Shaundra Daily
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cue Family Professor of the Practice

Research Themes
Applications, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Research Interests
Identity-inclusive computing, Human-centered design & engineering, justice-centered STEM education
Shaundra 'Shani B' Daily is the Cue Family Professor of the Practice in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. Her research focuses on analyzing and designing sociotechnical systems - the complex interactions between people, technology, and social structures - to broaden meaningful participation and success in STEM fields.
Her work encompasses four interconnected strategies: 1) Understanding Sociotechnical Ecosystems through mixed methods approaches that analyze how social structures, cultural contexts, and technical systems influence STEM participation and success; 2) Designing Technologies for Social Impact by creating innovative tools that enhance emotional development, support interpersonal skills, and facilitate learning; 3) Building Supportive Infrastructure through programs, curricula and support structures that create enabling environments for learners to thrive in STEM; and 4) Fostering Community Agency by employing participatory approaches that empower communities to shape technology development.
Before joining Duke, she was an associate professor with tenure at the University of Florida in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering. She previously served as an associate professor and interim co-chair in the School of Computing at Clemson University. Having garnered over $40M in funding from public and private sources to support her collaborative research activities, Daily's work has been featured in USA Today, Forbes, National Public Radio, and the Chicago Tribune.
Daily earned her B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University – Florida State University College of Engineering and an S.M. and Ph.D. from the MIT Media Lab.
- Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010
- Cue Family Professor of the Practice
- Professor of the Practice in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Faculty Director of Duke Technology Scholars
- Professor of the Practice of Computer Science
- Core Faculty in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Educator of the Year. ACHI Magazine. 2022
- Program of the Year. CoNECD Conference. 2022
- North Carolina Black STEM Leaders. Governor Roy Cooper. 2022
- Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising. Pratt School of Engineering. 2021
- Undergraduate Mentor of the Year. Mary Lou William Center for Black Culture. 2020
- Extraordinary Educator Award . Delta Alpha Pi. 2015
- Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning Early Career Research Award . American Education Research Association. 2015
- Emerging Scholar . Diverse Issues in Higher Education . 2013
- Epsilon Award - Most Promising Technologist . Black Data Processing Association. 2013
- Scholar . Clemson Institute for the Advancement of Healthcare . 2012
- Fellow. Samsung. 2007
- Fellow. Stanford University - LIFE Center. 2007
- Graduate Community Fellow - Women's Initiatives. Massachusetts Institute of Technology . 2006
- Fellow. Delta Airlines. 2003
- Sean A. Pittman Award for Outstanding Service to the African American Community . Florida State University. 2001
- Member. Tau Beta Pi. 2000
- Torchbearer. National Society of Black Engineers . 2000
- Seminole Torchbearer. Florida State University . 1998
Courses Taught
- UNIV 104D: Quad Course: The Art and Science of What 'Works' In Life
- RACESOC 796T: Bass Connections Race & Society Research Team
- RACESOC 795T: Bass Connections Race & Society Research Team
- RACESOC 398T: Bass Connections Race & Society Research Team
- RACESOC 397T: Bass Connections Race & Society Research Team
- RACESOC 396T: Bass Connections Race & Society Research Team
- RACESOC 395T: Bass Connections Race & Society Research Team
- PSY 232: Quad Course: The Art and Science of What 'Works' In Life
- HOUSECS 59: House Course
- EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering
- EGR 190S: Special Topics
- EGR 190: Special Topics in Engineering
- EDUC 290S: Selected Topics
- EDUC 290: Selected Topics
- ECE 899: Special Readings in Electrical Engineering
- ECE 653: Human-Centered Computing
- ECE 493: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 391: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 110L: Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 110L9: Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Lab
- COMPSCI 653: Human-Centered Computing
- COMPSCI 394: Research Independent Study
- COMPSCI 391: Independent Study
- Leonard AE, Daily SB, Ju00f6rg S, Babu SV. Coding moves: Design and research of teaching computational thinking through dance choreography and virtual interactions. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 2021 Jan 1;53(2):159u201377.
- Brinkley J, Posadas B, Sherman I, Daily SB, Gilbert JE. An Open Road Evaluation of a Self-Driving Vehicle Humanu2013Machine Interface Designed for Visually Impaired Users. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2019 Jul 3;35(11):1018u201332.
- Daily S, James MT, Cherry D, Porter JJ, Darnell SS, Isaac J, et al. Affective Computing: Historial Foundations, Current Applications, and Future Trends. In: Jeon M, editor. Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction. Academic Press; 2017.
- Daily SB, Leonard AE, Ju00f6rg S, Babu S, DSouza N, Parmar D, et al. Combating Perceptions of Computer Scientists: A Short-term Intervention. In: Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education. ACM; 2016. p. 686u2013686.
- Parmar D, Isaac J, Babu SV, Du2019Souza N, Leonard AE, Joerg CS, et al. 2016 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, VR 2016-Proceedings. In: IEEE Computer Society. 2016.
