Douglas Nowacek
Marine Science and Conservation
Randolph K. Repass and Sally-Christine Rodgers University Distinguished Professor of Conservation Technology in Environment and Engineering

Research Themes
Sensing & Imaging
Research Interests
Marine mammal behavioral and acoustic ecology
Ocean noise
Offshore renewable energy
Sound propagates very efficiently through sea water, and marine mammals take advantage of this medium to communicate and explore their environment. My research is focused on the link between acoustic and motor behavior in marine mammals, primarily cetaceans and manatees, specifically, how they use sound in ecological processes. The cetaceans, or whales and dolphins, are divided into two main groups, the toothed whales (odontocetes) and the baleen whales (mysticetes). One of my specific areas of research is the use of echolocation and foraging behavior in one of the odontocetes, the bottlenose dolphin. Another focus of my current research is the effect(s) of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals.
- B.A. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1991
- Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999
- Randolph K. Repass and Sally-Christine Rodgers University Distinguished Professor of Conservation Technology in Environment and Engineering
- Professor in the Division of Marine Science and Conservation
- Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Sally Connally Hardie Visiting Researcher. University of St. Andrews, Scotland. 2018
- Visiting Scholar. University of Tasmania. 2013
Courses Taught
- ME 426A: Ocean Engineering
- ME 426: Ocean Engineering
- MARSCI 394: Research Independent Study
- MARSCI 393A: Research Independent Study
- MARSCI 393: Research Independent Study
- MARSCI 391A: Independent Study
- MARSCI 323A: Offshore Renewable Energy & Wildlife Conservation
- MARSCI 280LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- ENVIRON 899: Master's Project
- ENVIRON 784LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- ENVIRON 723A: Offshore Renewable Energy & Wildlife Conservation
- ENVIRON 461A: Ocean Engineering
- ENVIRON 461: Ocean Engineering
- ENVIRON 394A: Research Independent Study
- ENVIRON 318A: Offshore Renewable Energy & Wildlife Conservation
- ENVIRON 280LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- ECS 280LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- ECE 784LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- ECE 590A: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 590: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 461A: Ocean Engineering
- ECE 461: Ocean Engineering
- ECE 392: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 384LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- BIOLOGY 784LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- BIOLOGY 279LA: Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
- Wisse JH, Nowacek DP, Boggs ASP. Multiclass Steroid Profiling in Short-Finned Pilot Whale Blubber Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). (Accepted) Rapid communications in mass spectrometryu202f: RCM. 2025 Mar;39(6):e9965.
- Merrill GB, Swaim ZT, Benaka IG, Bishop AL, Kaney NA, Kuhlman S, et al. Acoustic signature of plastic marine debris mimics the prey items of deep-diving cetaceans. Marine pollution bulletin. 2024 Dec;209(Pt A):117069.
- Boisseau O, Nowacek D, Pabst DA, Roberts J, Blawas A, Clabaugh A, et al. Passive acoustic surveys demonstrate high densities of sperm whales off the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA in winter and spring. Marine environmental research. 2024 Oct;201:106674.
- Allen JA, Cade DE, Casey CB, Weindorf S, Johnston DW, Linsky JMJ, et al. Evidence of sociality and group foraging in Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2024 May 1;78(5).
- Roberts JJ, Yack TM, Fujioka E, Halpin PN, Baumgartner MF, Boisseau O, et al. North Atlantic right whale density surface model for the US Atlantic evaluated with passive acoustic monitoring. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2024 Mar 20;732:167u201392.
- Blawas AM, Miller LE, Shearer JM, Cioffi WR, Webster DL, Swaim ZT, et al. Aerobic dive limit in short-finned pilot whales Globicephala macrorhynchus: an assessment of behavioral criteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2024 Jan 1;744:161u201370.
- Lohmann AC, Morton JP, Schofield OM, Nowacek DP. Cyclical prey shortages for a marine polar predator driven by the interaction of climate change and natural climate variability. Limnology and Oceanography. 2023 Dec 1;68(12):2668u201387.
- Cioffi WR, Quick NJ, Swaim ZT, Foley HJ, Waples DM, Webster DL, et al. Trade-offs in telemetry tag programming for deep-diving cetaceans: data longevity, resolution, and continuity. Animal Biotelemetry. 2023 Dec 1;11(1).
- Southall BL, Donovan GP, Racca R, Reeves RR, Vedenev AI, Weller DW, et al. Data collection and analysis methods to evaluate potential impacts of seismic surveys and other marine industrial activities on baleen whales. Ocean and Coastal Management. 2023 Nov 1;245.
