research Themes
Quantum Computing
Research Interests
quantum physics, applications in quantum information science
- B.Sc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987
- Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 1992
- Gilhuly Family Presidential Distinguished Professor
- Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Director of the Duke Quantum Center
- Professor of Physics
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Elected Member. National Academy of Sciences. 2016
Courses Taught
- PHYSICS 89S: First-Year Seminar
- PHYSICS 791: Special Readings
- PHYSICS 493: Research Independent Study
- ECE 494: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 493: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 270L9: Fields and Waves: Fundamentals of Information Propagation (Lab)
- ECE 270DL: Fields and Waves: Fundamentals of Information Propagation
- Ou2019Reilly J, Toh G, Goetting I, Saha S, Shalaev M, Carter AL, et al. Fast Photon-Mediated Entanglement of Continuously Cooled Trapped Ions for Quantum Networking. Physical review letters. 2024 Aug;133(9):090802.
- Carter AL, Ou2019Reilly J, Toh G, Saha S, Shalaev M, Goetting I, et al. Ion trap with in-vacuum high numerical aperture imaging for a dual-species modular quantum computer. The Review of scientific instruments. 2024 Mar;95(3):033201.
- Lewis L, Zhu D, Gheorghiu A, Noel C, Katz O, Harraz B, et al. Experimental implementation of an efficient test of quantumness. Physical Review A. 2024 Jan 1;109(1).
- Niroula P, White CD, Wang Q, Johri S, Zhu D, Monroe C, et al. Phase transition in magic with random quantum circuits. Nature physics. 2024 Jan;20(11).
- Zhu D, Kahanamoku-Meyer GD, Lewis L, Noel C, Katz O, Harraz B, et al. Interactive cryptographic proofs of quantumness using mid-circuit measurements. Nature Physics. 2023 Nov 1;19(11):1725u201331.
- Feng L, Katz O, Haack C, Maghrebi M, Gorshkov AV, Gong Z, et al. Continuous symmetry breaking in a trapped-ion spin chain. Nature. 2023 Nov;623(7988):713u20137.
- Seetharam K, Biswas D, Noel C, Risinger A, Zhu D, Katz O, et al. Digital quantum simulation of NMR experiments. Science advances. 2023 Nov;9(46):eadh2594.
- Katz O, Feng L, Risinger A, Monroe C, Cetina M. Demonstration of three- and four-body interactions between trapped-ion spins. Nature Physics. 2023 Oct 1;19(10):1452u20138.
- Katz O, Monroe C. Programmable Quantum Simulations of Bosonic Systems with Trapped Ions. Physical review letters. 2023 Jul;131(3):033604.
- Zaletel MP, Lukin M, Monroe C, Nayak C, Wilczek F, Yao NY. Colloquium: Quantum and classical discrete time crystals. Reviews of Modern Physics. 2023 Jul 1;95(3).
- Katz O, Cetina M, Monroe C. Programmable N -Body Interactions with Trapped Ions. PRX Quantum. 2023 Jul 1;4(3).
- Bauer CW, Davoudi Z, Balantekin AB, Bhattacharya T, Carena M, De Jong WA, et al. Quantum Simulation for High-Energy Physics. PRX Quantum. 2023 Apr 1;4(2).
- Toh G, Ou2019Reilly J, Saha S, Shalaev M, Goetting I, Li T, et al. Progress towards a three-node ion-trap quantum network. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2023.
- Morong W, Collins KS, De A, Stavropoulos E, You T, Monroe C. Engineering Dynamically Decoupled Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions. PRX Quantum. 2023 Jan 1;4(1).
- Kozhanov A, Yu Y, Zhukas L, Feng L, Biswas D, Harraz B, et al. Next-generation trapped-ion quantum computing system. In: Quantum 20: Proceedings Optica Quantum 20 Conference and Exhibition. 2023.
- Zhu D, Cian ZP, Noel C, Risinger A, Biswas D, Egan L, et al. Cross-platform comparison of arbitrary quantum states. Nature communications. 2022 Nov;13(1):6620.
- Katz O, Cetina M, Monroe C. N-Body Interactions between Trapped Ion Qubits via Spin-Dependent Squeezing. Physical review letters. 2022 Aug;129(6):063603.
- Schuster T, Kobrin B, Gao P, Cong I, Khabiboulline ET, Linke NM, et al. Many-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol. Physical Review X. 2022 Jul 1;12(3).
- Noel C, Niroula P, Zhu D, Risinger A, Egan L, Biswas D, et al. Measurement-induced quantum phases realized in a trapped-ion quantum computer. Nature Physics. 2022 Jul 1;18(7):760u20134.
- Cetina M, Egan LN, Noel C, Goldman ML, Biswas D, Risinger AR, et al. Control of Transverse Motion for Quantum Gates on Individually Addressed Atomic Qubits. PRX Quantum. 2022 Mar 1;3(1).
- Morong W, Liu F, Becker P, Collins KS, Feng L, Kyprianidis A, et al. Publisher Correction: Observation of Stark many-body localization without disorder. Nature. 2022 Jan;601(7893):E13.
- Debroy DM, Egan L, Noel C, Risinger A, Zhu D, Biswas D, et al. Optimizing Stabilizer Parities for Improved Logical Qubit Memories. Physical review letters. 2021 Dec;127(24):240501.
