Travis L Nicholson
Assistant Professor of Physics

Research Interests
My research focuses on quantum science experiments with ultracold gases of neutral atoms. My team has pioneered ultracold physics with Main Group III (Group 13) atoms. We were the first to laser cool a Group III atom to near absolute zero, as well as the first to prepare these atoms in pure quantum states and optically trap them. I occasionally do theoretical physics research, and some of my work includes proposals for novel lasers and new quantum sensor designs.
Travis is an experimental physicist who studies quantum phenomena with ultracold atoms. His work involves cooling atoms to temperatures near absolute zero, trapping them in optical potentials, and using them to study fundamental physics, quantum information science, and quantum metrology. Specific areas of interest include realizing novel quantum many-body states with exotic phases, developing new quantum computing architectures, and designing highly precise and accurate atomic clocks.
Travis pioneered ultracold physics with triel elements, which are atoms in Group 13 of the Periodic Table. These elements offer unique quantum interactions and a high degree of control, enabling new directions in quantum science.
- M.S. University of Colorado, Boulder, 2011
- Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 2015
- Assistant Professor of Physics
- Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Member of the Duke Quantum Center
Courses Taught
- PHYSICS 152L9D: Introductory Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics (Discussion Component)
- ECE 270DL: Fields and Waves: Fundamentals of Information Propagation
- Yu X, Mo J, Lu T, Tan TY, Nicholson TL. Magneto-optical trapping of a group- iii atom. Physical Review A. 2022 Jun 1;105(6).
- Yu X, Mo J, Lu T, Tan TY, Nicholson TL. Zeeman slowing of a group-III atom. Physical Review Research. 2022 Mar 1;4(1).
- Ju00e4ger SB, Liu H, Cooper J, Nicholson TL, Holland MJ. Superradiant emission of a thermal atomic beam into an optical cavity. Physical Review A. 2021 Sep 1;104(3).
- Liu H, Ju00e4ger SB, Yu X, Touzard S, Shankar A, Holland MJ, et al. Rugged mHz-Linewidth Superradiant Laser Driven by a Hot Atomic Beam. Physical review letters. 2020 Dec;125(25):253602.
- Liang Q-Y, Venkatramani AV, Cantu SH, Nicholson TL, Gullans MJ, Gorshkov AV, et al. Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium. Science (New York, NY). 2018 Feb;359(6377):783u20136.
- Thompson JD, Nicholson TL, Liang Q-Y, Cantu SH, Venkatramani AV, Choi S, et al. Symmetry-protected collisions between strongly interacting photons. Nature. 2017 Feb;542(7640):206u20139.
- Bromley SL, Zhu B, Bishof M, Zhang X, Bothwell T, Schachenmayer J, et al. Collective atomic scattering and motional effects in a dense coherent medium. Nature communications. 2016 Mar;7:11039.
- Nicholson TL, Blatt S, Bloom BJ, Williams JR, Thomsen JW, Ye J, et al. Optical Feshbach resonances: Field-dressed theory and comparison with experiments. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2015 Aug 24;92(2).
- Nicholson TL, Campbell SL, Hutson RB, Marti GE, Bloom BJ, McNally RL, et al. Systematic evaluation of an atomic clock at 2 u00d7 10(-18) total uncertainty. Nature communications. 2015 Apr;6:6896.
- Bloom BJ, Nicholson TL, Williams JR, Campbell SL, Bishof M, Zhang X, et al. An optical lattice clock with accuracy and stability at the 10(-18) level. Nature. 2014 Feb;506(7486):71u20135.
- Bloom BJ, Nicholson TL, Campbell SL, Williams JR, Zhang W, Bishof M, et al. Optical lattice clocks with performance better than 1u00d710-17. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013.
- Nicholson TL, Martin MJ, Williams JR, Bloom BJ, Bishof M, Swallows MD, et al. Comparison of two independent Sr optical clocks with 1u00d710(-17) stability at 10(3) s. Physical review letters. 2012 Dec;109(23):230801.
- Martin MJ, Swallows MD, Nicholson T, Bishof M, Bloom B, Williams J, et al. 87Sr optical lattice clocks at JILA. In: CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements). 2012. p. 276u20137.
- Blatt S, Nicholson TL, Bloom BJ, Williams JR, Thomsen JW, Julienne PS, et al. Measurement of optical Feshbach resonances in an ideal gas. Physical review letters. 2011 Aug;107(7):073202.
- Swallows MD, Campbell GK, Ludlow AD, Boyd MM, Thomsen JW, Martin MJ, et al. Precision measurement of fermionic collisions using an 87Sr optical lattice clock with 1 x 10(-16) inaccuracy. In: IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. 2010. p. 574u201382.
- Campbell GK, Boyd MM, Thomsen JW, Martin MJ, Blatt S, Swallows MD, et al. Probing interactions between ultracold fermions. Science (New York, NY). 2009 Apr;324(5925):360u20133.
- Ludlow AD, Campbell GK, Blatt S, Boyd MM, Martin MJ, Nicholson TL, et al. Quantum metrology with lattice-confined ultracold SR atoms. In: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, ISFSM 2008. 2009. p. 73u201381.
- Zirbel JJ, Ni KK, Ospelkaus S, Nicholson TL, Olsen ML, Julienne PS, et al. Heteronuclear molecules in an optical dipole trap. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2008 Jul 23;78(1).