- Merrill GB, Hermabessiere L, Rochman CM, Nowacek DP. Microplastics in marine mammal blubber, melon, & other tissues: Evidence of translocation. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essexu202f: 1987). 2023 Oct;335:122252.
- Boisseau O, Nowacek D, Roberts J, Pabst DA, Clabaugh A, Moscrop A, et al. Acoustic density estimates of beaked whales off the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA in winter and spring. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2023 Sep 1;199.
- Pallin LJ, Kellar NM, Steel D, Botero-Acosta N, Baker CS, Conroy JA, et al. A surplus no more? Variation in krill availability impacts reproductive rates of Antarctic baleen whales. Global change biology. 2023 Apr;29(8):2108u201321.
- Pallin L, Bierlich KC, Durban J, Fearnbach H, Savenko O, Baker CS, et al. Demography of an ice-obligate mysticete in a region of rapid environmental change. Royal Society open science. 2022 Nov;9(11):220724.
- Shearer JM, Jensen FH, Quick NJ, Friedlaender A, Southall B, Nowacek DP, et al. Short-finned pilot whales exhibit behavioral plasticity in foraging strategies mediated by their environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2022 Aug 25;695:1u201314.
- Nichols RC, Cade DE, Kahane-Rapport S, Goldbogen J, Stimpert A, Nowacek D, et al. Intra-seasonal variation in feeding rates and diel foraging behaviour in a seasonally fasting mammal, the humpback whale. Royal Society open science. 2022 Jul;9(7):211674.
- Casey CB, Weindorf S, Levy E, Linsky JMJ, Cade DE, Goldbogen JA, et al. Acoustic signalling and behaviour of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). Royal Society open science. 2022 Jul;9(7):211557.
- Segre PS, Gough WT, Roualdes EA, Cade DE, Czapanskiy MF, Fahlbusch J, et al. Scaling of maneuvering performance in baleen whales: larger whales outperform expectations. The Journal of experimental biology. 2022 Mar;225(5):jeb243224.
- Alves F, Rosso M, Li S, Nowacek DP. A sea of possibilities for marine megafauna. Science (New York, NY). 2022 Jan;375(6579):391u20132.
- Read AJ, Waples DM, Foley HJ, Swaim ZT, Calambokidis J, Vanderzee A, et al. A Stampede of Rissou2019s Dolphins (Grampus griseus) Following Playbacks of the Calls of Mammal-Eating Killer Whales. Aquatic Mammals. 2022 Jan 1;48(6):674u20137.
- Cioffi W, Quick N, Swaim Z, Foley H, Waples D, Webster D, et al. Trade-offs in telemetry tag programming for deep-diving cetaceans: data longevity, resolution, and continuity. bioRxiv. 2022.
- Modest M, Irvine L, Andrews-Goff V, Gough W, Johnston D, Nowacek D, et al. First description of migratory behavior of humpback whales from an Antarctic feeding ground to a tropical calving ground. Animal Biotelemetry. 2021 Dec 1;9(1).
- Savoca MS, Czapanskiy MF, Kahane-Rapport SR, Gough WT, Fahlbusch JA, Bierlich KC, et al. Baleen whale prey consumption based on high-resolution foraging measurements. Nature. 2021 Nov;599(7883):85u201390.
- Blawas AM, Nowacek DP, Rocho-Levine J, Robeck TR, Fahlman A. Scaling of heart rate with breathing frequency and body mass in cetaceans. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological sciences. 2021 Aug;376(1830):20200223.
- Wu CY, Nowacek DP, Nousek-McGregor AE, McGregor R, Howle LE. Computational fluid dynamics of flow regime and hydrodynamic forces generated by a gliding North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Marine Mammal Science. 2021 Jul 1;37(3):826u201342.
- Cioffi WR, Quick NJ, Foley HJ, Waples DM, Swaim ZT, Shearer JM, et al. Adult male Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) engage in prolonged bouts of synchronous diving. Marine Mammal Science. 2021 Jul 1;37(3):1085u2013100.
- Wu C, Howle LE, Nowacek DP. Minimum drag on a three-dimensional North Atlantic right whale model via neutral trim pose. In: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. 2021. p. E996u20137.
- Blawas AM, Ware KE, Schmaltz E, Zheng L, Spruance J, Allen AS, et al. An integrated comparative physiology and molecular approach pinpoints mediators of breath-hold capacity in dolphins. Evol Med Public Health. 2021;9(1):420u201330.
- Friedlaender AS, Joyce T, Johnston DW, Read AJ, Nowacek DP, Goldbogen JA, et al. Sympatry and resource partitioning between the largest krill consumers around the Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2021 Jan 1;669:1u201316.