- Singh S, Alderete CH, Balu R, Monroe C, Linke NM, Chandrashekar CM. Quantum circuits for the realization of equivalent forms of one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks on near-term quantum hardware. Physical Review A. 2021 Dec 1;104(6).
- Morong W, Liu F, Becker P, Collins KS, Feng L, Kyprianidis A, et al. Observation of Stark many-body localization without disorder. Nature. 2021 Nov;599(7885):393u20138.
- Egan L, Debroy DM, Noel C, Risinger A, Zhu D, Biswas D, et al. Fault-tolerant control of an error-corrected qubit. Nature. 2021 Oct;598(7880):281u20136.
- Blinov S, Wu B, Monroe C. Comparison of cloud-based ion trap and superconducting quantum computer architectures. AVS Quantum Science. 2021 Sep 1;3(3).
- Pagano G, Bapat A, Becker P, Collins KS, De A, Hess PW, et al. Erratum: Quantum approximate optimization of the long-range Ising model with a trapped-ion quantum simulator (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2020) 117 (25396-25401) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2006373117). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021 Aug 24;118(34).
- Francis A, Zhu D, Huerta Alderete C, Johri S, Xiao X, Freericks JK, et al. Many-body thermodynamics on quantum computers via partition function zeros. Science advances. 2021 Aug;7(34):eabf2447.
- Kyprianidis A, Machado F, Morong W, Becker P, Collins KS, Else DV, et al. Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal. Science (New York, NY). 2021 Jun;372(6547):1192u20136.
- Tan WL, Becker P, Liu F, Pagano G, Collins KS, De A, et al. Domain-wall confinement and dynamics in a quantum simulator. Nature Physics. 2021 Jun 1;17(6):742u20137.
- Monroe C, Campbell WC, Duan LM, Gong ZX, Gorshkov AV, Hess PW, et al. Programmable quantum simulations of spin systems with trapped ions. Reviews of Modern Physics. 2021 Apr 7;93(2).
- Zhu D, Johri S, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH, Landsman KA, Linke NM, et al. Probing many-body localization on a noisy quantum computer. Physical Review A. 2021 Mar 1;103(3).
- Altman E, Brown KR, Carleo G, Carr LD, Demler E, Chin C, et al. Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities. PRX Quantum. 2021 Jan 1;2(1).
- Alexeev Y, Bacon D, Brown KR, Calderbank R, Carr LD, Chong FT, et al. Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery. PRX Quantum. 2021 Jan 1;2(1).
- Awschalom D, Berggren KK, Bernien H, Bhave S, Carr LD, Davids P, et al. Development of Quantum Interconnects (QuICs) for Next-Generation Information Technologies. PRX Quantum. 2021 Jan 1;2(1).
- Wang Q, Li M, Monroe C, Nam Y. Resource-optimized fermionic local-hamiltonian simulation on a quantum computer for quantum chemistry. Quantum. 2021 Jan 1;5.
- Sosnova K, Carter A, Monroe C. Character of motional modes for entanglement and sympathetic cooling of mixed-species trapped-ion chains. Physical Review A. 2021 Jan 1;103(1).
- Diaz N, Juarez M, Cancrini C, Heeg M, Soler-Palacu00edn P, Payne A, et al. Seletalisib for Activated PI3Ku03b4 Syndromes: Open-Label Phase 1b and Extension Studies. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Mdu202f: 1950). 2020 Dec;205(11):2979u201387.
- Nam Y, Chen JS, Pisenti NC, Wright K, Delaney C, Maslov D, et al. Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped-ion quantum computer. npj Quantum Information. 2020 Dec 1;6(1).
- Pagano G, Bapat A, Becker P, Collins KS, De A, Hess PW, et al. Quantum approximate optimization of the long-range Ising model with a trapped-ion quantum simulator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Oct;117(41):25396u2013401.
- Zhu D, Johri S, Linke NM, Landsman KA, Huerta Alderete C, Nguyen NH, et al. Generation of thermofield double states and critical ground states with a quantum computer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Oct;117(41):25402u20136.
- Kaplan HB, Guo L, Tan WL, De A, Marquardt F, Pagano G, et al. Many-Body Dephasing in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator. Physical review letters. 2020 Sep;125(12):120605.
- Feng L, Tan WL, De A, Menon A, Chu A, Pagano G, et al. Efficient Ground-State Cooling of Large Trapped-Ion Chains with an Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Tripod Scheme. Physical review letters. 2020 Jul;125(5):053001.
- Huerta Alderete C, Singh S, Nguyen NH, Zhu D, Balu R, Monroe C, et al. Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer. Nature communications. 2020 Jul;11(1):3720.
- Monroe C. Quantum computing: how conditions created by the COVID-19 shutdown are delivering 'the best data we have ever seen'. Nature. 2020 Jul;583(7814):10.
- Davoudi Z, Hafezi M, Monroe C, Pagano G, Seif A, Shaw A. Towards analog quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories with trapped ions. Physical Review Research. 2020 Apr 8;2(2).
- Else DV, Monroe C, Nayak C, Yao NY. Discrete Time Crystals. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics. 2020 Mar 10;11:467u201399.
- Shehab O, Landsman K, Nam Y, Zhu D, Linke NM, Keesan M, et al. Toward convergence of effective-field-theory simulations on digital quantum computers. Physical Review A. 2019 Dec 16;100(6).
- Wright K, Beck KM, Debnath S, Amini JM, Nam Y, Grzesiak N, et al. Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer. Nature communications. 2019 Nov;10(1):5464.
