Martin Brooke, Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Themes
Sensing & Imaging
Research Interests
Analog, RF, and optoelectronic circuits. Sensor interface circuits. Deployable sensor systems
Martin A. Brooke received the B.E. (Elect.) Degree (1st. Class Hons.) from Auckland University in New Zealand in 1981. He received the M.S. and Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from The University of Southern California in 1984, and 1988, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Duke University. Professor Brooke was an Analog Devices Career development award recipient from 1988-1993, won a National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award in 1990, the 1992 IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Myril B. Reed Best Paper Award, and the Georgia Tech Outstanding Thesis Advisor Award in 2003. He has graduated twenty three PhD students from his research group and has eight U.S. patents awarded. He has published more than 160 articles in technical Journals and Proceedings, and articles on his work have appeared in several trade and news publications. Dr. Brooke is a senior member of the IEEE.
- M.S.E.E. University of Southern California, 1982
- Ph.D. University of Southern California, 1988
- Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Outstanding Thesis Advisor Award. Georgia Institute of Technology. 2003
Courses Taught
- MENG 551: Master of Engineering Internship/Project Assessment
- MENG 550: Master of Engineering Internship/Project
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 426A: Ocean Engineering
- ME 426: Ocean Engineering
- ENVIRON 590: Special Topics
- ENVIRON 554: Graduate Rainforest Engineering
- ENVIRON 461A: Ocean Engineering
- ENVIRON 461: Ocean Engineering
- ENVIRON 454: Rainforest Engineering
- EGR 101L: Engineering Design and Communication
- ECE 899: Special Readings in Electrical Engineering
- ECE 891: Internship
- ECE 590A: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 590: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 534: Graduate Rainforest Engineering
- ECE 496: Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 495: Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 494: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 461A: Ocean Engineering
- ECE 461: Ocean Engineering
- ECE 449: Sensors and Sensor Interface Design
- ECE 392: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 391: Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 365: Rainforest Engineering
- Custer JP, Low JD, Hill DJ, Teitsworth TS, Christesen JD, McKinney CJ, et al. Ratcheting quasi-ballistic electrons in silicon geometric diodes at room temperature. Science (New York, NY). 2020 Apr;368(6487):177u201380.
- Andrews JB, Cao C, Brooke MA, Franklin AD. Noninvasive material thickness detection by aerosol jet printed sensors enhanced through metallic carbon nanotube ink. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2017 Jul 15;17(14):4612u20138.
- Nichols BS, Llopis A, Palmer GM, McCachren SS, Senlik O, Miller D, et al. Miniature spectral imaging device for wide-field quantitative functional imaging of the morphological landscape of breast tumor margins. J Biomed Opt. 2017 Feb 1;22(2):26007.
- Coonley K, Manturuk K, Miles J, Lipp G, Lorch C, Woodard C, et al. Massive open online laboratories? Ongoing work with microelectronics experiments performed outside of the traditional laboratory. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2016.
- Brooke MA, Cole E, Dale J, Prasad A, Quach H, Bau R, et al. An Ocean Sensor for Measuring the Seawater Electrochemical Response of 8 Metals Referenced to Zinc, for Determining Ocean pH. (Accepted) In: Sensing Technology (ICST), 2015 Ninth International Conference on. Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE; 2015.
- Dhar S, Lo JY, Palmer GM, Brooke MA, Nichols BS, Yu B, et al. A diffuse reflectance spectral imaging system for tumor margin assessment using custom annular photodiode arrays. Biomed Opt Express. 2012 Dec 1;3(12):3211u201322.
- Lo JY, Dhar S, Yu B, Brooke MA, Kuech TF, Jokerst NM, et al. Diffuse reflectance spectral imaging for breast tumor margin assessment. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2012 Jun 12;8214.
- Dhar S, Lob JY, Yu B, Tyler T, Brooke MA, Ramanujam N, et al. A custom wide-field spectral imager for breast cancer margin assessment. IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, PHO 2011. 2011 Dec 1;798u20139.
