Willie Padilla, Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Paul Wang Distinguished Professor

Research Themes
Research Interests
Theoretical and experimental investigation of electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces, and their application to imaging and sensing at microwave, terahertz, and infrared frequencies
- Ph.D. University of California, San Diego, 2004
- Dr. Paul Wang Distinguished Professor
- Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Fellow. Optical Society of America. 2013
- Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers. President of the United States of America. 2009
Courses Taught
- VMS 325L: Optics and Photonics
- PHYSICS 621: Advanced Optics
- PHYSICS 320L: Optics and Photonics
- MSEG 591: Independent Study
- EGR 101L: Engineering Design and Communication
- ECE 899: Special Readings in Electrical Engineering
- ECE 571: Electromagnetic Theory
- ECE 541: Advanced Optics
- ECE 340L: Optics and Photonics
- ECE 270L9: Fields and Waves: Fundamentals of Information Propagation (Lab)
- ECE 270DL: Fields and Waves: Fundamentals of Information Propagation
- BME 552: Advanced Optics
- Rozman N, Peng R, Padilla WJ. Deep Inverse Design of an Infrared Metasurface Diffuser. Advanced Optical Materials. 2024 Nov 25;12(33).
- Xu Y, Yang J-Q, Fan K, Wang S, Wu J, Zhang C, et al. Physics-Informed Inverse Design of Programmable Metasurfaces. Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). 2024 Nov;11(41):e2406878.
- Li W, Barati Sedeh H, Tsvetkov D, Padilla WJ, Ren S, Malof J, et al. Machine Learning for Engineering Meta-Atoms with Tailored Multipolar Resonances. Laser and Photonics Reviews. 2024 Jul 1;18(7).
- Schulz SA, Oulton RF, Kenney M, Alu00f9 A, Staude I, Bashiri A, et al. Roadmap on photonic metasurfaces. Applied Physics Letters. 2024 Jun 24;124(26).
- Rozman N, Fan K, Padilla WJ. Symmetry-Broken High-Q Terahertz Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum. ACS Photonics. 2024 May 15;11(5):1893u2013900.
- Peng R, Ren S, Malof J, Padilla WJ. Transfer learning for metamaterial design and simulation. Nanophotonics (Berlin, Germany). 2024 May;13(13):2323u201334.
- Padilla WJ, Deng Y, Khatib O, Tarokh V. Fundamental absorption bandwidth to thickness limit for transparent homogeneous layers. Nanophotonics (Berlin, Germany). 2024 Apr;13(9):1623u20139.
- Ma H, Evlyukhin AB, Miroshnichenko AE, Zhu F, Duan S, Wu J, et al. Extremely Thin Perfect Absorber by Generalized Multipole Bianisotropic Effect. Advanced Optical Materials. 2024 Mar 5;12(7).
- Im S, Frey E, Kim DH, Heo SY, Song YM, Vong MH, et al. Tunable Infrared Emissivity Using Laser-Sintered Liquid Metal Nanoparticle Films. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024 Jan 1;
- Gu D, Smith J, Whitney A, Khatib O, Rozman N, Gregg A, et al. Characterization of Microwave Blackbody with Monostatic Measurement. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2024. p. 6263u20137.
- Padilla W, Rozman N, Deng Y, Peng R, Malof J. Deep Learning for Novel Infrared, Millimeter wave, and Terahertz Metamaterials. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. 2024.
- Leitenstorfer A, Moskalenko AS, Kampfrath T, Kono J, Castro-Camus E, Peng K, et al. The 2023 terahertz science and technology roadmap. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2023 Jun 1;56(22).
- Huang L, Xu L, Powell DA, Padilla WJ, Miroshnichenko AE. Resonant leaky modes in all-dielectric metasystems: Fundamentals and applications. Physics Reports. 2023 Apr 5;1008:1u201366.
- Li W, Sedeh HB, Padilla WJ, Malof J, Litchinitser NM. Mie Resonance-based Meta-atom Design with Machine Learning Method. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO:S and I 2023. 2023.
- Li W, Sedeh HB, Padilla WJ, Malof J, Litchinitser NM. Mie Resonance-based Meta-atom Design with Machine Learning Method. In: 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2023. 2023.
- Malof JM, Ren S, Padilla WJ. Forward and Inverse Design of Artificial Electromagnetic Materials. In: Advances in Electromagnetics Empowered by Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. 2023. p. 345u201370.
- Li W, Sedeh HB, Padilla WJ, Malof J, Litchinitser NM. Multipolar Resonance Engineering Using Machine Learning. In: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. 2023. p. 1175.
- Fan K, Yang JQ, Xu YC, Wu J, Zhang C, Zhan DC, et al. Normalization flows for designing metasurfaces. In: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. 2023. p. 1170u20131.
- Khatib O, Ren S, Malof J, Padilla WJ. Informed Deep Learning in Metamaterials. In: 2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, ACES-Monterey 2023. 2023.
- Padilla WJ, Fan K. Transparent phase dielectric metasurfaces. In: All-Dielectric Nanophotonics. 2023. p. 287u2013328.
- Deng Y, Ren S, Malof J, Padilla WJ. Deep inverse photonic design: A tutorial. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. 2022 Dec 1;52.
- Staude I, Chen H, Miroshnichenko A, Takahara J, Padilla WJ. Metasurfaces for photonic devices. Journal of Applied Physics. 2022 Nov 21;132(19).
- Fan K, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. Active and tunable nanophotonic metamaterials. Nanophotonics (Berlin, Germany). 2022 Sep;11(17):3769u2013803.
- Fan K, Stenger V, Padilla WJ. Pyroelectric metamaterial millimeter-wave detector. Applied Physics Letters. 2022 Jul 11;121(2).
- Khatib O, Ren S, Malof J, Padilla WJ. Learning the Physics of All-Dielectric Metamaterials with Deep Lorentz Neural Networks. Advanced Optical Materials. 2022 Jul 1;10(13).
- Ren S, Mahendra A, Khatib O, Deng Y, Padilla WJ, Malof JM. Inverse deep learning methods and benchmarks for artificial electromagnetic material design. Nanoscale. 2022 Mar;14(10):3958u201369.