- Qian K, Eldredge Z, Ge W, Pagano G, Monroe C, Porto JV, et al. Heisenberg-scaling measurement protocol for analytic functions with quantum sensor networks. Physical Review A. 2019 Oct 7;100(4).
- Zhu D, Linke NM, Benedetti M, Landsman KA, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH, et al. Training of quantum circuits on a hybrid quantum computer. Science advances. 2019 Oct;5(10):eaaw9918.
- Crocker C, Lichtman M, Sosnova K, Carter A, Scarano S, Monroe C. High purity single photons entangled with an atomic qubit. Optics express. 2019 Sep;27(20):28143u20139.
- Landsman KA, Wu Y, Leung PH, Zhu D, Linke NM, Brown KR, et al. Two-qubit entangling gates within arbitrarily long chains of trapped ions. Physical Review A. 2019 Aug 26;100(2).
- Malinovsky VS, Santra S, Jiang L, Monroe C. Entanglement as a resource for quantum networking. In: Proceedings Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, CQO 2019. 2019.
- Figgatt C, Ostrander A, Linke NM, Landsman KA, Zhu D, Maslov D, et al. Parallel entangling operations on a universal ion-trap quantum computer. Nature. 2019 Aug;572(7769):368u201372.
- Santra S, Muralidharan S, Lichtman M, Jiang L, Monroe C, Malinovsky VS. Quantum repeaters based on two species trapped ions. New Journal of Physics. 2019 Jul 1;21(7).
- Monroe C, Raymer MG, Taylor J. The U.S. National Quantum Initiative: From Act to action. Science (New York, NY). 2019 May;364(6439):440u20132.
- Liu F, Lundgren R, Titum P, Pagano G, Zhang J, Monroe C, et al. Confined Quasiparticle Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains. Physical review letters. 2019 Apr;122(15):150601.
- Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Schuster T, Linke NM, Yoshida B, Yao NY, et al. Verified quantum information scrambling. Nature. 2019 Mar;567(7746):61u20135.
- Raymer MG, Monroe C. The US National Quantum Initiative. Quantum Science and Technology. 2019 Feb 22;4(2).
- Pagano G, Becker P, Carter A, Cetina M, Collins K, Crocker C, et al. Quantum computing and simulation with trapped atomic ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2019.
- Pagano G, Hess PW, Kaplan HB, Tan WL, Richerme P, Becker P, et al. Cryogenic trapped-ion system for large scale quantum simulation. Quantum Science and Technology. 2019 Jan 1;4(1).
- Malinovsky VS, Santra S, Muralidharan S, Jiang L, Monroe C. Quantum repeaters based on two species trapped ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2019.
- Malinovsky VS, Santra S, Jiang L, Monroe C. Entanglement as a resource for quantum networking. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2019.
- Linke NM, Johri S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Matsuura AY, Monroe C. Measuring the Ru00e9nyi entropy of a two-site Fermi-Hubbard model on a trapped ion quantum computer. Physical Review A. 2018 Nov 26;98(5).
- Muralidharan S, Santra S, Jiang L, Monroe C, Malinovsky VS. Quantum Repeaters Based on Two-Species Trapped Ions. In: IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2018. 2018. p. 109.
- Seif A, Landsman KA, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Monroe C, Hafezi M. Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2018 Aug 17;51(17).
- Solmeyer N, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Balu R, Siopsis G, et al. Demonstration of a Bayesian quantum game on an ion-trap quantum computer. Quantum Science and Technology. 2018 Jul 10;3(4).
- Debnath S, Linke NM, Wang S-T, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Duan L-M, et al. Observation of Hopping and Blockade of Bosons in a Trapped Ion Spin Chain. Physical review letters. 2018 Feb;120(7):073001.
- Leung PH, Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Linke NM, Monroe C, Brown KR. Robust 2-Qubit Gates in a Linear Ion Crystal Using a Frequency-Modulated Driving Force. Physical review letters. 2018 Jan;120(2):020501.
- Sosnova K, Crocker C, Lichtman M, Carter A, Scarano S, Monroe C. Trapped ion single-photon emitter for quantum networking. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2018.
- Figgatt C, Maslov D, Landsman KA, Linke NM, Debnath S, Monroe C. Complete 3-Qubit Grover search on a programmable quantum computer. Nature communications. 2017 Dec;8(1):1918.
- Wong-Campos JD, Moses SA, Johnson KG, Monroe C. Demonstration of Two-Atom Entanglement with Ultrafast Optical Pulses. Physical review letters. 2017 Dec;119(23):230501.
- Hess PW, Becker P, Kaplan HB, Kyprianidis A, Lee AC, Neyenhuis B, et al. Non-thermalization in trapped atomic ion spin chains. Philosophical transactions Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2017 Dec;375(2108):20170107.
- Allen S, Kim J, Moehring DL, Monroe CR. Reconfigurable and programmable ion trap quantum computer. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2017 - Proceedings. 2017. p. 1u20133.
- Zhang J, Pagano G, Hess PW, Kyprianidis A, Becker P, Kaplan H, et al. Observation of a many-body dynamical phase transition with a 53-qubit quantum simulator. Nature. 2017 Nov;551(7682):601u20134.
- Linke NM, Gutierrez M, Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Debnath S, Brown KR, et al. Fault-tolerant quantum error detection. Science advances. 2017 Oct;3(10):e1701074.