- Dhar S, Lo JY, Yu B, Brooke MA, Ramanujam N, Jokerst NM. Custom annular photodetector arrays for breast cancer margin assessment using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. 2011 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, BioCAS 2011. 2011 Dec 1;440u20133.
- Ybarra GA, Collins LM, Huettel LG, Coonley KD, Massoud HZ, Board JA, et al. Integrated sensing and information processing theme-based redesign of the undergraduate electrical and computer engineering curriculum at Duke University. Advances in Engineering Education. 2010;2(4).
- Ybarra GA, Collins LM, Huettel LG, Massoud HZ, Board JA, Brooke M, et al. Integrating sensing and information processing in an electrical and computer engineering undergraduate curriculum. In: Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. 2009.
- Coonley K, Brooke M, Ethier P, Massoud H. Design of a flexible RF data link and associated laboratory curriculum in a first analog electronics and devices course. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2009 Sep 1;
- Jokerst NM, Lin Luan, Palit S, Royal M, Dhar S, Brooke M, et al. Progress in chip-scale photonic sensing. IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems. 2009 Aug;3(4):202u201311.
- Wilamowski BM, Niu G, Choma J, Long SI, Nguyen NM, Brooke MA. Monolithic device models. In: Analog and VLSI Circuits. 2009. p. 3u2013148.
- Coonley K, Brooke M, Ethier P, Massoud H. Design of a flexible RF data link and associated laboratory curriculum in a first analog electronics and devices course. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2009.
- Wake HA, Brooke MA. Mixed-domain simulation of electrophoretic DNA separation for CMOS IC design. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2008 Oct 27;670u20133.
- Cai X, Brooke MA. Multivariate calibration on a low transistor-count sensor signal processor. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2008 Oct 27;201u20134.
- Jokerst NM, Cho SY, Brooke MA, Luan L. Chip scale integrated planar photonics. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2008 Apr 23;6897.
- Brooke MA. Using neural net architectures in analog circuits. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2007 Dec 1;1018u201321.
- Wake HA, Brooke MA. Low voltage electrophoresis on a CMOS chip. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2007 Dec 1;1042u20135.
- Cai X, Brooke MA. General purpose serial processor for delta sigma ADC digital filter. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2007 Dec 1;1320u20133.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho S-Y, Shang AB. Chip-scale sensor system integration for portable health monitoring. Anesthesia and analgesia. 2007 Dec;105(6 Suppl):S42u20137.
- Wake HA, Brooke MA. Low voltage electrophoresis on a CMOS chip. In: 2007 50TH MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3. IEEE; 2007. p. 848u201351.
- Cai X, Brooke MA. General purpose serial processor for delta sigma ADC digital filter. In: 2007 50TH MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3. IEEE; 2007. p. 1062u20135.
- Brooke MA. Using neural net architectures in analog circuits. In: 2007 50TH MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3. IEEE; 2007. p. 828u201331.
- Wake HA, Kim DD, Brooke MA. Mixed-signal implementation of a nonlinear decoder for delta-sigma encoded stream. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2006 Dec 1;3317u201320.
- Xin C, Brooke M. A compact CPU architecture for sensor signal processing. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2006 Dec 1;45u20138.
- Kim DD, Brooke MA. Scalable delta-sigma modulator readout architecture for array-based sensor system. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2006 Dec 1;1925u20138.
- Shi Z, Brooke M. CMOS digital pixel sensor with multiple reference, multiple sampling dynamic range enhancement. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2006 Dec 1;1:694u20137.
- Kim DD, Brooke MA. Integrator bound-based nonlinear decoder for delta-sigma modulator. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2006 Dec 1;1:457u201360.
- Liu F, Ozev S, Brooke M. Identifying the source of BW failures in high-frequency linear analog circuits based on S-parameter measurements. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2006 Nov 1;25(11):2594u2013605.