- Padilla WJ, Averitt RD. Imaging with metamaterials. Nature Reviews Physics. 2022 Feb 1;4(2):85u2013100.
- Khatib O, Gu D, Smith J, Deal WR, Padilla WJ, Reising SC. Planar Metamaterial Absorbers for Calibration of Microwave Radiometers for Atmospheric Remote Sensing. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2022. p. 7212u20137.
- Dong J, Ren S, Deng Y, Khatib O, Malof J, Soltani M, et al. BLASCHKE PRODUCT NEURAL NETWORK (BPNN): A PHYSICS-INFUSED NEURAL NETWORK FOR PHASE RETRIEVAL OF MEROMORPHIC FUNCTIONS. In: ICLR 2022 - 10th International Conference on Learning Representations. 2022.
- Yang JQ, Xu YC, Fan K, Wu J, Zhang C, Zhan DC, et al. Normalizing Flows for Efficient Inverse Design of Thermophotovoltaic Emitters. ACS Photonics. 2022 Jan 1;
- Padilla WJ. Deep Learning Metamaterials. In: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. 2022. p. 543.
- Khatib O, Tyler T, Padilla WJ, Jokerst NM, Everitt HO. Mapping active strain using terahertz metamaterial laminates. APL Photonics. 2021 Nov 1;6(11).
- Khatib O, Ren S, Malof J, Padilla WJ. Deep Learning the Electromagnetic Properties of Metamaterialsu2014A Comprehensive Review. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021 Aug 1;31(31).
- Fang H, Xie W, Li X, Fan K, Lai Y-T, Sun B, et al. A Triple-Mode Midinfrared Modulator for Radiative Heat Management of Objects with Various Emissivity. Nano letters. 2021 May;21(9):4106u201314.
- Fang H, Xie W, Li X, Fan K, Lai YT, Sun B, et al. A Triple-Mode Mid-infrared Modulator for All-Surface Radiative Thermal Management. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings. 2021.
- Deng Y, Ren S, Fan K, Malof JM, Padilla WJ. Neural-adjoint method for the inverse design of all-dielectric metasurfaces. Optics express. 2021 Mar;29(5):7526u201334.
- Fan K, Shadrivov IV, Miroshnichenko AE, Padilla WJ. Infrared all-dielectric Kerker metasurfaces. Optics express. 2021 Mar;29(7):10518u201326.
- Fang H, Xie W, Li X, Fan K, Lai YT, Sun B, et al. A triple-mode mid-infrared modulator for all-surface radiative thermal management. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2021.
- Khatib O, Tyler T, Padilla WJ, Jokerst NM, Everitt HO. Strain mapping with THz metamaterial composites. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2021.
- Deng Y, Ren S, Fan K, Malof JM, Padilla WJ. Machine Learning for Exotic Metasurfaces. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. 2020. p. 25.
- Khatib O, Tyler T, Padilla WJ, Jokerst NM, Everitt HO. Strain Mapping with THz Metamaterial Composites. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. 2020. p. 317.
- Fan K, Koulakis J, Holczer K, Putterman S, Padilla WJ. Correction to: Ultrathin Metasurface Wavelength-Selective Mirror for Millimeter/TerahertzWave Fabry-Perot Cavities (Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, (2020), 41, 4, (365-374), 10.1007/s10762-019-00657-2). Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2020 May 1;41(5):605.
- Fan K, Koulakis J, Holczer K, Putterman S, Padilla WJ. Ultrathin Metasurface Wavelength-Selective Mirror for Millimeter/Terahertz Wave Fabry-Perot Cavities. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2020 Apr 1;41(4):365u201374.
- Wu J, Shen Z, Ge S, Chen B, Wang T, Zhang C, et al. Liquid crystal programmable metasurface for terahertz beam steering. Applied Physics Letters. 2020 Mar 30;116(13).
- Cardin AE, Silva SR, Vardeny SR, Padilla WJ, Saxena A, Taylor AJ, et al. Surface-wave-assisted nonreciprocity in spatio-temporally modulated metasurfaces. Nature communications. 2020 Mar;11(1):1469.
- Ren S, Padilla WJ, Malof J. Benchmarking deep inverse models over time, and the neural-adjoint method. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2020.
- Khatib O, Tyler T, Padilla WJ, Jokerst NM, Everitt HO. Strain sensing with THz metamaterial composites. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2020.
- Nadell CC, Huang B, Malof JM, Padilla WJ. Deep learning for accelerated all-dielectric metasurface design. Optics express. 2019 Sep;27(20):27523u201335.
- Kelley KP, Runnerstrom EL, Sachet E, Shelton CT, Grimley ED, Klump A, et al. Multiple Epsilon-Near-Zero Resonances in Multilayered Cadmium Oxide: Designing Metamaterial-Like Optical Properties in Monolithic Materials. ACS Photonics. 2019 May 15;6(5):1139u201345.
- Everitt HO, Tyler T, Caraway BD, Bingham CM, Llopis A, Heimbeck MS, et al. Strain Sensing with Metamaterial Composites. Advanced Optical Materials. 2019 May 3;7(9).
- Suen JY, Fan K, Padilla WJ. A Zero-Rank, Maximum Nullity Perfect Electromagnetic Wave Absorber. Advanced Optical Materials. 2019 Apr 18;7(8).
- Fan K, Shadrivov IV, Padilla WJ. Dynamic bound states in the continuum. Optica. 2019 Feb 20;6(2):169u201373.
- Padilla WJ, Fan K. All-dielectric metasurfaces for terahertz science and technology. In: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. 2019. p. 638u20139.
- Liu M, Susli M, Silva D, Putrino G, Kala H, Fan S, et al. Ultrathin tunable terahertz absorbers based on electrostatically actuated metamaterial. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2019.
- Cardin A, Fan K, Padilla W. Role of loss in all-dielectric metasurfaces. Optics express. 2018 Jun;26(13):17669u201379.