- Johnson KG, Wong-Campos JD, Neyenhuis B, Mizrahi J, Monroe C. Ultrafast creation of large Schru00f6dinger cat states of an atom. Nature communications. 2017 Sep;8(1):697.
- Neyenhuis B, Zhang J, Hess PW, Smith J, Lee AC, Richerme P, et al. Observation of prethermalization in long-range interacting spin chains. Science advances. 2017 Aug;3(8):e1700672.
- Inlek IV, Crocker C, Lichtman M, Sosnova K, Monroe C. Multispecies Trapped-Ion Node for Quantum Networking. Physical review letters. 2017 Jun;118(25):250502.
- Zhang J, Hess PW, Kyprianidis A, Becker P, Lee A, Smith J, et al. Observation of a discrete time crystal. Nature. 2017 Mar;543(7644):217u201320.
- Linke NM, Maslov D, Roetteler M, Debnath S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, et al. Experimental comparison of two quantum computing architectures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Mar;114(13):3305u201310.
- Inlek V, Vittorini G, Hucul D, Crocker C, Monroe C. Entanglement of quantum memories by interfering distinguishable photons. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Richerme P, Hess PW, Lee A, Neyenhuis B, Smith J, Zhang J, et al. Interacting many-body spin systems that fail to quantum thermalize. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Linke NM, Maslov D, Roetteler M, Debnath S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, et al. Comparing the architectures of the first programmable quantum computers. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Lee AC, Smith J, Richerme P, Neyenhuis B, Hess PW, Zhang J, et al. Engineering large Stark shifts for control of individual clock state qubits. Physical Review A. 2016 Oct 7;94(4).
- Smith J, Lee A, Richerme P, Neyenhuis B, Hess PW, Hauke P, et al. Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder. Nature Physics. 2016 Oct 1;12(10):907u201311.
- Wong-Campos JD, Johnson KG, Neyenhuis B, Mizrahi J, Monroe C. High-resolution adaptive imaging of a single atom. Nature Photonics. 2016 Aug 31;10(9):606u201310.
- Debnath S, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Wright K, Monroe C. Demonstration of a small programmable quantum computer with atomic qubits. Nature. 2016 Aug;536(7614):63u20136.
- Gong ZX, Maghrebi MF, Hu A, Foss-Feig M, Richerme P, Monroe C, et al. Kaleidoscope of quantum phases in a long-range interacting spin-1 chain. Physical Review B. 2016 May 11;93(20).
- Johnson KG, Wong-Campos JD, Restelli A, Landsman KA, Neyenhuis B, Mizrahi J, et al. Active stabilization of ion trap radiofrequency potentials. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2016 May 1;87(5).
- Monroe CR, Schoelkopf RJ, Lukin MD. Quantum Connections. Scientific American. 2016 Apr 19;314(5):50u20137.
- McCulley TJ, Chang JR, Monroe CR. What Do We Really Know About Translaminar Pressure?: Response. Journal of neuro-ophthalmologyu202f: the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. 2016 Mar;36(1):113.
- Brown KR, Kim J, Monroe C. Co-designing a scalable quantum computer with trapped atomic ions. npj Quantum Information. 2016 Jan 1;2(1).
- Johnson KG, Neyenhuis B, Mizrahi J, Wong-Campos JD, Monroe C. Sensing Atomic Motion from the Zero Point to Room Temperature with Ultrafast Atom Interferometry. Physical Review Letters. 2015 Nov 16;115(21).
- Cohen I, Richerme P, Gong ZX, Monroe C, Retzker A. Simulating the Haldane phase in trapped-ion spins using optical fields. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2015 Jul 30;92(1).
- Hucul D, Inlek IV, Vittorini G, Crocker C, Debnath S, Clark SM, et al. Modular entanglement of atomic qubits using photons and phonons. Nature Physics. 2015 Jan 11;11(1):37u201342.
- Senko C, Richerme P, Smith J, Lee A, Cohen I, Retzker A, et al. Realization of a quantum integer-spin chain with controllable interactions. Physical Review X. 2015 Jan 1;5(2).
- Inlek IV, Vittorini G, Hucul D, Crocker C, Monroe C. Quantum gates with phase stability over space and time. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2014 Oct 14;90(4).
- Vittorini G, Hucul D, Inlek IV, Crocker C, Monroe C. Entanglement of distinguishable quantum memories. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2014 Oct 10;90(4).
- Islam R, Campbell WC, Choi T, Clark SM, Conover CWS, Debnath S, et al. Beat note stabilization of mode-locked lasers for quantum information processing. Optics Letters. 2014 Jun 1;39(11):3238u201341.
- Choi T, Debnath S, Manning TA, Figgatt C, Gong ZX, Duan LM, et al. Optimal quantum control of multimode couplings between trapped ion qubits for scalable entanglement. Physical Review Letters. 2014 May 14;112(19).
- Monroe C, Raussendorf R, Ruthven A, Brown KR, Maunz P, Duan LM, et al. Large-scale modular quantum-computer architecture with atomic memory and photonic interconnects. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2014 Feb 13;89(2).
- Richerme P, Gong ZX, Lee A, Senko C, Smith J, Foss-Feig M, et al. Non-local propagation of correlations in quantum systems with long-range interactions. Nature. 2014 Jan 1;511(7508):198u2013201.
- Senko C, Smith J, Richerme P, Lee A, Campbell WC, Monroe C. Coherent imaging spectroscopy of a quantum many-body spin system. Science. 2014 Jan 1;345(6195):430u20133.