- Cha C, Lee Y, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Seo SW. Ultra thin-film MSM photodetector with low parasitic capacitance. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2006 Jan 1;174u20136.
- Jokerst N, Cho S, Seo S, Brooke M. Optoelectronic integration for planar lightwave systems in chip scale sensing, optical interconnect, and signal processing. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2006 Jan 1;945u20136.
- Kim DD, Brooke MA. Time-interleaved switched-capacitor filter for reconfigurable triple-band delta-sigma converter. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2005 Dec 1;1402u20135.
- Kim DD, Thomas MA, Lillie JJ, Dennis KS, Comeau BM, Brooke MA, et al. Integrated mixed-signal optoelectronic system-on-a-chip sensor. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2005 Dec 1;1738u201341.
- Cho SY, Seo SW, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. Comparative high speed optical interconnections using thin film photodetectors embedded in polymer waveguides. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2005 Sep 19;2:1611u20136.
- Shin J, Kim JH, Cha C, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. Rapid, predictive measurement-based modeling for high frequency interconnect on FR4 substrate. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2005 Sep 19;2:1835u201341.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho S, Thomas M, Lillie J, Kim D, et al. Integrated planar lightwave bio/chem OEIC sensors on Si CMOS circuits. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2005 Jul 21;5730:226u201333.
- Jokerst NM, Cho S, Seo S, Brooke MA. Planar lightwave integrated circuits integrated with thin film active optoelectronic devices. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2005 Jul 21;5729:192u20139.
- Cho SY, Seo SW, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA. High speed optical signal distribution using fully embedded thin film MSM photodetectors in multimode interference couplers. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2005 Jul 21;5726:61u20138.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho S, Thomas M, Lillie J, Kim D, et al. Integrated planar lightwave bio/chem OEIC sensors on Si CMOS circuits. Proc SPIE - Int Soc Opt Eng (USA). 2005;5730(1):8pp.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho SY, Seo SW. Heterogeneous integration of optical interconnects. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2005.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho SY, Seo SW. Organic planar lightwave integrated circuits for sensing and interconnections. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2005.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho SY, Seo SW. Heterogeneous integration of optical interconnects. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2005 Jan 1;
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho SY, Seo SW. Organic planar lightwave integrated circuits for sensing and interconnections. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2005 Jan 1;
- Shin J, Cha C, Cho S, Kim J, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. FR4 printed circuit board design for Giga-bits embedded optical interconnect applications. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2004 Dec 27;2:1996u20132001.
- Kim JH, Shin J, Cha C, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. Wideband multiple resonance small-signal laser diode model for the co-design of laser drive circuits. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2004 Dec 1;2.
- Kim DD, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Lillie JJ, Thomas MA, Ralph SE. Data acquisition sensitivity determination of a sensor-on-a-chip integrated microsystem. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2004 Dec 1;3:1297u2013300.
- Song I, Seo SW, Hyun S, Kim D, Huang S, Brooke M, et al. A 10 Gbit/s Si CMOS transimpedance amplifier with an integrated MSM photodetector for optical interconnections. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2004 Dec 1;2:517u20138.
- Seo SW, Cha C, Cho SY, Huang S, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, et al. Etch enhanced low capacitance, large area thin film InGaAs metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2004 Dec 1;1:222u20133.
- Cho SY, Seo SW, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA. Board-level optical interconnection and signal distribution using embedded thin-film optoelectronic devices. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2004 Sep 1;22(9):2111u20138.
- Kim DD, Thomas M, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Integration of Si-CMOS embedded photo detector array and mixed signal processing system with embedded optical waveguide input. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2004 Aug 16;5353:20u20138.
- Cha C, Kim JH, Huang Z, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA. Improved measurement-based modeling of inverted-MSM photodetectors using on-wafer calibration structures. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2004 Aug 16;5353:89u201396.