- Nadell C, Fan K, Padilla W. Resonance-domain diffractive lens for the terahertz region. Optics letters. 2018 May;43(10):2384u20137.
- Fan K, Zhang J, Liu X, Zhang G-F, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. Phototunable Dielectric Huygens' Metasurfaces. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2018 May;30(22):e1800278.
- Atakaramians S, Johnston M, Padilla W, Mendis R. Preface to Special Topic: Frontiers on THz photonic devices. APL Photonics. 2018 May 1;3(5).
- Ming X, Padilla WJ, Sun L, Yang H. Temporal coupled mode theory for all-dielectric perfect absorbers. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018.
- Padilla WJ, Fan K, Suen JY, Liu X. All-dielectric metasurfaces for THz imaging and sensing. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2018.
- Liu M, Susli M, Silva D, Putrino G, Kala H, Fan S, et al. Fast tunable terahertz absorber based on a MEMS-driven metamaterial. In: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2017 - Proceedings. 2017. p. 1u20132.
- Ming X, Liu X, Sun L, Padilla WJ. Degenerate critical coupling in all-dielectric metasurface absorbers. Optics express. 2017 Oct;25(20):24658u201369.
- Fan K, Suen JY, Padilla WJ. Graphene metamaterial spatial light modulator for infrared single pixel imaging. Optics express. 2017 Oct;25(21):25318u201325.
- Nadell CC, Fan K, Suen JY, Padilla WJ. Multiplexed coded time domain sampling with metamaterials. Optics express. 2017 Oct;25(21):25797u2013808.
- Montoya JA, Tian Z-B, Krishna S, Padilla WJ. Ultra-thin infrared metamaterial detector for multicolor imaging applications. Optics express. 2017 Sep;25(19):23343u201355.
- Padilla WJ, Averitt RD. Properties of dynamical electromagnetic metamaterials. Journal of Optics (United Kingdom). 2017 Aug 1;19(8).
- Cole MA, Chen WC, Liu M, Kruk SS, Padilla WJ, Shadrivov IV, et al. Strong Broadband Terahertz Optical Activity through Control of the Blaschke Phase with Chiral Metasurfaces. Physical Review Applied. 2017 Jul 21;8(1).
- Fan K, Suen JY, Liu X, Padilla WJ. All-dielectric metasurface absorbers for uncooled terahertz imaging. Optica. 2017 Jun 20;4(6):601u20134.
- Liu X, Padilla WJ. Reconfigurable room temperature metamaterial infrared emitter. Optica. 2017 Apr 20;4(4):430u20133.
- Suen JY, Fan K, Montoya J, Bingham C, Stenger V, Sriram S, et al. Multifunctional metamaterial pyroelectric infrared detectors. Optica. 2017 Feb 20;4(2):276u20139.
- Liu X, Fan K, Shadrivov IV, Padilla WJ. Experimental realization of a terahertz all-dielectric metasurface absorber. Optics express. 2017 Jan;25(1):191u2013201.
- Liu M, Susli M, Silva D, Putrino G, Kala H, Fan S, et al. Fast tunable terahertz absorber based on a MEMS-driven metamaterial. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Liu M, Susli M, Silva D, Putrino G, Kala H, Fan S, et al. Ultrathin tunable terahertz absorber based on MEMS-driven metamaterial. Microsystems & nanoengineering. 2017 Jan;3:17033.
- Ming X, Padilla WJ, Sun L. Frequency division multiplexing THz light field imaging. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2017.
- Liu M, Fan K, Padilla W, Powell DA, Zhang X, Shadrivov IV. Mimicking liquid crystals with metamaterials. In: 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016. 2016.
- Montoya J, Cardin A, Tian ZB, Krishna S, Padilla W. Design and fabrication of a multispectral infrared metamaterial detector. In: 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016. 2016.
- Fan K, Suen J, Wu X, Padilla WJ. Graphene metamaterial modulator for free-space thermal radiation. Optics express. 2016 Oct;24(22):25189u2013201.
- Suen JY, Padilla WJ. Superiority of terahertz over infrared transmission through bandages and burn wound ointments. Applied Physics Letters. 2016 Jun 6;108(23).
- Padilla WJ. Light-Matter interactions. In: Optical Techniques for Solid-State Materials Characterization. 2016. p. 3u201338.
- Chen W-C, Cardin A, Koirala M, Liu X, Tyler T, West KG, et al. Role of surface electromagnetic waves in metamaterial absorbers. Optics express. 2016 Mar;24(6):6783u201392.
- Watts CM, Nadell CC, Montoya J, Krishna S, Padilla WJ. Frequency-division-multiplexed single-pixel imaging with metamaterials. Optica. 2016 Feb 20;3(2):133u20138.
- Liu X, Padilla WJ. Thermochromic Infrared Metamaterials. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2016 Feb;28(5):871u20135.
- Liu M, Fan K, Padilla W, Powell DA, Zhang X, Shadrivov IV. Tunable Meta-Liquid Crystals. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2016 Feb;28(8):1553u20138.
- Liu M, Fan K, Padilla W, Powell DA, Zhang X, Shadrivov IV. Mimicking Liquid Crystals with Metamaterials. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2016.
- Montoya J, Cardin A, Tian ZB, Krishna S, Padilla W. Design and Fabrication of a Multispectral Infrared Metamaterial Detector. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2016.
- Nadell CC, Watts CM, Montoya JA, Krishna S, Padilla WJ. Single Pixel Quadrature Imaging with Metamaterials. Advanced Optical Materials. 2016 Jan 1;4(1):66u20139.
- Shrekenhamer D, Miragliotta JA, Brinkley M, Fan K, Peng F, Montoya JA, et al. Electronic and thermally tunable infrared metamaterial absorbers. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2016.
- Bae K, Kang G, Cho SK, Park W, Kim K, Padilla WJ. Flexible thin-film black gold membranes with ultrabroadband plasmonic nanofocusing for efficient solar vapour generation. Nature communications. 2015 Dec;6:10103.
- Padilla WJ, Watts CM, Montoya J, Nadell CC, Krishna S. Quadrature & frequency diverse terahertz imaging with metamaterials. In: IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2015.