- Mizrahi J, Neyenhuis B, Johnson KG, Campbell WC, Senko C, Hayes D, et al. Quantum control of qubits and atomic motion using ultrafast laser pulses. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2014 Jan 1;114(1u20132):45u201361.
- Richerme P, Senko C, Korenblit S, Smith J, Lee A, Islam R, et al. Quantum catalysis of magnetic phase transitions in a quantum simulator. Physical Review Letters. 2013 Sep 5;111(10).
- Schaetz T, Monroe CR, Esslinger T. Focus on quantum simulation. New Journal of Physics. 2013 Aug 1;15.
- Richerme P, Senko C, Smith J, Lee A, Korenblit S, Monroe C. Experimental performance of a quantum simulator: Optimizing adiabatic evolution and identifying many-body ground states. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2013 Jul 31;88(1).
- Mizrahi J, Senko C, Neyenhuis B, Johnson KG, Campbell WC, Conover CWS, et al. Ultrafast spin-motion entanglement and interferometry with a single atom. Physical Review Letters. 2013 May 13;110(20).
- Monroe C, Kim J. Scaling the Ion Trap Quantum Processor. SCIENCE. 2013;339(6124):1164u20139.
- Monroe C. Quantum networks with atoms, phonons, and photons. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013.
- Islam R, Senko C, Campbell WC, Korenblit S, Smith J, Lee A, et al. Emergence and frustration of magnetism with variable-range interactions in a quantum simulator. Science. 2013 Jan 1;340(6132):583u20137.
- Monroe C, Campbell W, Cao C, Choi T, Clark S, Debnath S, et al. Quantum networks with atoms and photons. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2013.
- Clark SM, Hayes D, Hucul D, Lee K, Inlek V, Monroe C. Trapped ions for testing foundations of quantum theory. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2012. p. 56u201360.
- Hayes D, Clark SM, Debnath S, Hucul D, Inlek IV, Lee KW, et al. Coherent error suppression in multiqubit entangling gates. Physical Review Letters. 2012 Jul 11;109(2).
- Sterk JD, Luo L, Manning TA, Maunz P, Monroe C. Photon collection from a trapped ion-cavity system. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2012 Jun 11;85(6).
- Korenblit S, Kafri D, Campbell WC, Islam R, Edwards EE, Gong ZX, et al. Quantum simulation of spin models on an arbitrary lattice with trapped ions. New Journal of Physics. 2012;14.
- Luo L, Manning TA, Sterk JD, Monroe C. A cavity QED-Ion trap system for a scalable quantum network. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2011.
- Kim K, Korenblit S, Islam R, Edwards EE, Chang MS, Noh C, et al. Quantum simulation of the transverse Ising model with trapped ions. New Journal of Physics. 2011 Oct 1;13.
- Olmschenk S, Pironio S, Acin A, Massar S, De La Giroday AB, Matsukevich DN, et al. Private random number generation through remote atom entanglement. In: 2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series. 2011. p. 31u20132.
- Islam R, Edwards EE, Kim K, Korenblit S, Noh C, Carmichael H, et al. Onset of a quantum phase transition with a trapped ion quantum simulator. Nature communications. 2011 Jul;2:377.
- Lin GD, Monroe C, Duan LM. Sharp phase transitions in a small frustrated network of trapped ion spins. Physical Review Letters. 2011 Jun 8;106(23).
- Clark SM, Hayes D, Hucul D, Lee K, Debnath S, Quraishi Q, et al. Ion-photon networks for scalable quantum computing. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2011.
- Luo L, Manning TA, Sterk JD, Monroe C. A cavity QED-ion trap system for a scalable quantum network. In: 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011. 2011.
- Campbell WC, Conover C, Hayes D, Hucul D, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, et al. Mode-locked laser driven gates for trapped ion quantum information processing. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, ICOLS 2011. 2011. p. 113u20138.
- Kim J, Maunz P, Kim T, Hussman J, Noek R, Mehta A, et al. Modular universal scalable ion-trap quantum computer (MUSIQC). AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011;1363:190u20133.
- Monroe C. Quantum optical networks with trapped ions. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010. 2010.
- Kim K, Chang MS, Islam R, Korenblit S, Duan LM, Monroe C. Erratum: Entanglement and tunable spin-spin couplings between trapped ions using multiple transverse modes(Physical Review Letters (2009) 103 (120502)). Physical Review Letters. 2010 Sep 3;105(10).
- Edwards EE, Korenblit S, Kim K, Islam R, Chang MS, Freericks JK, et al. Quantum simulation and phase diagram of the transverse-field Ising model with three atomic spins. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2010 Aug 27;82(6).
- Campbell WC, Mizrahi J, Quraishi Q, Senko C, Hayes D, Hucul D, et al. Ultrafast gates for single atomic qubits. Physical Review Letters. 2010 Aug 26;105(9).
- Kim K, Chang MS, Korenblit S, Islam R, Edwards EE, Freericks JK, et al. Quantum simulation of frustrated Ising spins with trapped ions. Nature. 2010 Jun 3;465(7298):590u20133.
- Duan LM, Monroe C. Colloquium: Quantum networks with trapped ions. Reviews of Modern Physics. 2010 Apr 28;82(2):1209u201324.
- Ladd TD, Jelezko F, Laflamme R, Nakamura Y, Monroe C, Ou2019Brien JL. Quantum computers. Nature. 2010 Apr 19;464(7285):45u201353.