- Cho SY, Seo SW, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. High speed optical interconnections using thin film PDs embedded in polymer waveguides on electrical boards. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2004 Aug 16;5353:57u201364.
- Seo SW, Jokerst NM, Cho SY, Brown AS, Huang S, Shin JJ, et al. High-speed large-area inverted InGaAs thin-film metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2004 Jul 1;10(4):686u201393.
- Jokerst NM, Gaylord TK, Glytsis E, Brooke MA, Cho S, Nonaka T, et al. Planar lightwave integrated circuits with embedded actives for board and substrate level optical signal distribution. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging. 2004 May 1;27(2):376u201385.
- Jokerst NM, Cho SY, Seo SW, Kuo HF, Shin J, Brooke MA, et al. Planar Lightwave Integrated Circuits Using Thin Film Optoelectronic Devices. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2004.
- Huang Z, Cha C, Chen S, Sarmiento T, Shen JJ, Jokerst NM, et al. InGaAs MSM Photodetectors Modeling Using DOE Analysis. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2004;5178:148u201355.
- Liu F, Ozev S, Brooke M. Diagnosis of small-signal parameters for broadband amplifiers through S-parameter measurements and sensitivity-guided evolutionary search. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Digest of Technical Papers, ICCAD. 2004 Jan 1;641u20137.
- Jung S, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Liu J, Joo Y. Parasitic modeling and analysis for a 1-Gb/s CMOS laser driver. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2004;51(10):517u201322.
- Thomas MA, Lillie J, Kim DI, Ralph S, Jokerst NM, Brooke M, et al. An interferometric sensor for integration with Si CMOS signal processing circuitry: "Sensor on a Chip". OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 2004 Jan 1;96 A:579u201380.
- Boudreaux O, Cho SY, Shin J, Chellappa A, Schimmel D, Brooke M, et al. Optical chip-to-chip interconnects for memory systems. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2003 Dec 9;1:301u20132.
- Buchanan B, Brooke M. An Experimental Evaluation of Error Spectrum Shaping Applied to Mixed-Signal Image Convolutions. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing. 2003 Dec 1;50(12):950u201362.
- Glytsis EN, Jokerst NM, Villalaz RA, Cho SY, Wu SD, Huang Z, et al. Substrate-Embedded and Flip-Chip-Bonded Photodetector Polymer-Based Optical Interconnects: Analysis, Design, and Performance. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2003 Oct 1;21(10):2382u201394.
- Cha C, Huang Z, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA. Test-structure free modeling method for de-embedding the effects of pads on device modeling. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2003 Jul 17;1694u2013700.
- Shin J, Seo CS, Chellappa A, Brooke M, Chatterjee A, Jokerst NM. Comparison of electrical and optical interconnect. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2003 Jul 17;1067u201372.
- Cho SY, Hall JD, Chellapa A, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. High speed optical interconnection using embedded PDs on electrical boards. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2003 Jul 17;1046u201352.
- Kim DD, Brooke MA. A 1.4 G samples/sec comb filter design for decimation of sigma-delta modulator output. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2003 Jul 14;1.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho SY, Wilkinson S, Vrazel M, Fike S, et al. The heterogeneous integration of optical interconnections into integrated microsystems. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2003 Mar 1;9(2):350u201360.
- Cho SY, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Optical interconnections on electrical boards using embedded active optoelectronic components. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2003 Mar 1;9(2):465u201376.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Cho SY, Kim DL, Thomas M, Fike S. Optoelectronic Microsystems Integration. Optics and Photonics News. 2003 Jan 1;14(2).
- Cho SY, Seo SW, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Integrated detectors for embedded optical interconnections on electrical boards, modules, and integrated circuits. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2002 Nov 1;8(6):1427u201334.