- Padilla WJ, Watts CM, Nadell CC. Digital metamaterials for single pixel imaging in the Far Infrared. In: 2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference, URSI AT-RASC 2015. 2015.
- Padilla W, Watts CM, Nadell C, Montoya JA, Krishna S. Metamaterial-based single pixel imaging system (Presentation Recording). In: Engheta N, Noginov MA, Zheludev NI, editors. SPIE Proceedings. SPIE; 2015. p. 95441Q-95441Q.
- Padilla WJ, Liu X. Taming blackbody radiation with MEMS metamaterials. In: International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics. 2015.
- Liu X, Padilla WJ. Artificial electrochromic & thermochromic infrared metamaterials. In: International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics. 2015.
- Kang G, Bae K, Nam M, Ko DH, Kim K, Padilla WJ. Broadband and ultrahigh optical haze thin films with self-aggregated alumina nanowire bundles for photovoltaic applications. Energy and Environmental Science. 2015 Sep 1;8(9):2650u20136.
- Adomanis BM, Watts CM, Koirala M, Liu X, Tyler T, West KG, et al. Bi-layer metamaterials as fully functional near-perfect infrared absorbers. Applied Physics Letters. 2015 Jul 13;107(2).
- Liu L, Chen WC, Powell DA, Padilla WJ, Karouta F, Hattori HT, et al. Mechanically tunable bi-layer terahertz metamaterials. CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015. 2015 May 4;2267.
- Fan K, Padilla WJ. Dynamic electromagnetic metamaterials. Materials Today. 2015 Jan 1;18(1):39u201350.
- Liu L, Chen WC, Powell DA, Padilla WJ, Karouta F, Hattori HT, et al. Post-processing approach for tuning multi-layered metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters. 2014 Oct 13;105(15).
- Withayachumnankul W, Shah CM, Fumeaux C, Ung BSY, Padilla WJ, Bhaskaran M, et al. Plasmonic Resonance toward Terahertz Perfect Absorbers. ACS Photonics. 2014 Jul 16;1(7):625u201330.
- Shemelya C, Demeo D, Latham NP, Wu X, Bingham C, Padilla W, et al. Stable high temperature metamaterial emitters for thermophotovoltaic applications. Applied Physics Letters. 2014 May 19;104(20).
- Savo S, Shrekenhamer D, Padilla WJ. Liquid crystal metamaterial absorber spatial light modulator for THz applications. Advanced Optical Materials. 2014 Mar 1;2(3):275u20139.
- Padilla WJ. Sparse imaging with metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014.
- Watts CM, Shrekenhamer D, Montoya J, Lipworth G, Hunt J, Sleasman T, et al. Coded and compressive THz imaging with metamaterials. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2014 Jan 1;8985.
- Watts CM, Shrekenhamer D, Montoya J, Lipworth G, Hunt J, Sleasman T, et al. Terahertz compressive imaging with metamaterial spatial light modulators. Nature Photonics. 2014;
- Watts CM, Shrekenhamer D, Montoya J, Lipworth G, Hunt J, Sleasman T, et al. Terahertz compressive imaging with metamaterial spatial light modulators. Nature Photonics. 2014 Jan 1;8(8):605u20139.
- Padilla WJ. Sparse imaging with metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2014 Jan 1;2014-January.
- Padilla WJ. Sparse imaging with metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2014 Jan 1;
- Tanaka Y, Takano K, Okui Y, Chahadih A, Ghaddar A, Han XL, et al. Terahertz properties of metallic checkerboard patterns and related structures. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2014 Jan 1;9275.
- Venkatesh S, Shrekenhamer D, Xu W, Sonkusale S, Padilla W, Schurig D. Interferometric direction finding with a metamaterial detector. Applied Physics Letters. 2013 Dec 16;103(25).
- Shrekenhamer D, Montoya J, Krishna S, Padilla WJ. Four-color metamaterial absorber THz spatial light modulator. Advanced Optical Materials. 2013 Dec 1;1(12):905u20139.
- Padilla WJ, Shrekenhamer D, Watts CM. THz imaging with metamaterials. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. 2013.
- Siegel PH, Akalin T, Beigang R, Padilla W, Rahm M. Introduction to the special issue. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2013 Nov 1;3(6):689u201391.
- Pilon DV, Lui CH, Han T-H, Shrekenhamer D, Frenzel AJ, Padilla WJ, et al. Spin-induced optical conductivity in the spin-liquid candidate herbertsmithite. Physical review letters. 2013 Sep;111(12):127401.
- Liu X, Padilla WJ. Dynamic Manipulation of Infrared Radiation with MEMS Metamaterials. Advanced Optical Materials. 2013 Aug 1;1(8):559u201362.
- Shrekenhamer D, Watts CM, Montoy J, Krishna S, Padilla WJ. Metamaterial-based imaging for potential security applications. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2013.
- Kang G, Park H, Shin D, Baek S, Choi M, Yu D-H, et al. Broadband light-trapping enhancement in an ultrathin film a-Si absorber using whispering gallery modes and guided wave modes with dielectric surface-textured structures. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2013 May;25(18):2617u201323.
- Shrekenhamer D, Watts CM, Padilla WJ. Terahertz single pixel imaging with an optically controlled dynamic spatial light modulator. Optics express. 2013 May;21(10):12507u201318.
- Shrekenhamer D, Chen W-C, Padilla WJ. Liquid crystal tunable metamaterial absorber. Physical review letters. 2013 Apr;110(17):177403.
- Chen WC, Landy NI, Kempa K, Padilla WJ. A Subwavelength Extraordinary-Optical-Transmission Channel in Babinet Metamaterials. Advanced Optical Materials. 2013 Mar 1;1(3):221u20136.
- Chen WC, Landy NI, Kempa K, Padilla WJ. Optical Transmission: A Subwavelength Extraordinary-Optical-Transmission Channel in Babinet Metamaterials (Advanced Optical Materials 3/2013). Advanced Optical Materials. 2013 Mar 1;1(3):195u2013195.