- Pironio S, Acu00edn A, Massar S, De La Giroday AB, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, et al. Random numbers certified by Bellu011ds theorem. Nature. 2010 Apr 15;464(7291):1021u20134.
- Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Hucul D, Quraishi Q, Olmschenk S, et al. Entanglement of atomic qubits using an optical frequency comb. Physical Review Letters. 2010 Apr 5;104(14).
- Soderberg KAB, Monroe C. Phonon-mediated entanglement for trapped ion quantum computing. Reports on Progress in Physics. 2010 Mar 17;73(3).
- Monroe C. Quantum optical networks with trapped ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010.
- Monroe C. Quantum entanglement and information. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010.
- Olmschenk S, Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Moehring DL, Monroe C. Quantum logic between distant trapped ions. International Journal of Quantum Information. 2010 Jan 1;8(1u20132):337u201394.
- Waks E, Monroe C. Protocol for hybrid entanglement between a trapped atom and a quantum dot. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2009 Dec 30;80(6).
- Campbell WC, Quraishi Q, Mizrahi J, Monroe C. Trapped ion qubit operations with ultrashort pulses. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Lin GD, Zhu SL, Islam R, Kim K, Chang MS, Korenblit S, et al. Large-scale quantum computation in an anharmonic linear ion trap. EPL. 2009 Nov 20;86(6).
- Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Duan LM, Monroe C. A heralded quantum gate between remote atoms. In: 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009.
- Campbell WC, Quraishi Q, Mizrahi J, Monroe C. Trapped ion qubit operations with ultrashort pulses. In: 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009.
- Kim K, Chang MS, Korenblit S, Islam K, Monroe C. High fidelity quantum entanglement and spin-spin dynamics using multiple phonon modes of several trapped ions. In: 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009.
- Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Duan LM, Monroe C. Teleportation of quantum information between distant atomic qubits. In: 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009.
- Luo L, Hayes D, Manning TA, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Olmschenk S, et al. Protocols and techniques for a scalable atom-photon quantum network. Fortschritte der Physik. 2009 Nov 1;57(11u201312):1133u201352.
- Leibrandt DR, Labaziewicz J, Clark RJ, Chuang IL, Epstein RJ, Ospelkaus C, et al. Demonstration of a scalable, multiplexed ion trap for quantum information processing. Quantum Information and Computation. 2009 Nov 1;9(11u201312):0901u201319.
- Kim K, Chang MS, Islam R, Korenblit S, Duan LM, Monroe C. Entanglement and Tunable Spin-Spin Couplings between Trapped Ions Using Multiple Transverse Modes. Physical Review Letters. 2009 Sep 16;103(12).
- Hayes D, Olmschenk S, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Moehring DL, Younge KC, et al. Measurement of the lifetime of the 6p P2 1/2 o level of Yb+. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2009 Aug 10;80(2).
- Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Duan LM, Monroe C. Heralded quantum gate between remote quantum memories. Physical Review Letters. 2009 Jun 25;102(25).
- Olmschenk S, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Hayes D, Duan LM, Monroe C. Quantum teleportation between distant matter qubits. Science. 2009 Jan 23;323(5913):486u20139.
- Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Duan LM, Monroe C. A heralded quantum gate between remote atoms. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Duan LM, Monroe C. Teleportation of quantum information between distant atomic qubits. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Monroe C. Measurement-based entanglement and quantum information processing with remote ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Campbell WC, Quraishi Q, Mizrahi J, Monroe C. Trapped ion qubit operations with ultrashort pulses. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Hayes D, Matsukevich DN, Monroe C. Measurement-based entanglement and quantum information processing with remote ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Kim K, Chang MS, Korenblit S, Islam K, Monroe C. High fidelity quantum entanglement and spin-spin dynamics using multiple phonon modes of several trapped ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Duan LM, Monroe C. Robust probabilistic quantum information processing with atoms, photons, and atomic ensembles. Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2008 Nov 7;55:419u201363.
- Monroe C, Duan LM, Matsukevich D, Maunz P, Moehring DL, Olmschenk S. Trapped ion quantum networks. In: Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series. 2008.
- Hucul D, Yeo M, Olmschenk S, Monroe C, Hensinger WK, Rabchuk J. On the transport of atomic ions in linear and multidimensional ion trap arrays. Quantum Information and Computation. 2008 Jul 1;8(6u20137):501u201378.
- Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Moehring DL, Olmschenk S, Monroe C. Bell inequality violation with two remote atomic qubits. Physical Review Letters. 2008 Apr 18;100(15).
- Monroe C, Robinson H, Wieman C. Observation of the cesium clock transition using laser-cooled atoms in a vapor cell. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 298u2013300.
- Monroe CR, Cornell EA, Sackett CA, Myatt CJ, Wieman CE. Measurement of Cs-Cs elastic scattering at T =30 u03bcK. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 343u20136.
- Monroe C, Cornell EA, Wieman C. The low (temperature) road toward bose-einstein condensation in optically and magnetically trapped cesium atoms. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 320u201342.
- Cornell EA, Monroe C, Wieman CE. Multiply loaded, ac magnetic trap for neutral atoms. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 301u20134.
- Wieman C, Monroe C, Cornell E. Fundamental physics with optically trapped atoms. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 305u201310.
- Sackett C, Cornell E, Monroe C, Wieman C. A magnetic suspension system for atoms and bar magnets. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 795u2013800.