- Parmar D, Babu SV, Lin L, Ju00f6rg S, Du2019Souza N, Leonard AE, et al. Can embodied interaction and virtual peer customization in a virtual programming environment enhance computational thinking? In: Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), 2016. IEEE; 2016. p. 1u20132.
- Roy T, Hodges LF, Daily SB, McClendon J. SecondLook: Participatory Design Process to Create a Phone App that Detects Digital Dating Abuse. In: Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE; 2016. p. 320u20137.
- Thomas J, Daily SB, Streeter M. Supporting Students of Color in Learning Computer Science. In: Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education. ACM; 2016. p. 706u2013706.
- Volante M, Babu SV, Chaturvedi H, Newsome N, Ebrahimi E, Roy T, et al. Effects of Virtual Human Appearance Fidelity on Emotion Contagion in Affective Inter-Personal Simulations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2016;22(4):1326u201335.
- Parmar D, Isaac J, Babu SV, Du2019Souza N, Leonard AE, Ju00f6rg S, et al. Programming moves: Design and evaluation of applying embodied interaction in virtual environments to enhance computational thinking in middle school students. In: 2016 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR). IEEE; 2016. p. 131u201340.
- Leonard AE, Dsouza N, Babu SV, Daily SB, Ju00f6rg S, Waddell C, et al. Embodying and Programming a Constellation of Multimodal Literacy Practices: Computational Thinking, Creative Movement, Biology, & Virtual Environment Interactions. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 2015;11(2):64u201393.
- Eggert J, Dye CJ, Vincent E, Parker V, Daily SB, Pham H, et al. Effects of viewing a preferred nature image and hearing preferred music on engagement, agitation, and mental status in persons with dementia. SAGE Open Medicine. 2015;3:2050312115602579.
- DAILY SB, JAMES MT, ROY T, DARNELL SS. EngageMe: Designing a Visualization Tool Utilizing Physiological Feedback to Support Instruction. Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning. 2015;10(2).
- Ju00f6rg S, Leonard AE, Babu S, Gundersen K, Parmar D, Boggs K, et al. Character animation and embodiment in teaching computational thinking. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters. ACM; 2014. p. 4.
- Daily SB, Leonard AE, Ju00f6rg S, Babu S, Gundersen K, Parmar D. Embodying Computational Thinking: Initial Design of an Emerging Technological Learning Tool. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 2014;20(1):79u201384.
- Daily SB, Leonard AE, Ju00f6rg S, Babu S, Gundersen K. Dancing alice: Exploring embodied pedagogical strategies for learning computational thinking. In: Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education. ACM; 2014. p. 91u20136.
- Wu Y, Babu SV, Armstrong R, Bertrand JW, Luo J, Roy T, et al. Effects of virtual human animation on emotion contagion in simulated inter-personal experiences. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 2014;20(4):626u201335.
- Hutcherson DE, Hurley RA, Daily SB, Ouzts AD. Talk to Meu2014Biometrically Adaptive Consumer Packaging: The Effects of Emotion Relative to a Consumeru2019s Purchasing Decisions. International Journal of Science in Society. 2013;4(3).
- Daily SB, Eugene W. Preparing the future STEM workforce for diverse environments. Urban Education. 2013;48(5):682u2013704.
- Eugene W, Daily SB, Barnes T, Burns R. Building technology fluency. In: 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 2013.
- Leonard AE, Daily SB. The Dancing Alice Project: Computational and Embodied Arts Research in Middle School Education. Voke. 2013;
- Daily SB, Cotten S, Gibson P, Howell-Moroney M, Ou2019neal L. Teacher self-efficacy and usage: the case of the XO laptop in Alabama. In: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. 2013. p. 4676u201383.
- Daily SB, Gilbert JE, Eugene W, Gardner-McCune C, McMullen KA, Hall PW, et al. Alternate pathways to careers in computing. In: 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 2013.
- Roy T, James MT, Gupta A, Darnell SS, Daily S. A Participatory Design Process for Developing a Tool to Visualize Classroom Engagement. 2013;
- Daily SB, Meyers D, Darnell S, Roy T, James MT. Understanding privacy and trust issues in a classroom affective computing system deployment. In Springer; 2013. p. 414u201323.
- Eugene W, Daily SB, Langer E. XO integration: voices from the field. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management. 2012;4(1):62u201374.
- Johnson D, Wyss JM, Gray J, Daily S, Shih A, Abbot G. Broadening participation in computing: the multi-tiered approach. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Southeast Regional Conference. ACM; 2012. p. 371u20132.
- Chapman R, Daily SB. OASIS. In: 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference: Connecting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice, CSCL 2011. 2011.
- Carter A, Daily S, Daily J. ScratchLabs: A Novel Professional Development Program for Technology Integration. In: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. 2010. p. 2672u20138.
- Daily SB. More than a feeling: technology-infused learning environments to support the development of empathy. 2010.
- Daily SB, Brennan K. Utilizing technology to support the development of empathy. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Interaction design and children. ACM; 2008. p. 5u20138.