- Rahm M, Li JS, Padilla WJ. THz wave modulators: A brief review on different modulation techniques. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2013 Jan 1;34(1):1u201327.
- Padilla WJ. Taming the blackbody with metamaterials for energy harvesting applications. Laser Science, LS 2012. 2012 Dec 1;
- Shrekenhamer D, Xu W, Venkatesh S, Schurig D, Sonkusale S, Padilla WJ. Experimental realization of a metamaterial detector focal plane array. Physical review letters. 2012 Oct;109(17):177401.
- Xu W, Padilla WJ, Sonkusale S. Loss compensation in metamaterials through embedding of active transistor based negative differential resistance circuits. Optics express. 2012 Sep;20(20):22406u201311.
- Watts CM, Liu X, Padilla WJ. Metamaterial electromagnetic wave absorbers. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2012 Jun;24(23):OP98u2013181.
- Chen WC, Bingham CM, Mak KM, Caira NW, Padilla WJ. Extremely subwavelength planar magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012 May 16;85(20).
- Urzhumov Y, Chen W, Bingham C, Padilla W, Smith DR. Magnetic levitation of metamaterial bodies enhanced with magnetostatic surface resonances. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012 Feb 27;85(5).
- Chen WC, Totachawattana A, Fan K, Ponsetto JL, Strikwerda AC, Zhang X, et al. Single-layer terahertz metamaterials with bulk optical constants. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012 Jan 17;85(3).
- Padilla WJ. Taming the blackbody with metamaterials for energy harvesting applications. In: Laser Science, LS 2012. 2012.
- Tao H, Kadlec EA, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, et al. Mems and metamaterial-based terahertz detector. Technical Digest - Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop. 2012 Jan 1;320u20133.
- Chen WC, Mock JJ, Smith DR, Akalin DR, Padilla WJ. Controlling Gigahertz and Terahertz Surface ElectromagneticWaves with Metamaterial Resonators. Physical Review X. 2011 Dec 1;1(2).
- Park H, Shin D, Kang G, Baek S, Kim K, Padilla WJ. Broadband optical antireflection enhancement by integrating antireflective nanoislands with silicon nanoconical-frustum arrays. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2011 Dec;23(48):5796u2013800.
- Strikwerda AC, Tao H, Kadlec EA, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, et al. Metamaterial based terahertz detector. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2011 Dec 1;
- Strikwerda AC, Tao H, Kadlec EA, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, et al. Metamaterial based terahertz detector. IRMMW-THz 2011 - 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011 Dec 1;
- Tao H, Kadlec EA, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, et al. Microwave and terahertz wave sensing with metamaterials. Optics express. 2011 Oct;19(22):21620u20136.
- Kolb PW, Salter TS, McGee JA, Drew HD, Padilla WJ. Extreme subwavelength electric GHz metamaterials. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011 Sep 1;110(5).
- Liu X, Tyler T, Starr T, Starr AF, Jokerst NM, Padilla WJ. Taming the blackbody with infrared metamaterials as selective thermal emitters. Physical review letters. 2011 Jul;107(4):045901.
- Tao H, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD. MEMS based structurally tunable metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011 May 1;32(5):580u201395.
- Shrekenhamer D, Rout S, Strikwerda AC, Bingham C, Averitt RD, Sonkusale S, et al. High speed terahertz modulation from metamaterials with embedded high electron mobility transistors. Optics express. 2011 May;19(10):9968u201375.
- Tao H, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD. Recent progress in electromagnetic metamaterial devices for Terahertz applications. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2011 Jan 1;17(1):92u2013101.
- Strikwerda AC, Tao H, Kadlec EA, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, et al. Metamaterial based terahertz detector. 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011. 2011 Jan 1;
- Tao H, Strikwerda AC, Liu M, Mondia JP, Ekmekci E, Fan K, et al. Performance enhancement of terahertz metamaterials on ultrathin substrates for sensing applications. Applied Physics Letters. 2010 Dec 27;97(26).
- Tao H, Strikwerda A, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD. Structurally reconfigurable metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010 Dec 1;
- Rout S, Shrekenhamer D, Sonkusale S, Padilla W. Embedded HEMT/metamaterial composite devices for active terahertz modulation. 2010 23rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, PHOTINICS 2010. 2010 Dec 1;437u20138.
- Peralta XG, Brener I, Padilla WJ, Young EW, Hoffman AJ, Cich MJ, et al. External modulators for TeraHertz Quantum Cascade Lasers based on electrically-driven active metamaterials. Metamaterials. 2010 Aug 1;4(2u20133):83u20138.
- Peng Y, Paudel T, Chen WC, Padilla WJ, Ren ZF, Kempa K. Percolation and polaritonic effects in periodic planar nanostructures evolving from holes to islands. Applied Physics Letters. 2010 Jul 26;97(4).
- Hao J, Wang J, Liu X, Padilla WJ, Zhou L, Qiu M. High performance optical absorber based on a plasmonic metamaterial. Applied Physics Letters. 2010 Jun 21;96(25).
- Tao H, Bingham CM, Pilon D, Fan K, Strikwerda AC, Shrekenhamer D, et al. A dual band terahertz metamaterial absorber. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2010 Jun 3;43(22).
- Lee K, Jung Y, Padilla WJ, Kim K. Elimination of phase singularity to achieve superresolution in lossy metamaterials. Optics express. 2010 Jun;18(12):12269u201376.
- Liu X, Starr T, Starr AF, Padilla WJ. Infrared spatial and frequency selective metamaterial with near-unity absorbance. Physical review letters. 2010 May;104(20):207403.
- Akalin T, Padilla W. THz plasmonic waves launchers for metamaterials studies. 2010 IEEE Photonics Society Winter Topicals Meeting Series, WTM 2010. 2010 Apr 28;36u20137.
- Schafgans AA, LaForge AD, Dordevic SV, Qazilbash MM, Padilla WJ, Burch KS, et al. Towards a two-dimensional superconducting state of La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4 in a moderate external magnetic field. Physical review letters. 2010 Apr;104(15):157002.