- Monroe C, Swann W, Robinson H, Wieman C. Very cold trapped atoms in a vapor cell. In: Collected Papers of Carl Wieman. 2008. p. 294u20137.
- Monroe CR, Wineland DJ. Quantum computing with ions. Scientific American. 2008 Jan 1;299(2):64u201371.
- Monroe C, Lukin M. Remapping the quantum frontier. Vol. 21, Physics World. 2008. p. 32u20139.
- Olmschenk S, Younge KC, Moehring DL, Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Monroe C. Manipulation and detection of a trapped Yb+ hyperfine qubit. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2007 Nov 19;76(5).
- Brickman KA, Chang MS, Acton M, Chew A, Matsukevich D, Haljan PC, et al. Magneto-optical trapping of cadmium. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2007 Oct 11;76(4).
- Moehring DL, Maunz P, Olmschenk S, Younge KC, Matsukevich DN, Duan LM, et al. Entanglement of single-atom quantum bits at a distance. Nature. 2007 Sep 6;449(7158):68u201371.
- Stick D, Sterk JD, Monroe C. The trap technique. IEEE Spectrum. 2007 Jan 1;44(8):36u201343.
- Matsukevich DN, Maunz P, Moehring DL, Olmschenk S, Younge KC, Monroe C. Quantum interference of electromagnetic fields from two remote trapped atomic ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
- Chang MS, Brickman KA, Acton M, Chew A, Matsukevich D, Haljan PC, et al. Magneto-optical trap of cadmium. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
- Maunz P, Moehring DL, Olmschenk S, Younge KC, Matsukevich DN, Monroe C. Quantum interference of photon pairs from two remote trapped atomic ions. Nature Physics. 2007 Jan 1;3(8):538u201341.
- Moehring DL, Madsen MJ, Younge KC, Kohn JN, Maunz P, Duan LM, et al. Quantum networking with photons and trapped atoms (invited). Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2007 Jan 1;24(2):300u201315.
- Monroe C. Quantum networking with trapped atomic ions. In: LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 2006. p. 3.
- Deslauriers L, Acton M, Blinov BB, Brickman KA, Haljan PC, Hensinger WK, et al. Efficient photoionization loading of trapped ions with ultrafast pulses. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2006 Dec 1;74(6).
- Deslauriers L, Olmschenk S, Stick D, Hensinger WK, Sterk J, Monroe C. Scaling and suppression of anomalous heating in ion traps. Physical Review Letters. 2006 Sep 18;97(10).
- Zhu SL, Monroe C, Duan LM. Trapped ion quantum computation with transverse phonon modes. Physical Review Letters. 2006 Aug 14;97(5).
- Madsen MJ, Moehring DL, Maunz P, Kohn RN, Duan LM, Monroe C. Ultrafast coherent excitation of a trapped ion qubit for fast gates and photon frequency qubits. Physical Review Letters. 2006 Aug 4;97(4).
- Duan LM, Madsen MJ, Moehring DL, Maunz P, Kohn RN, Monroe C. Probabilistic quantum gates between remote atoms through interference of optical frequency qubits. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2006 Jun 23;73(6).
- Deslauriers L, Haljan PC, Lee PJ, Brickman KA, Blinov BB, Madsen MJ, et al. Erratum: Zero-point cooling and low heating of trapped Cd+111 ions (Physical Review A (2004) 70 (043408)). Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2006 Jun 7;73(5).
- Zhu SL, Monroe C, Duan LM. Arbitrary-speed quantum gates within large ion crystals through minimum control of laser beams. Europhysics Letters. 2006 Feb 15;73(4):485u201391.
- Hensinger WK, Olmschenk S, Stick D, Hucul D, Yeo M, Acton M, et al. T-junction ion trap array for two-dimensional ion shuttling, storage, and manipulation. Applied Physics Letters. 2006 Jan 30;88(3):1u20133.
- Stick D, Hensinger WK, Olmschenk S, Madsen MJ, Schwab K, Monroe C. Ion trap in a semiconductor chip. Nature Physics. 2006 Jan 15;2(1):36u20139.
- Maunz P, Madsen MJ, Moehring DL, Younge KC, Kohn RN, Monroe C. Scalable quantum computation with photons and trapped ions. In: Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2006. p. 187u20138.
- Blinov BB, Kohn JN, Madsen MJ, Maunz P, Moehring DL, Monroe C. Broadband laser cooling of trapped atoms with ultrafast pulses. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2006 Jan 1;23(6):1170u20133.
- Acton M, Brickman KA, Haljan PC, Lee PJ, Deslauriers L, Monroe C. Near-perfect simultaneous measurement of a qubit register. Quantum Information and Computation. 2006 Jan 1;6(6):465u201382.
- Moehring DL, Blinov BB, Gidley DW, Kohn RN, Madsen MJ, Sanderson TD, et al. Precision lifetime measurements of a single trapped ion with ultrafast laser pulses. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2006 Jan 1;73(2).
- Blinov BB, Leibfried D, Monroe C, Wineland DJ. Quantum computing with trapped ion hyperfine qubits. In: Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing. 2005. p. 45u201359.
- Hensinger WK, Utami DW, Goan HS, Schwab K, Monroe C, Milburn GJ. Ion trap transducers for quantum electromechanical oscillators. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2005 Oct 1;72(4).
- Lee PJ, Brickman KA, Deslauriers L, Haljan PC, Duan LM, Monroe C. Phase control of trapped ion quantum gates. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 2005 Oct 1;7(10).