- Hayes ER, Gee JP, Games I, Torres RJ, Peppler K, Kafai YB, et al. New perspectives on learning through (game) design. In: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference for the learning sciences-Volume 3. International Society of the Learning Sciences; 2008. p. 253u20137.
- Prewitt A, Eugene W, Daily SB. Minority retention and success in engineering. In: 114th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, 2007. 2007.
- Brittain E, Bryant R, Chandler L, Chapman R, Daily SB, Hampton M, et al. The academy of courageous minority engineers. In: 114th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, 2007. 2007.
- Daily SB, Eugene W, Prewitt A. The development of social capital in engineering education to improve student retention. In: Proceedings in 2007 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference. 2007.
- Daily SB, Picard RW. Girls Involved in Real Life Sharing: Utilizing Technology to Support the Emotional Development of Teenaged Girls. Journal of School Counseling. 2007;5(20):n20.
- Picard RW, Daily SB. Evaluating affective interactions: Alternatives to asking what users feel. In: CHI Workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces: Innovative Approaches. 2005. p. 2119u201322.
- Daily SB. Digital story explication as it relates to emotional needs and learning. 2005.
- Daily SB, Picard R. INNER-active Journal. In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Story representation, mechanism and context. ACM; 2004. p. 51u20134.
- Volonte M, Babu S, Chaturvedi H, Newsome N, Ebrahimi E, Roy T, et al. Effects of Virtual Human Appearance Fidelity on Emotion Contagion in Affective Inter-Personal Simulations.
- Daily SB. TECHNOLOGY, PERCEPTIONS, AND CLASSROOMS Introducing Q sensor Technology into Classrooms: Assessing Feasibility with Respect to Perceptions Dante P. Myers Juan E. Gilbert, Ph. D.
- Alvarez I, Lopez-de Ipiu00f1a K, Daily SB, Gilbert JE. Emotional Adaptive Vehicle User Interfaces: moderating negative effects of failed technology interactions while driving. In.
- Brennan K, Daily SB, Kaman C. Empathy as a Foundation of Civic Engagement: Using Technology and Storytelling to Cultivate Perspective Taking Abilities. In.
- Daily SB. Alternate Pathways to Careers in Computing: Recruiting and Retaining Women Students. In.
In The News
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- Duke Faculty Join Federal Roundtable Discussion on AI (Mar 1, 2024 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Changing Perceptions of STEM Through Arts & Crafts (Oct 25, 2023 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Computer science has a racism problem: these researchers want to fix it (Oct 19, 2022 | Nature Magazine)
- Meet the QuadEx Faculty Fellows (Aug 24, 2022 | )
- Shani Daily on Opening Wider Doors to the STEM Fields (Jul 12, 2022 | Duke Government Relations)
- NC Governor Honors Two Duke Faculty as Black Leaders in STEM (Feb 9, 2022 | )
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- How much of tech history involves Black history? (Feb 1, 2022 | ZDNet)
- Honoring Black History Month in tech companies (Feb 1, 2022 | ZDNet)
- Daily and Samanez-Larkin to Lead Faculty QuadEx Engagement (Nov 30, 2021 | )
- National Science Foundation launches artificial intelligence center at Duke (Aug 21, 2021 | Duke Chronicle)
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- 'Really about educating educators': New initiatives aim to improve diversity in computer science department (May 12, 2021 | Duke Chronicle)
- Uplifting, Educating and Listening: Itu2019s Not Over (Apr 1, 2021 | DukeEngineer Magazine)
- Building a Network to Last (Aug 20, 2020 | DukeEngineer Magazine)
- For Women Student Coders, Program Provides Strength in Numbers (Aug 18, 2018 | Duke Today)
- Changing the face of computer science (Nov 21, 2016 | Science Magazine)
- Students Learn Computer Programming Skills Through Dance (Jun 2, 2016 | 1.t The Journal: Transforming Education Through Technology)
- American Graduate Champion: Dr. Shaundra Daily (Aug 21, 2015 | South Carolina ETV)
- Technology: Cool Women Who Code (Girls in Science) (Aug 11, 2015 | Book Chapter)
- Digital Divas weave STEM into fashion and dance challenges (Aug 5, 2015 | Chicago Tribune)
- Bridging tech's gender gap with dance (Jan 19, 2015 | USAToday)
- STEM Education Shall We Dance? (Dec 1, 2014 | ASEE Prism)
- Computer scientist Shaundra Daily - ScienceLives (Nov 14, 2014 | National Science Foundation)
- Can Girls Dance Their Way Toward Computer Programming Careers? Read more: (Nov 7, 2014 | NationSwell)
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- Careers: Shaundra Daily (Oct 9, 2013 | Girl Scouts of the USA)
- Dr. Shaundra B. Daily Works to Improve Education with Technology (Jan 13, 2013 | Diverse Issues in Higher Education)
- NOVA | The Secret Life of Scientists: Shaundra Daily (Mar 2, 2011 | PBS)