- LaForge AD, Schafgans AA, Dordevic SV, Padilla WJ, Burch KS, Li ZQ, et al. Possibility of magnetic-field-induced reconstruction of the Fermi surface in underdoped cuprates: Constraints from infrared magneto-optics. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2010 Feb 19;81(6).
- Liu X, MacNaughton S, Shrekenhamer DB, Tao H, Selvarasah S, Totachawattana A, et al. Metamaterials on parylene thin film substrates: Design, fabrication, and characterization at terahertz frequency. Applied Physics Letters. 2010 Feb 8;96(1).
- Tao H, Strikwerda A, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD. Structurally reconfigurable metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010. 2010 Jan 1;
- Padilla WJ. Blackbody engineering with metamaterials. In: 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009. 2009.
- Tao H, Bingham CM, Strikwerda A, Pilon D, Shrekenhamer D, Landy NI, et al. Flexible wide angle terahertz resonant absorber based on perfectly impedance matched metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009 Dec 1;
- Akalin T, Padilla W. Plasmonic waveguides and metamaterial components at terahertz frequencies. APMC 2009 - Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2009. 2009 Dec 1;2444u20136.
- Tao H, Strikwerda A, Fan K, Bingham CM, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, et al. Flexible terahertz metamaterials on polyimide substrates. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009 Dec 1;
- Padilla WJ. Metamaterial devices for the terahertz gap. In: APMC 2009 - Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2009. 2009. p. 1297u20138.
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Cich MJ, Azad AK, Averitt RD, Taylor AJ. A broadband terahertz metamaterial electrical modulator. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2009.
- Tao H, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Bingham C, Landy NI, Shrekenhamer D, et al. Flexible and reconfigurable terahertz metamaterials. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2009 Nov 18;7394.
- Tao H, Strikwerda A, Fan K, Bingham CM, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, et al. Flexible terahertz metamaterials on polyimide substrates. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009 Nov 18;
- Peralta XG, Brener I, Padilla WJ, Young EW, Hoffman AJ, Cich MJ, et al. External modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers using electrically-driven active metamaterials. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009 Nov 16;
- Tao H, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD. Reconfigurable terahertz metamaterials. Physical review letters. 2009 Oct;103(14):147401.
- Landy NI, Padilla WJ. Guiding light with conformal transformations. Optics express. 2009 Aug;17(17):14872u20139.
- Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Azad AK, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, Taylor AJ. Terahertz metamaterials. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2009.
- Tao H, Strikwerda A, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, Zhang X. Thrahertz metamaterials with simultaneously negative electric and magnetic resonance based on bimaterial pop up structures. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 2009 Jun 1;108u201311.
- Peralta XG, Wanke MC, Arrington CL, Williams JD, Brener I, Strikwerda A, et al. Large-area metamaterials on thin membranes for multilayer and curved applications at terahertz and higher frequencies. Applied Physics Letters. 2009 May 6;94(16).
- Landy NI, Bingham CM, Tyler T, Jokerst N, Smith DR, Padilla WJ. Design, theory, and measurement of a polarization-insensitive absorber for terahertz imaging. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2009 Mar 3;79(12).
- Laforge AD, Padilla WJ, Burch KS, Li ZQ, Schafgans AA, Segawa K, et al. Magnetic field induced modification of superfluid density and interplane spectral weight in YBa2 Cu3 Oy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2009 Mar 3;79(10).
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Cich MJ, Azad AK, Averitt RD, Taylor AJ. A metamaterial solid-state terahertz phase modulator. Nature Photonics. 2009 Mar 1;3(3):148u201351.
- Li ZQ, Tsai SW, Padilla WJ, Dordevic SV, Burch KS, Wang YJ, et al. Erratum: Infrared probe of the anomalous magnetotransport of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite in the extreme quantum limit (Physical Review B (2006) 74 (195404)). Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2009 Feb 12;79(7).
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Cich MJ, Azad AK, Averitt RD, Taylor AJ. A broadband terahertz metamaterial electrical modulator. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009 Jan 1;
- Peralta XG, Brener I, Padilla WJ, Young EW, Hoffman AJ, Cich MJ, et al. External modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers using electrically-driven active metamaterials. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009;
- Tao H, Bingham CM, Strikwerda A, Pilon D, Shrekenhamer D, Landy NI, et al. Flexible wide angle terahertz resonant absorber based on perfectly impedance matched metamaterials. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. 2009 Jan 1;
- Chen HT, Azad AK, Ou2019Hara JF, Taylor AJ, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD. Dynamic Metamaterials at Terahertz Frequencies. In 2009. p. 645u20137.
- Padilla WJ, Chen H, Landy NI, Bingham C, Tao H, Zhang X, et al. Metamaterials for the terahertz gap. In: 33rd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and the 16th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2008, IRMMW-THz 2008. 2008.
- Ou2019Hara JF, Chen HT, Azad AK, Simrnova E, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, et al. Active THz metamaterials. In: 33rd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and the 16th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2008, IRMMW-THz 2008. 2008.
- Tao H, Landy NI, Fan K, Strikwerda AC, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, et al. Flexible terahertz metamaterials: Towards a terahertz metamaterial invisible cloak. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM. 2008 Dec 1;
- Tao H, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Bingham CM, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, et al. Terahertz metamaterials on free-standing highly-flexible polyimide substrates. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2008 Dec 1;41(23).
- Tao H, Bingham CM, Strikwerda AC, Pilon D, Shrekenhamer D, Landy NI, et al. Highly flexible wide angle of incidence terahertz metamaterial absorber: Design, fabrication, and characterization. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2008 Dec 1;78(24).
- Yuan Y, Bingham C, Tyler T, Palit S, Hand TH, Padilla WJ, et al. A dual-resonant terahertz metamaterial based on single-particle electric-field-coupled resonators. Applied Physics Letters. 2008 Nov 21;93(19).
- Bingham CM, Tao H, Liu X, Averitt RD, Zhang X, Padilla WJ. Planar wallpaper group metamaterials for novel terahertz applications. Optics express. 2008 Nov;16(23):18565u201375.