- Seo S, Lee KK, Kang S, Huang S, Doolittle WA, Jokerst NM, et al. The heterogeneous integration of GaN thin-film metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors onto silicon. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 2002 Feb 1;14(2):185u20137.
- Seo S, Kong S, Huang S, Lee K, Doolittle W, Lokerst N, et al. Thin Film GaN Metal-semiconductor-metal Photodetectors Integrated onto Silicon. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2002.
- Seo S, Kang S, Huang S, Lee K, Doolittle W, Jokerst N, et al. Thin film GaN metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors integrated onto silicon. Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest. 2002 Jan 1;630u20131.
- Cho SY, Thomas M, Kim DI, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. Polymer waveguide optical interconnections on Si CMOS circuits. Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest. 2002 Jan 1;161.
- Cho SY, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. Comparison of evanescent and directly coupled optical interconnections embedded into electronic interconnection substrates. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2002 Jan 1;2:653u20134.
- Seo SW, Geddis DL, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA. Stacked thin film InGaAs and GaAs photodetectors for fully registered wavelength discrimination. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2002 Jan 1;2:841u20132.
- Liu J, Brooke MA, Hirotsu K. A CMOS feedforward neural-network chip with on-chip parallel learning for oscillation cancellation. IEEE transactions on neural networks. 2002 Jan;13(5):1178u201386.
- Cho SY, Thomas M, Kim DI, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. Polymer Waveguide Optical Interconnections on Si CMOS Circuits. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2002.
- Chu LC, Brooke M. An enhancement study on the SDSL upstream receiver. ISCAS 2001 - 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Conference Proceedings. 2001 Dec 1;4:442u20135.
- Vrazel M, Chang JJ, Song ID, Chung KS, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, et al. Highly alignment tolerant InGaAs inverted MSM photodetector heterogeneously integrated on a differential Si CMOS receiver operating at 1 Gbps. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2001 Jan 1;8u201313.
- Chu LC, Brooke M. An enhancement study on the SDSL upstream receiver. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 2001 Jan 1;626.
- Chu LC, Brooke M. A study on multiuser DSL channel capacity with crosstalk environment. IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2001 Jan 1;I:176u20139.
- Brown AS, Jokerst NM, Doolittle A, Brooke M, Kuech TF, Seo SW, et al. Heterogeneous integration: From substrate technology to active packaging. Technical Digest-International Electron Devices Meeting. 2001 Jan 1;197u2013200.
- Chu LC, Brooke M. Mitigation of crosstalk on the SDSL upstream transmission with vector equalization. IEEE International Conference on Communications. 2001 Jan 1;1:165u20139.
- Yun L, Poddar R, Carastro L, Brooke M, May GS. Statistical modeling of 3-D parallel-plate embedded capacitors using Monte Carlo simulation. ETRI Journal. 2001 Jan 1;23(1):23u201332.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Laskar J, Wills DS, Brown AS, Vendier O, et al. Smart photonics: Optoelectronics integrated with Si CMOS VLSI circuits. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2000 Dec 1;4109:241u201351.
- Carastro L, Yun I, Poddar R, Brooke M, May GS. Statistical analysis of embedded capacitors using Monte Carlo simulation. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2000 Dec 1;198u2013205.
- Jung S, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Packaging consideration for 1 Gbps Si CMOS optical driver. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2000 Dec 1;2:882u20133.
- Joo Y, Lee K, Seo S, Jokerst N, Brooke M. Modulator design for smart pixel multispectral imaging arrays. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2000 Dec 1;1:171u20132.
- Vrazel M, Chang JJ, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, Joo Y, Carastro L, et al. Analysis of alignment tolerant hybrid optoelectronic receivers for high density interconnection substrates. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 2000 Dec 1;223u201330.
- Vrazel M, Chang JJ, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, Dagnall G, Brown A. Alignment tolerant InP/Si CMOS hybrid integrated photoreceivers operating at 0.9 Gbps. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 2000 Dec 1;2:884u20135.