- Blawas AM, Nowacek DP, Allen AS, Rocho-Levine J, Fahlman A. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and submersion bradycardia in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). The Journal of experimental biology. 2021 Jan;224(Pt 1):jeb234096.
- Dombroski JRG, Parks SE, Nowacek DP. Dive behavior of North Atlantic right whales on the calving ground in the Southeast USA: Implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research. 2021 Jan 1;46:35u201348.
- Blawas A, Ware K, Schmaltz E, Zheng L, Spruance J, Allen A, et al. An integrated comparative physiology and molecular approach pinpoints mediators of breath-hold capacity in dolphins. 2021;
- van Hoeck RV, Paxton AB, Bohnenstiehl DWR, Taylor JC, Fodrie FJ, Nowacek DP, et al. Soundscapes of natural and artificial temperate reefs: similar temporal patterns but distinct spectral content. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2020 Sep 10;649:35u201351.
- Davis GE, Baumgartner MF, Corkeron PJ, Bell J, Berchok C, Bonnell JM, et al. Exploring movement patterns and changing distributions of baleen whales in the western North Atlantic using a decade of passive acoustic data. Global change biology. 2020 Sep;26(9):4812u201340.
- Blawas AM, Nowacek DP, Allen AS, Rocho-Levine J, Fahlman A. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and submersion bradycardia in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). The Journal of experimental biology. 2020 Jan;
- Wu C, Howle LE, Mcgregor AE, Mcgregor R, Nowacek DP. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Gliding North Atlantic Right Whale Models with Variable Body Shapes. In: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. 2020. p. E259u2013E259.
- Goldbogen JA, Cade DE, Wisniewska DM, Potvin J, Segre PS, Savoca MS, et al. Why whales are big but not bigger: Physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants. Science (New York, NY). 2019 Dec;366(6471):1367u201372.
- Parks SE, Cusano DA, Van Parijs SM, Nowacek DP. Acoustic crypsis in communication by North Atlantic right whale mother-calf pairs on the calving grounds. Biology letters. 2019 Oct;15(10):20190485.
- Parks SE, Cusano DA, Van Parijs SM, Nowacek DP. North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) acoustic behavior on the calving grounds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2019 Jul;146(1):EL15.
- Howle LE, Kraus SD, Werner TB, Nowacek DP. Simulation of the entanglement of a North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) with fixed fishing gear. Marine Mammal Science. 2019 Jul 1;35(3):760u201378.
- van der Hoop JM, Nousek-McGregor AE, Nowacek DP, Parks SE, Tyack P, Madsen PT. Foraging rates of ram-filtering North Atlantic right whales. Functional Ecology. 2019 Jul 1;33(7):1290u2013306.
- Patel P, Mainsah B, Milano CA, Nowacek DP, Collins L, Karra R. Acoustic Signatures of Left Ventricular Assist Device Thrombosis. J Eng Sci Med Diagn Ther. 2019 May;2(2):0245011u20134.
- Wang Z-T, Akamatsu T, Nowacek DP, Yuan J, Zhou L, Lei P-Y, et al. Soundscape of an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) hotspot before windfarm construction in the Pearl River Estuary, China: Do dolphin engage in noise avoidance and passive eavesdropping behavior? Marine pollution bulletin. 2019 Mar;140:509u201322.
- Wu C, Howle LE, Mcgregor AE, Mcgregor R, Nowacek DP. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of a 10m North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). In: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC; 2019. p. E254u2013E254.
- Southall EBL, Finneran JJ, Reichmuth C, Nachtigall PE, Ketten DR, Bowles AE, et al. Marine mammal noise exposure criteria: Updated scientific recommendations for residual hearing effects. Aquatic Mammals. 2019 Jan 1;45(2):125u2013232.
- Andrews RD, Baird RW, Calambokidis J, Goertz CEC, Gulland FMD, Heide-Ju00f8rgensen MP, et al. Best practice guidelines for cetacean tagging. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 2019 Jan 1;20(1):27u201366.
- Schick RS, Bowers M, deRuiter S, Friedlaender A, Joseph J, Margolina T, et al. Accounting for positional uncertainty when modeling received levels for tagged cetaceans exposed to sonar. Aquatic Mammals. 2019 Jan 1;45(6):675u201390.
- Elliott BW, Read AJ, Godley BJ, Nelms SE, Nowacek DP. Critical information gaps remain in understanding impacts of industrial seismic surveys on marine vertebrates. Endangered Species Research. 2019 Jan 1;39:247u201354.
- Southall BL, Finneran JJ, Reichmuth C, Nachtigall PE, Ketten DR, Bowles AE, et al. Errata: Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Updated Scientific Recommendations for Residual Hearing Effects. Aquatic Mammals. 2019 Jan 1;45(5):569u201372.