- Chen HT, Palit S, Tyler T, Bingham CM, Zide JMO, Ou2019Hara JF, et al. Hybrid metamaterials enable fast electrical modulation of freely propagating terahertz waves. Applied Physics Letters. 2008 Sep 15;93(9).
- Hand TH, Yuan Y, Palit S, Bingham C, Rahm M, Smith DR, et al. Dual-band planar electric THz metamaterial with resonator yield analysis. Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series. 2008 Sep 15;
- Chen HT, Azad AK, Shrekenhamer D, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, Taylor AJ, et al. Frequency tunable terahertz metamaterials. In: Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series. 2008.
- Peralta XG, Arrington CL, Wanke MC, Brener I, Williams JD, Smirnova E, et al. Flexible, large-area metamaterials fabricated on thin silicon nitride membranes. 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO/QELS. 2008 Sep 15;
- Hand TH, Yu Y, Palit S, Bingham C, Rahm M, Smith DR, et al. Dual-band planar electric THz metamaterial with resonator yield analysis. 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO/QELS. 2008 Sep 15;
- LaForge AD, Padilla WJ, Burch KS, Li ZQ, Schafgans AA, Segawa K, et al. Sum rules and interlayer infrared response of the high temperature YBa2Cu3Oy superconductor in an external magnetic field. Physical review letters. 2008 Aug;101(9):097008.
- Yuan Y, Bingham C, Tyler T, Palit S, Hand TH, Padilla WJ, et al. Dual-band planar electric metamaterial in the terahertz regime. Optics express. 2008 Jun;16(13):9746u201352.
- Landy NI, Sajuyigbe S, Mock JJ, Smith DR, Padilla WJ. Perfect metamaterial absorber. Physical review letters. 2008 May;100(20):207402.
- Tao H, Landy NI, Bingham CM, Zhang X, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. A metamaterial absorber for the terahertz regime: design, fabrication and characterization. Optics express. 2008 May;16(10):7181u20138.
- Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Azad AK, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Shrekenhamer DB, et al. Experimental demonstration of frequency-agile terahertz metamaterials. Nature Photonics. 2008 May 1;2(5):295u20138.
- Padilla WJ, Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Opto-electronic control of terahertz metamaterials. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2008.
- Padilla W. Filling the electromagnetic void - metamaterial devices for the THz gap. In: Cui TJ, Smith DR, editors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON METAMATERIALS. IEEE; 2008. p. 6u20136.
- Tao H, Strikwerda A, Bingham C, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD. Dynamical control of terahertz metamaterial resonance response using bimaterial cantilevers. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. 2008 Jan 1;856u20139.
- Peralta XG, Arrington CL, Wanke MC, Brener I, Williams JD, Smirnova E, et al. Flexible, large-area metamaterials fabricated on thin silicon nitride membranes. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008 Jan 1;
- Peralta XG, Arlington CL, Williams JD, Strikwerda A, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ, et al. Terahertz metamaterials on thin silicon nitride membranes. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2008 Jan 1;1077:34u201340.
- Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Azad AK, Shrekenhamer D, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, et al. Active terahertz metamaterial devices. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008.
- Brener I, Peralta XG, Padilla WJ, Young EW, Hoffman AJ, Cich MJ, et al. External modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers using metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008 Jan 1;
- Tao H, Bingham C, Strikwerda A, Fan K, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD, et al. MEMS and metamaterials: A perfect marriage at terahertz frequencies. In: Technical Digest - Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop. 2008. p. 54u20135.
- Hand TH, Yuan Y, Palit S, Bingham C, Rahm M, Smith DR, et al. Dual-band planar electric THz metamaterial with resonator yield analysis. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008 Jan 1;
- Hand TH, Yuan Y, Palit S, Bingham C, Rahm M, Smith DR, et al. Dual-band planar electric THz metamaterial with resonator yield analysis. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008 Jan 1;
- Brener I, Peralta XG, Padilla WJ, Young EW, Hoffman AJ, Cich MJ, et al. External modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers using metamaterials. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2008.
- Averitt RD, Padilla WJ, Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, et al. Terahertz metamaterial devices. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007 Dec 1;6772.
- Ou2019Hara JF, Smirnova E, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Highstrete C, et al. Properties of novel terahertz electric metamaterials. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007, CLEO 2007. 2007.
- Ou2019Hara JF, Smirnova E, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Highstrete C, et al. Properties of planar electric metamaterials for novel terahertz applications. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics. 2007 Dec 1;2(1):90u20135.
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Bank SR, Gossard AC, Highstrete C, et al. Active metamaterials: A novel approach to manipulate terahertz waves: Invited paper. IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. 2007 Dec 1;337u20139.
- Landy NI, Chen HT, OHara JF, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Highstrete C, et al. Metamaterials for novel terahertz and millimeter wave devices. Conference Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics. 2007 Dec 1;151u20136.
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Terahertz switch/modulator based on metamaterials. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007, CLEO 2007. 2007.
- Padilla WJ. Semiconductors: a new class of metamaterials. Nature materials. 2007 Dec;6(12):922u20133.
- Landy NI, Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Highstrete C, et al. Terahertz metamaterials for active, tunable, and dynamical devices. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007.
- LaForge AD, Padilla WJ, Burch KS, Li ZQ, Dordevic SV, Segawa K, et al. Interlayer electrodynamics and unconventional vortex state in Y Ba2 Cu3 Oy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007 Aug 31;76(5).
- Chen H-T, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Bank SR, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, et al. Ultrafast optical switching of terahertz metamaterials fabricated on ErAs/GaAs nanoisland superlattices. Optics letters. 2007 Jun;32(12):1620u20132.
- Driscoll T, Basov DN, Padilla WJ, Mock JJ, Smith DR. Electromagnetic characterization of planar metamaterials by oblique angle spectroscopic measurements. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007 Mar 13;75(11).
- Nemat-Nasser SC, Amirkhizi AV, Padilla WJ, Basov DN, Nemat-Nasser S, Bruzewicz D, et al. Terahertz plasmonic composites. Physical review E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 2007 Mar;75(3 Pt 2):036614.