- Chang JJ, Brooke MA. Clock extraction circuit using passive components-free filter in standard digital process. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2000 Jan 1;2.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Laskar J, Wills DS, Brown AS, Ingram MA. Building collaborative teams for multi-disciplinary educational projects in optoelectronics. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2000 Jan 1;3831:25u201335.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Laskar J, Wills DS, Brown AS, Vrazel M, et al. Microsystem Optoelectronic Integration for Mixed Multisignal Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2000 Jan 1;6(6):1231u20137.
- Chang JJ, Jung S, Vrazel M, Jung K, Lee M, Brooke MA, et al. Hybrid optically interconnected microprocessor: An InP I-MSM integrated onto a mixed signal CMOS analog optical receiver with a digital CMOS microprocessor. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2000 Jan 1;4089:708u201314.
- Lu00f3pez-Lagunas A, Chai SM, Cross J, Buchannan B, Carastro LA, Wang S, et al. Bidirectional single fiber low-cost optoelectronic interconnect for automotive applications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2000 Jan 1;49(1):281u20137.
- Joo Y, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Compact current input oversampling modulator design for a scalable high frame rate focal plane arrays. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2000 Jan 1;5.
- Vrazel M, Chang JJ, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, Dagnall G, Brown A. Alignment tolerant hybrid photoreceivers using inverted MSMs. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 2000 Jan 1;23u20134.
- Lee K, Seo S, Huang S, Joo Y, Doolittle WA, Fike S, et al. Design of a smart pixel multispectral imaging array using 3D stacked thin film detectors on Si CMOS circuits. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 2000 Jan 1;57u20138.
- Brooke MA. Enhanced imaging arrays using a sigma delta ADC in Si CMOS for each array pixel. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 2000 Jan 1;11u20132.
- Yun I, Carastro LA, Poddar R, Brooke MA, May GS, Hyun KS, et al. Extraction of passive device model parameters using genetic algorithms. ETRI Journal. 2000 Jan 1;22(1):38u201346.
- Poddar R, Brooke MA. Accurate high speed empirically based predictive modeling of deeply embedded gridded parallel plate capacitors fabricated in a multilayer ltcc process. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging. 1999 Dec 1;22(1):26u201331.
- Gibson DS, Poddar R, May GS, Brooke MA. Using multivariate nested distributions to model semiconductor manufacturing processes. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1999 Dec 1;12(1):53u201365.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Laskar J, Wills DS, Brown AS, Vendier O, et al. Smart photonics: Optoelectronics integrated onto Si CMOS circuits. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1999 Dec 1;2:423u20134.
- Bond SW, Vendier O, Lee M, Jung S, Vrazel M, Lopez-Lagunas A, et al. Three-layer 3-D silicon system using through-Si vertical optical interconnections and Si CMOS hybrid building blocks. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 1999 Mar 1;5(2):276u201386.
- Bergman JI, Chang J, Joo Y, Matinpour B, Laskar J, Jokerst NM, et al. RTD/CMOS Nanoelectronic Circuits: Thin-Film InP-Based Resonant Tunneling Diodes Integrated with CMOS Circuits. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 1999 Mar 1;20(3):119u201322.
- Joo Y, Park J, Thomas M, Chung KS, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, et al. Smart CMOS focal plane arrays: A Si CMOS detector array and sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter imaging system. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 1999 Mar 1;5(2):296u2013305.
- Liu J, Brooke M. Fully parallel learning neural network chip for real-time control. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 1999 Jan 1;4:2323u20138.
- Carastro LA, Poddar R, Moon E, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Passive device modeling methodology using nonlinear optimization. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1999 Jan 1;6.
- Park J, Tabler JA, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Wills DS. Adaptive digital bias control for an optical receiver and transmitter. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1999 Jan 1;1.
- Liu J, Brooke M. Fully parallel on-chip learning hardware neural network for real-time control. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1999 Jan 1;5.