- Rycyk AM, Deutsch CJ, Barlas ME, Hardy SK, Frisch K, Leone EH, et al. Manatee behavioral response to boats. Marine Mammal Science. 2018 Oct 1;34(4):924u201362.
- Bowers MT, Friedlaender AS, Janik VM, Nowacek DP, Quick NJ, Southall BL, et al. Selective reactions to different killer whale call categories in two delphinid species. The Journal of experimental biology. 2018 Jun;221(Pt 11):jeb162479.
- Pallin LJ, Baker CS, Steel D, Kellar NM, Robbins J, Johnston DW, et al. High pregnancy rates in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) around the Western Antarctic Peninsula, evidence of a rapidly growing population. Royal Society open science. 2018 May;5(5):180017.
- Root-Gutteridge H, Cusano DA, Shiu Y, Nowacek DP, Van Parijs SM, Parks SE. A lifetime of changing calls: North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, refine call production as they age. Animal Behaviour. 2018 Mar 1;137:21u201334.
- Narazaki T, Isojunno S, Nowacek DP, Swift R, Friedlaender AS, Ramp C, et al. Body density of humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) in feeding aggregations estimated from hydrodynamic gliding performance. PloS one. 2018 Jan;13(7):e0200287.
- Stanistreet JE, Nowacek DP, Bell JT, Cholewiak DM, Hildebrand JA, Hodge LEW, et al. Spatial and seasonal patterns in acoustic detections of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus along the continental slope in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Endangered Species Research. 2018 Jan 1;35:1u201313.
- Davis GE, Baumgartner MF, Bonnell JM, Bell J, Berchok C, Bort Thornton J, et al. Long-term passive acoustic recordings track the changing distribution of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) from 2004 to 2014. Scientific reports. 2017 Oct;7(1):13460.
- Wilson RM, Tyson RB, Nelson JA, Balmer BC, Chanton JP, Nowacek DP. Niche differentiation and prey selectivity among common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Sighted in St. George Sound, Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2017 Jul 26;4(JUL).
- Tyson RB, Piniak WED, Domit C, Mann D, Hall M, Nowacek DP, et al. Novel bio-logging tool for studying fine-scale behaviors of marine turtles in response to sound. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2017 Jul 14;4(JUL).
- Beattie M, Nowacek DP, Bogdanoff AK, Akins L, Morris JA. The roar of the lionfishes Pterois volitans and Pterois miles. Journal of fish biology. 2017 Jun;90(6):2488u201395.
- Paxton AB, Taylor JC, Nowacek DP, Dale J, Cole E, Voss CM, et al. Seismic survey noise disrupted fish use of a temperate reef. Marine Policy. 2017 Apr 1;78:68u201373.
- Quick N, Isojunno S, Sadykova D, Bowers M, Nowacek D, Read A. Hidden Markov models reveal complexity in the diving behaviour of short-finned pilot whales. Scientific Reports. 2017 Mar 31;7(45765).
- Quick N, Scott-Hayward L, Sadykova D, Nowacek D, Read A. Effects of a scientific echo sounder on the behavior of short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2017 Jan 1;74(5):716u201326.
- Stanistreet JE, Nowacek DP, Baumann-Pickering S, Bell JT, Cholewiak DM, Hildebrand JA, et al. Using passive acoustic monitoring to document the distribution of beaked whale species in the western north atlantic ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2017 Jan 1;74(12):2098u2013109.
- Wang Z-T, Nowacek DP, Akamatsu T, Wang K-X, Liu J-C, Duan G-Q, et al. Diversity of fish sound types in the Pearl River Estuary, China. PeerJ. 2017 Jan;5:e3924.
- Golden JS, Virdin J, Nowacek D, Halpin P, Bennear L, Patil PG. Making sure the blue economy is green. Nature ecology & evolution. 2017 Jan;1(2):17.
- Albertson GR, Friedlaender AS, Steel DJ, Aguayo-Lobo A, Bonatto SL, Caballero S, et al. Temporal stability and mixed-stock analyses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the nearshore waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology. 2017;
- van der Hoop JM, Nowacek DP, Moore MJ, Triantafyllou MS. Swimming kinematics and efficiency of entangled North Atlantic right whales. Endangered Species Research. 2017 Jan 1;32(1):1u201317.
- Xian Y, Sun X, Liao W, Zhang Y, Nowacek D, Nolte L. Intrinsic structure study of whale vocalizations. In: OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, OCE 2016. 2016.