- Padilla WJ. Group theoretical description of artificial electromagnetic metamaterials. Optics express. 2007 Feb;15(4):1639u201346.
- Chen H-T, Ou2019Hara JF, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Highstrete C, Lee M, et al. Complementary planar terahertz metamaterials. Optics express. 2007 Feb;15(3):1084u201395.
- Padilla WJ, Aronsson MT, Highstrete C, Lee M, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Electrically resonant terahertz metamaterials: Theoretical and experimental investigations. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007 Jan 25;75(4).
- Chen H-T, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Terahertz switch/modulator based on metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007;
- Ou2019Hara JF, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. Split-ring resonator enhanced terahertz antenna. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007 Jan 1;
- Ou2019Hara JF, Smirnova E, Chen H-T, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Highstrete C, et al. Properties of novel terahertz electric metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007;
- Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Highstrete C, Lee M, et al. Novel terahertz electric metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007 Jan 1;
- Landy NI, Chen H-T, OHara JF, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Highstrete C, et al. Metamaterials for Novel Terahertz and Millimeter Wave Devices. In: 2007 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2. IEEE; 2007. p. 145-+.
- Chen H-T, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Bank SR, Gossard AC, Highstrete C, et al. Active metamaterials: a novel approach to manipulate terahertz waves. In: 2007 JOINT 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES AND 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TERAHERTZ ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2. IEEE; 2007. p. 331-+.
- Ou2019Hara JF, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. Dynamically frequency tunable terahertz metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007 Jan 1;
- Ou2019Hara JF, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. Split-ring resonator enhanced terahertz antenna. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Electrical control of terahertz metamaterials. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
- Chen HT, Ou2019Hara JF, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Highstrete C, Lee M, et al. Novel terahertz electric metamaterials. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
- Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Electrical control of terahertz metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007 Jan 1;
- Ou2019Hara JF, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ. Dynamically frequency tunable terahertz metamaterials. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
- Landy NI, Chen HT, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Highstrete C, Lee M, et al. Metamaterials and their THz applications. In: IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. 2007. p. 30u20133.
- Li ZQ, Tsai SW, Padilla WJ, Dordevic SV, Burch KS, Wang YJ, et al. Infrared probe of the anomalous magnetotransport of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite in the extreme quantum limit. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2006 Nov 10;74(19).
- Chen H-T, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Active terahertz metamaterial devices. Nature. 2006 Nov;444(7119):597u2013600.
- Smith DR, Gollub J, Mock JJ, Padilla WJ, Schurig D. Calculation and measurement of bianisotropy in a split ring resonator metamaterial. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006 Aug 11;100(2).
- Padilla WJ, Basov DN, Smith DR. Negative refractive index metamaterials. Materials Today. 2006 Jul 1;9(7u20138):28u201335.
- Padilla WJ, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, Lee M, Averitt RD. Dynamical electric and magnetic metamaterial response at terahertz frequencies. Physical review letters. 2006 Mar;96(10):107401.
- Padilla WJ, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, Lee M, Averitt RD. Dynamical electric and magnetic metamaterial response at terahertz frequencies. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006. 2006 Jan 1;
- Padilla WJ, Aronsson MT, Highstrete C, Lee M, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Novel electrically resonant terahertz metamaterials. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2006.
- Padilla WJ, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, Lee M, Averitt RD. Dynamical electric metamaterial response at terahertz frequencies. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2006 Jan 1;
- Averitt RD, Chen HT, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, Lee M, Padilla WJ. Dynamical metamaterials at terahertz frequencies. In: Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2006. p. 480u20131.
- Padilla WJ, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, Lee M, Averitt RD. Dynamical electric metamaterial response at Terahertz frequencies. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2006 Jan 1;
- Padilla WJ, Aronsson MT, Highstrete C, Lee M, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD. Novel electrically resonant terahertz metamaterials. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2006 Jan 1;
- Padilla WJ, Smith DR, Basov DN. Spectroscopy of metamaterials from infrared top optical frequencies. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2006 Jan 1;23(3):404u201314.
- Martin MC, Zhao H, Liddle A, Anderson EH, Padilla WJ, Schurig D, et al. Fabrication and optical measurements of nanoscale meta-materials: Terahertz and beyond. The Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2005 IRMMW-THz 2005. 2005 Dec 1;1:34u20135.
- Padilla WJ, Dumm M, Komiya S, Ando Y, Basov DN. Infrared signatures of hole and spin stripes in La2-xSrxCuO4. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2005 Nov 15;72(20).
- Lee YS, Li ZQ, Padilla WJ, Dordevic SV, Homes CC, Segawa K, et al. Strong-coupling effects in cuprate high-Tc superconductors by magneto-optical studies. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2005 Nov 1;72(17).
- Lee YS, Segawa K, Li ZQ, Padilla WJ, Dumm M, Dordevic SV, et al. Electrodynamics of the nodal metal state in weakly doped high- Tc cuprates. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2005 Aug 1;72(5).
- Padilla WJ, Lee YS, Dumm M, Blumberg G, Ono S, Segawa K, et al. Constant effective mass across the phase diagram of high- Tc cuprates. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2005 Aug 1;72(6).
- Padilla WJ, Yen TJ, Fang N, Vier DC, Smith DR, Pendry JB, et al. Infrared spectroscopy and ellipsometry of magnetic metamaterials. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2005 Jul 21;5732:460u20139.
- Padilla WJ, Li ZQ, Burch KS, Lee YS, Mikolaitis KJ, Basov DN. Broadband multi-interferometer spectroscopy in high magnetic fields: From THz to visible. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2004 Nov 1;75(11):4710u20137.
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- Smith DR, Padilla W, Vier DC, Nemat-Nasser SC, Schultz S. Negative permeability from split ring resonator arrays. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2000 Jan 1;49.
- Smith DR, Vier DC, Padilla W, Nemat-Nasser SC, Schultz S. Loop-wire medium for investigating plasmons at microwave frequencies. Applied Physics Letters. 1999 Sep 6;75(10):1425u20137.
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