- Chang JJ, Lee M, Jung S, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Wills DS. Fully differential current-input CMOS amplifier front-end suppressing mixed signal substrate noise for optoelectronic applications. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1999 Jan 1;1.
- Chang JJ, Jung S, Vendier O, Jung K, Lee M, Brooke MA, et al. Mixed Signal Hybrid OEICs: An InP I-MSM Integrated Onto a CMOS Analog Optical Receiver with a Digital CMOS Microprocessor. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 1999. p. 218u201320.
- Kamran F, Harley RG, Burton B, Habetler TG, Brooke MA. A fast on-line neural-network training algorithm for a rectifier regulator. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 1998 Dec 1;13(2):366u201371.
- Robinson WH, Wills DS, Brooke M, Jokerst N. IRIS: An integrated, scalable focal plane architecture. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1998 Dec 1;2:184u20135.
- Brooke M, Jokerst NM, Bond SW, Wills DS. Comparison of CMOS chip to chip interconnections: Vertical optical through-Si links versus high density electrical interconnect. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1998 Dec 1;2:186u20137.
- Poddar R, Moon EM, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Accurate, rapid, high frequency empirically based predictive modeling of arbitrary geometry planar resistive passive devices. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Part B. 1998 May 1;21(2):177u201383.
- Vendier O, Bond SW, Lee M, Jung S, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, et al. Stacked silicon CMOS circuits with a 40-Mb/s through-silicon optical interconnect. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1998 Apr 1;10(4):606u20138.
- Vendier O, Bond SW, Lee M, Jung S, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, et al. Stacked silicon CMOS circuits with a 40-Mb/s through-silicon optical interconnect. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1998 Mar 1;10(3):606u20138.
- Laskar J, Jokerst N, Brooke M, Harris M, Chun C, Pham A, et al. Review of RF packaging research at Georgia Tech's PRC. Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials: Processes, Properties and Interfaces. 1998 Jan 1;1998-March:139u201350.
- Joo YJ, Fike S, Thomas M, Chung KS, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, et al. High speed, smart focal plane processing using integrated photodetectors and Si CMOS VLSI sigma delta analog to digital converters. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1998 Jan 1;55u20136.
- Chun C, Vendier O, Moon E, Laskar J, Ki HC, Jokerst NM, et al. Integrated 1.55 u03bcm receivers using GaAs MMICs and thin film InP detectors. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. 1998 Jan 1;1:47u201350.
- Bond SW, Jung S, Vendier O, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. 3D stacked Si CMOS VLSI smart pixels using through-Si optoelectronic interconnections. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1998 Jan 1;27u20138.
- Chun C, Vendier O, Moon E, Laskar J, Ki HC, Jokerst NM, et al. Integrated 1.55 u03bcm receivers using GaAs MMICs and thin film InP detectors. IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, RFIC, Digest of Technical Papers. 1998 Jan 1;187u201390.
- Gibson DS, Poddar R, May GS, Brooke MA. Statistically based parametric yield prediction for integrated circuits. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1997 Dec 1;10(4):445u201358.
- Burton B, Kamran F, Harley RG, Habetier TG, Brooke MA, Poddar R. Identification and control of induction motor stator currents using fast on-line random training of a neural network. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 1997 Dec 1;33(3):697u2013704.
- May P, Cross J, Lopez-Lagunas A, Buchanan B, Wills DS, Jokerst NM, et al. Improvement in bit-error rate for optoelectronic multicomputer interconnection networks using cyclic redundancy code error detection. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1997 Jun 1;9(6):848u201350.
- May P, Lee M, Wilkinson ST, Vendier O, Ho Z, Bond SW, et al. A 100 Mbps, LED through-wafer optoelectronic link for multicomputer interconnection networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 1997 Feb 25;41(1):3u201319.