- Nowacek DP, Christiansen F, Bejder L, Goldbogen JA, Friedlaender AS. Studying cetacean behaviour: new technological approaches and conservation applications. Animal Behaviour. 2016 Oct 1;120:235u201344.
- Stanistreet JE, Nowacek DP, Read AJ, Baumann-Pickering S, Moors-Murphy HB, Van Parijs SM. Effects of duty-cycled passive acoustic recordings on detecting the presence of beaked whales in the northwest Atlantic. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2016 Jul;140(1):EL31.
- Tyson RB, Friedlaender AS, Nowacek DP. Does optimal foraging theory predict the foraging performance of a large air-breathing marine predator? Animal Behaviour. 2016 Jun 1;116:223u201335.
- Hooper V JA, Baringer MO, St. Laurent LC, Dewar WK, Nowacek D. Dissipation processes in the Tongue of the Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2016 May 1;121(5):3159u201370.
- Friedlaender AS, Johnston DW, Tyson RB, Kaltenberg A, Goldbogen JA, Stimpert AK, et al. Multiple-stage decisions in a marine central-place forager. Royal Society open science. 2016 May;3(5):160043.
- Southall BL, Nowacek DP, Miller PJO, Tyack PL. Experimental field studies to measure behavioral responses of cetaceans to sonar. Endangered Species Research. 2016 Jan 1;31(1):293u2013315.
- Kraus SD, Kenney RD, Mayo CA, McLellan WA, Moore MJ, Nowacek DP. Recent scientific publications cast doubt on north atlantic right whale future. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2016 Jan 1;3(AUG).
- Brooke MA, Cole E, Dale J, Prasad A, Quach H, Bau R, et al. An Ocean Sensor for Measuring the Seawater Electrochemical Response of 8 Metals Referenced to Zinc, for Determining Ocean pH. (Accepted) In: Sensing Technology (ICST), 2015 Ninth International Conference on. Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE; 2015.
- Nowacek DP, Clark CW, Mann D, Miller PJO, Rosenbaum HC, Golden JS, et al. Marine seismic surveys and ocean noise: Time for coordinated and prudent planning. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2015 Sep 1;13(7):378u201386.
- Thornton SW, Mclellan WA, Rommel SA, Dillaman RM, Nowacek DP, Koopman HN, et al. Morphology of the Nasal Apparatus in Pygmy (Kogia Breviceps) and Dwarf (K. Sima) Sperm Whales. Anatomical record (Hoboken, NJu202f: 2007). 2015 Jul;298(7):1301u201326.
- Nowacek DP. Seismic surveys and marine wildlife: Ideas for managing real and perceived impacts. In: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 2015. p. 4949u201351.
- Friedlaender AS, Goldbogen JA, Nowacek DP, Read AJ, Johnston D, Gales N. Feeding rates and under-ice foraging strategies of the smallest lunge filter feeder, the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). The Journal of experimental biology. 2014 Aug;217(Pt 16):2851u20134.
- Crain DD, Friedlaender AS, Johnston DW, Nowacek DP, Roberts BL, Urian KW, et al. A quantitative analysis of the response of short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, to biopsy sampling. Marine Mammal Science. 2014 Jan 1;30(2):819u201326.
- Nousek-McGregor AE, Miller CA, Moore MJ, Nowacek DP. Effects of body condition on buoyancy in endangered North Atlantic right whales. Physiological and biochemical zoologyu202f: PBZ. 2014 Jan;87(1):160u201371.
- Wilson RM, Chanton JP, Balmer BC, Nowacek DP. An evaluation of lipid extraction techniques for interpretation of carbon and nitrogen isotope values in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) skin tissue. Marine Mammal Science. 2014 Jan 1;30(1):85u2013103.
- Risch D, Gales NJ, Gedamke J, Kindermann L, Nowacek DP, Read AJ, et al. Mysterious bio-duck sound attributed to the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). Biology letters. 2014 Jan;10(4):20140175.
- Bouveroux T, Tyson RB, Nowacek DP. Abundance and site fidelity of bottlenose dolphins in coastal waters near Panama City, Florida. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 2014 Jan 1;14(1):37u201342.
- Friedlaender AS, Tyson RB, Stimpert AK, Read AJ, Nowacek DP. Extreme diel variation in the feeding behavior of humpback whales along the western Antarctic Peninsula during autumn. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013 Dec 4;494:281u20139.
- Nowacek DP, Bru00f6ker K, Donovan G, Gailey G, Racca R, Reeves RR, et al. Responsible practices for minimizing and monitoring environmental impacts of marine seismic surveys with an emphasis on marine mammals. Aquatic Mammals. 2013 Dec 1;39(4):356u201377.
