Media Hits

1/11/22 Nature Physics

Forbidden by Symmetry

A News & Views column in Nature Physics explains how new research from ECE Professor Iman Marvian shows that quantum systems whose interactions are constrained by symmetries can't be broken down as a simple summation of the local operations among its components.

10/22/21 FDIC Podcast

The Age of Quantum Banking

ECE Professors Jungsang Kim and Chris Monroe join MEng FinTech Director Jimmie Lenz on a podcast to talk about how quantum computing might affect the future of banking. 

9/14/21 The New York Times

The Godmother of the Digital Image

ECE/Math Professor Ingrid Daubechies is profiled by the New York Times from her early successes in transforming how digital information is created and conveyed to her current work applying her ingenious solutions to historic paintings and advocating for women in science.