- Haljan PC, Brickman KA, Deslauriers L, Lee PJ, Monroe C. Spin-dependent forces on trapped ions for phase-stable quantum gates and entangled states of spin and motion. Physical Review Letters. 2005 Apr 22;94(15).
- Moehring DL, Acton M, Blinov BB, Brickman KA, Deslauriers L, Haljan PC, et al. Ion trap networking: Cold, fast, and small. In: Micro, Meso, Macro: Addressing Complex Systems Couplings. 2005. p. 421u20138.
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- Brickman KA, Haljan PC, Lee PJ, Acton M, Deslauriers L, Monroe C. Implementation of Grover's quantum search algorithm in a scalable system. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2005 Jan 1;72(5).
- Deslauriers L, Haljan PC, Lee PJ, Brickman KA, Blinov BB, Madsen MJ, et al. Zero-point cooling and low heating of trapped 111Cd + ions. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2004 Oct 1;70(4).
- Blinov BB, Leibfried D, Monroe C, Wineland DJ. Quantum computing with trapped ion hyperfine qubits. Quantum Information Processing. 2004 Oct 1;3(1u20135):45u201359.
- Moehring DL, Madsen MJ, Blinov BB, Monroe C. Erratum: Experimental bell inequality violation with an atom and a photon (Physical Review Letters (2004) 93 (090410)). Physical Review Letters. 2004 Sep 3;93(10):109903u2013109901.
- Moehring DL, Madsen MJ, Blinov BB, Monroe C. Experimental Bell inequality violation with an atom and a photon. Physical review letters. 2004 Aug;93(9):090410.
- Rangan C, Bloch AM, Monroe C, Bucksbaum PH. Control of Trapped-Ion Quantum States with Optical Pulses. Physical Review Letters. 2004 Mar 19;92(11).
- Blinov BB, Moehring DL, Duan LM, Monroe C. Observation of entanglement between a single trapped atom and a single photon. Nature. 2004 Mar 11;428(6979):153u20137.
- Madsen MJ, Hensinger WK, Stick D, Rabchuk JA, Monroe C. Planar ion trap geometry for microfabrication. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2004 Mar 1;78(5):639u201351.
- Duan LM, Blinov BB, Moehring DL, Monroe C. Scalable trapped ion quantum computation with a probabilistic ion-photon mapping. Quantum Information and Computation. 2004 Jan 1;4(3):165u201373.
- Moehring DL, Blinov BB, Madsen MJ, Duan L, Monroe C. Observation of entanglement between a single trapped atom and a single photon. In: OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 2004. p. 1249u201351.
- Deshmukh SH, King LB, Monroe CR. A microscale quadrupole mass spectrometer for ion species analysis. In: 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit. 2004.
- Blinov BB, Brickman K, Deslauriers L, Hensinger W, Lee P, Madsen M, et al. Clean and scalable quantum logic with trapped ions. In: Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series. 2003.
- Lee PJ, Blinov BB, Brickman K, Deslauriers L, Madsen MJ, Miller R, et al. Atomic qubit manipulations with an electro-optic modulator. Optics Letters. 2003 Sep 1;28(17):1582u20134.
- Sackett CA, Monroe C, Wineland DJ. Decoherence of motional superpositions of a trapped ion. In: Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2003. p. 431u20137.
- Blinov BB, Brickman K, Deslauriers L, Hensinger W, Lee P, Madsen M, et al. Clean and scalable quantum logic with trapped ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2003.
- Leibfried D, Blatt R, Monroe C, Wineland D. Quantum dynamics of single trapped ions. Reviews of Modern Physics. 2003 Jan 1;75(1):281u2013324.
- Kielpinski D, Monroe C, Wineland DJ. Architecture for a large-scale ion-trap quantum computer. Nature. 2002 Jun;417(6890):709u201311.
- Monroe C. Quantum information processing with atoms and photons. Nature. 2002 Mar;416(6877):238u201346.
- Blinov BB, Deslauriers L, Lee P, Madsen MJ, Miller R, Monroe C. Sympathetic cooling of trapped Cd+ isotopes. Physical Review A Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2002 Jan 1;65(4):403041u20134.
- Meyer V, Rowe MA, Kielpinski D, Sackett CA, Itano WM, Monroe C, et al. Experimental demonstration of entanglement-enhanced rotation angle estimation using trapped ions. Physical Review Letters. 2001 Jun 25;86(26 I):5870u20133.
- Rowe MA, Kielpinski D, Meyer V, Sackett CA, Itano WM, Monroe C, et al. Experimental violation of a Bell's inequality with efficient detection. Nature. 2001 Feb;409(6822):791u20134.
- Kielpinski D, Meyer V, Rowe MA, Sackett CA, Itano WM, Monroe C, et al. A decoherence-free quantum memory using trapped ions. Science (New York, NY). 2001 Feb;291(5506):1013u20135.
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- Wineland DJ, Monroe CR, Sackett C, Kielpinski D, Rowe M, Meyer V, et al. Superposition and quantum measurement of trapped atoms. Annalen der Physik (Leipzig). 2000 Dec 1;9(11u201312):851u20134.
- Turchette QA, Myatt CJ, King BE, Sackett CA, Kielpinski D, Itano WM, et al. Decoherence and decay of motional quantum states of a trapped atom coupled to engineered reservoirs. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2000 Nov 1;62(5):053807u2013053801.
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