- Wilson RM, Nelson JA, Balmer BC, Nowacek DP, Chanton JP. Stable isotope variation in the northern Gulf of Mexico constrains bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) foraging ranges. Marine Biology. 2013 Nov 1;160(11):2967u201380.
- Buckstaff KC, Wells RS, Gannon JG, Nowacek DP. Responses of bottlenose dolphins (tursiops truncatus) to construction and demolition of coastal marine structures. Aquatic Mammals. 2013 Jul 23;39(2):174u201386.
- Goldbogen JA, Friedlaender AS, Calambokidis J, McKenna MF, Simon M, Nowacek DP. Integrative approaches to the study of baleen whale diving behavior, feeding performance, and foraging ecology. BioScience. 2013 Feb 1;63(2):90u2013100.
- Crain DD, Friedlaender AS, Johnston DW, Nowacek DP, Roberts BL, Urian KW, et al. A quantitative analysis of the response of short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, to biopsy sampling. Marine Mammal Science. 2013;
- Wilson RM, Nelson JA, Balmer BC, Nowacek DP, Chanton JP. Stable isotope variation in the northern Gulf of Mexico constrains bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) foraging ranges. Marine Biology. 2013;1u201314.
- Wilson RM, Chanton JP, Balmer BC, Nowacek DP. An evaluation of lipid extraction techniques for interpretation of carbon and nitrogen isotope values in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) skin tissue. Marine Mammal Science. 2013;
- Johnston DW, Friedlaender AS, Read AJ, Nowacek DP. Initial density estimates of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the inshore waters of the western Antarctic Peninsula during the late autumn. Endangered Species Research. 2012 Aug 20;18(1):63u201371.
- Tyson RB, Friedlaender AS, Ware C, Stimpert AK, Nowacek DP. Synchronous mother and calf foraging behaviour in humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae: Insights from multi-sensor suction cup tags. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2012 Jun 21;457:209u201320.
- Rolland RM, Parks SE, Hunt KE, Castellote M, Corkeron PJ, Nowacek DP, et al. Evidence that ship noise increases stress in right whales. Proceedings Biological sciences. 2012 Jun;279(1737):2363u20138.
- Wilson RM, Kucklick JR, Balmer BC, Wells RS, Chanton JP, Nowacek DP. Spatial distribution of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) inferred from stable isotopes and priority organic pollutants. The Science of the total environment. 2012 May;425:223u201330.
- Espinasse B, Zhou M, Zhu Y, Hazen EL, Friedlaender AS, Nowacek DP, et al. Austral fall-winter transition of mesozooplankton assemblages and krill aggregations in an embayment west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2012 Apr 25;452:63u201380.
- Kot BW, Sears R, Anis A, Nowacek DP, Gedamke J, Marshall CD. Behavioral responses of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) to experimental fishing gear in a coastal environment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2012 Feb 10;413:13u201320.
- Stimpert AK, Peavey LE, Friedlaender AS, Nowacek DP. Humpback whale song and foraging behavior on an antarctic feeding ground. PloS one. 2012 Jan;7(12):e51214.
- Nowacek DP, Vedenev A, Southall BL, Racca R. Development and implementation of criteria for exposure of Western gray whales to oil and gas industry noise. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 2012 Jan;730:523u20138.
- Richardson J, Wood AG, Neil A, Nowacek D, Moore M. Changes in distribution, relative abundance, and species composition of large whales around South Georgia from opportunistic sightings: 1992 to 2011. Endangered Species Research. 2012 Jan 1;19(2):149u201356.
- Parks SE, Johnson MP, Nowacek DP, Tyack PL. Changes in vocal behavior of North Atlantic right whales in increased noise. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 2012 Jan;730:317u201320.
- Parks SE, Searby A, Cu00e9lu00e9rier A, Johnson MP, Nowacek DP, Tyack PL. Sound production behavior of individual North Atlantic right whales: Implications for passive acoustic monitoring. Endangered Species Research. 2011 Dec 13;15(1):63u201376.
- Tyson RB, Nowacek SM, Nowacek DP. Community structure and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in coastal waters of the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2011 Oct 5;438:253u201365.
- Ware C, Friedlaender AS, Nowacek DP. Shallow and deep lunge feeding of humpback whales in fjords of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Mammal Science. 2011 Jul 1;27(3):587u2013605.
- Kucklick J, Schwacke L, Wells R, Hohn A, Guichard A, Yordy J, et al. Bottlenose dolphins as indicators of persistent organic pollutants in the western North Atlantic Ocean and northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental science & technology. 2011 May;45(10):4270u20137.
- Nowacek DP, Friedlaender AS, Halpin PN, Hazen EL, Johnston DW, Read AJ, et al. Super-aggregations of krill and humpback whales in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. PloS one. 2011 Apr;6(4):e19173.
- Hazen EL, Nowacek DP, St Laurent L, Halpin PN, Moretti DJ. The relationship among oceanography, prey fields, and beaked whale foraging habitat in the Tongue of the Ocean. PloS one. 2011 Apr;6(4):e19269.
- Parks SE, Johnson M, Nowacek D, Tyack PL. Individual right whales call louder in increased environmental noise. Biology letters. 2011 Feb;7(1):33u20135.
- Robbins J, Rosa LD, Allen JM, Mattila DK, Secchi ER, Friedlaender AS, et al. Return movement of a humpback whale between the Antarctic Peninsula and American Samoa: A seasonal migration record. Endangered Species Research. 2011 Jan 31;13(2):117u201321.
- Tyson RB, Friedlaender AS, Ware C, Stimpert AK, Nowacek DP. In synch? Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother and calf foraging behaviour: insights from multi-sensor suction cup tags (Submitted). Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2011;
- Mcgregor AE, Fish FE, Nowacek DP. Finding the window of energetic opportunity: traveling North Atlantic right whales use dive depths that avoid surface drag. In: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC; 2010. p. E267u2013E267.
- Wilson RM, Chanton J, Lewis FG, Nowacek D. Concentration-dependent Stable Isotope Analysis of Consumers in the Upper Reaches of a Freshwater-dominated Estuary: Apalachicola Bay, FL, USA. Estuaries and Coasts. 2010 May 18;33(6):1406u201319.
- Johnston DW, Friedlaender AS, Read AJ, Nowacek DP. Density estimates of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the inshore waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the late autumn (Submitted). Endangered Species Research. 2010;
- Friedlaender AS, Hazen EL, Nowacek DP, Halpin PN, Ware C, Weinrich MT, et al. Diel changes in humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae feeding behavior in response to sand lance Ammodytes spp. behavior and distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2009 Dec 1;395:91u2013100.
- Southall BL, Nowacek DP. Acoustics in marine ecology: Innovation in technology expands the use of sound in ocean science. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2009 Dec 1;395:1u20133.
- Marie Wilson R, Chanton J, Lewis G, Nowacek D. Isotopic variation (u03b415N, u03b413C, and u03b434S) with body size in post-larval estuarine consumers. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2009 Jul 10;83(3):307u201312.
- Hogg CJ, Rogers TL, Shorter A, Barton K, Miller PJO, Nowacek D. Determination of steroid hormones in whale blow: It is possible. Marine Mammal Science. 2009 Jul 1;25(3):605u201318.
- Wilson RM, Chanton J, Lewis G, Nowacek D. Combining organic matter source and relative trophic position Determinations to Explore trophic structure. Estuaries and Coasts. 2009 Jun 24;32(5):999u20131010.
- Friedlaender AS, Nowacek DP, Johnston DW, Read AJ, Tyson RB, Peavey L, et al. Multiple sightings of large groups of Arnouxu2019s beaked whales (Berardius arnouxii) in the Gerlache Strait, Antarctica (Accepted). Marine Mammal Science. 2009;
- Brownell RL, Nowacek DP, Ralls K. Hunting cetaceans with sound: A worldwide review. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 2008 Jun 1;10(1):81u20138.
- Nowacek DP, Tyack PL. Assessing effects of anthropogenic noise on the behaviour of marine mammals. Bioacoustics. 2008 Jan 1;17(1u20133):338u201341.
- Balmer BC, Wells RS, Nowacek SM, Nowacek DP, Schwacke LH, Mclellan WA, et al. Seasonal abundance and distribution patterns of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near St. Joseph Bay, Florida, USA. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 2008 Jan 1;10(2):157u201367.
- Dobbins PF, Nowacek DP. Passive azimuth localization of dolphin whistles using acoustically small sensors. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. 2007 Dec 1;29(PART 3):156u201363.
- Tyson RB, Nowacek DP, Miller PJO. Nonlinear phenomena in the vocalizations of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and killer whales (Orcinus orca). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2007 Sep;122(3):1365.
- Chapla ME, Nowacek DP, Rommel SA, Sadler VM. CT scans and 3D reconstructions of Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) heads and ear bones. Hearing research. 2007 Jun;228(1u20132):123u201335.
- Dobbins P, Nowacek D. Azimuth localization in pod-track - A passive acoustic monitoring system for wild dolphins. OCEANS 2007 - Europe. 2007 Jan 1;
- Nowacek DP, Thorne LH, Johnston DW, Tyack PL. Responses of cetaceans to anthropogenic noise. Mammal Review. 2007 Jan 1;37(2):81u2013115.
- Remage-Healey L, Nowacek DP, Bass AH. Dolphin foraging sounds suppress calling and elevate stress hormone levels in a prey species, the Gulf toadfish. The Journal of experimental biology. 2006 Nov;209(Pt 22):4444u201351.
- Mann DA, Ou2019Shea TJ, Nowacek DP. Nonlinear dynamics in manatee vocalizations. Marine Mammal Science. 2006 Jul 1;22(3):548u201355.
- Dewar WK, Bingham RJ, Iverson RL, Nowacek DP, St. Laurent LC, Wiebe PH. Does the marine biosphere mix the ocean? Journal of Marine Research. 2006 Jul 1;64(4):541u201361.
- Kraus SD, Brown MW, Clark CW, Hamilton PK, Kenney RD, Knowlton AR, et al. Bilateral action for right whales - Reply. SCIENCE. 2005 Dec 9;310(5754):1617u20138.
- Sayles JS, Green DM. Bilateral action for right whales. Science (New York, NY). 2005 Dec;310(5754):1616u20138.
- Nowacek DP. Acoustic ecology of foraging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), habitat-specific use of three sound types. Marine Mammal Science. 2005 Jan 1;21(4):587u2013602.
- Gannon DP, Barros NB, Nowacek DP, Read AJ, Waples DM, Wells RS. Prey detection by bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus: An experimental test of the passive listening hypothesis. Animal Behaviour. 2005 Jan 1;69(3):709u201320.
- Kraus SD, Brown M, Caswell H, Clark C, Fujiwara M, Hamilton P, et al. North Atlantic right whales in crisis. Science. 2005;309:561u20132.
- Gannon DP, Thompson K, Johnston DW, Read AJ, Nowacek DP. Resonance and dissonance: Science, ethics, and the sonar debate. MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE. 2004 Oct;20(4):898u20139.
- Nowacek SM, Wells RS, Owen ECG, Speakman TR, Flamm RO, Nowacek DP. Florida manatees, Trichechus manatus latirostris, respond to approaching vessels. Biological Conservation. 2004 Oct 1;119(4):517u201323.
- Nowacek DP, Johnson MP, Tyack PL. North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) ignore ships but respond to alerting stimuli. Proceedings Biological sciences. 2004 Feb;271(1536):227u201331.
- Maresh JL, Fish FE, Nowacek DP, Nowacek SM, Wells RS. High performance turning capabilities during foraging by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Marine Mammal Science. 2004 Jan 1;20(3):498u2013509.
- Nowacek DP, Casper BM, Wells RS, Nowacek SM, Mann DA. Intraspecific and geographic variation of West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus spp.) vocalizations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2003 Jul;114(1):66u20139.
- Holak JL, Fish FE, Nowacek DP, Nowacek SM. High performance turning capabilities during foraging by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY. 2002 Dec;42(6):1244.
- Nowacek DP. Sequential foraging behaviour of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota Bay, FL. BEHAVIOUR. 2002 Sep;139(Part 9):1125u201345.
- Miksis JL, Grund MD, Nowacek DP, Solow AR, Connor RC, Tyack PL. Cardiac responses to acoustic playback experiments in the captive bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, DCu202f: 1983). 2001 Sep;115(3):227u201332.
- Nowacek DP, Johnson MP, Tyack PL, Shorter KA, McLellan WA, Pabst DA. Buoyant balaenids: the ups and downs of buoyancy in right whales. Proceedings Biological sciences. 2001 Sep;268(1478):1811u20136.
- Nowacek DP, Tyack PL, Wells RS. A platform for continuous behavioral and acoustic observation of free-ranging marine mammals: Overhead video combined with underwater audio. Marine Mammal Science. 2001 Jan 1;17(1):191u20139.
- Reedu2010Andersen T, Bennett EM, Jorgensen BS, Lauster G, Lewis DB, Nowacek D, et al. Distribution of recreational boating across lakes: do landscape variables affect recreational use? Freshwater Biology. 2000 Mar;43(3):439u201348.
- Flamm RO, Owen ECG, Owen CFW, Wells RS, Nowacek D. Aerial videogrammetry from a tethered airship to assess manatee life-stage structure. Marine Mammal Science. 2000 Jan 1;16(3):617u201330.
- Jacobs M, Nowacek DP, Gerhart DJ, Cannon G, Nowicki S, Forward RB. Seasonal changes in vocalization during behavior of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Estuaries. 1993 Jan 1;16(2):241u20136.
- Xian Y, Thompson A, Qiu Q, Nolte L, Nowacek D, Lu J, et al. Classification of whale vocalizations using the Weyl transform. In.
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