- Lee M, Vendier O, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Scaleable CMOS Current-Mode Preamplifier Design for an Optical Receiver. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 1997 Jan 1;12(2):133u201344.
- Joo YJ, Fike S, Chung KS, Brooke M, Jokerst NM, Wills DS. Application of massively parallel processors to real time processing of high speed images. International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections (MPPOI), Proceedings. 1997 Jan 1;96u2013100.
- Wang SC, Cross J, Chai SM, Lopez A, Park J, Ingram MA, et al. Coupling efficiency of an alignment-tolerant, single fiber, bi-directional link. Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference. 1997 Jan 1;30u20136.
- Chai SM, Lopez-Lagunas A, Wills DS, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA. Systolic processing architectures using optoelectronic interconnects. International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections (MPPOI), Proceedings. 1997 Jan 1;160u20136.
- Liu J, Burton B, Kamran F, Brooke MA, Harley RG, Habetler TG. High speed on-line neural network control of an induction motor immune to analog circuit nonidealities. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1997 Jan 1;1:633u20136.
- Cat HH, Gentile A, Eble JC, Lee M, Vendier O, Joo YJ, et al. SIMPil: An OE integrated SIMD architecture for focal plane processing applications. International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections (MPPOI), Proceedings. 1996 Dec 1;44u201352.
- Poddar R, Brooke M. Accurate, high speed modeling of integrated passive devices in multichip modules. IEEE Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging. 1996 Dec 1;184u20136.
- Wilkinson ST, Tabler J, Jokerst NM, Brooke M, Leavitt RP. 8u00d78 array of resonant cavity enhanced light emitting diodes integrated onto silicon grayscale (32 level) driver circuitry. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1996 Dec 1;2:277u20138.
- Bond SW, Lee M, Chang JJ, Vendier O, Hou Z, Brooke M, et al. Integrated 155 Mbps digital transmitter using a 1.3 u03bcm wavelength thin film LED. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1996 Dec 1;1:342u20133.
- Cross J, Lopez-Lagunas A, Buchanan B, Carastro L, Wang SC, Jokerst NM, et al. A single-fiber bidirectional optical link using colocated emitters and detectors. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1996 Oct 1;8(10):1385u20137.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Vendier O, Wilkinson S, Fike S, Lee M, et al. Thin-film multimaterial optoelectronic integrated circuits. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Part B. 1996 Feb 1;19(1):97u2013104.
- Vendier O, Lee M, Jokerst NM, Brooke M, Leavitt RP. Integrated 200 Mbit/s receiver: silicon CMOS transimpedance amplifier with a thin-film InGaAs photodetector. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1996 Jan 1;402u20133.
- Cross J, Lopez-Lagunas A, Buchanan B, Carastro L, Wang SC, Jokerst NM, et al. Smart pixel bi-directional optical link using co-located emitters and detectors. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1996 Jan 1;
- Lee M, Vendier O, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Leavitt RP. CMOS optical receiver with integrated InGaAs thin-film inverted MSM detector operating up to 250 Mbps. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1996 Jan 1;
- Vendier O, Wilkinson ST, Bond SW, Lee M, Hou Z, Lopez-Lagunas A, et al. 155 Mbps digital transmitter using GaAs thin film LEDs bonded to silicon driver circuits. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1996 Jan 1;
- Lee M, Vendier O, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Leavitt RP. CMOS optical receiver with integrated InGaAs thin-film inverted MSM detector operating up to 250 Mbps. In: IEEE/LEOS 1996 SUMMER TOPICAL MEETINGS - ADVANCED APPLICATIONS OF LASERS IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING, DIGEST. I E E E; 1996. p. B17u20139.
- Lee M, Vendier O, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM, Leavitt RP. CMOS optical receiver with integrated compound semiconductor thin-film inverted MSM detector operating at 155 Mbps. Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. 1995 Dec 1;1:47u20138.
- May P, Wilkinson ST, Jokerst NM, Wills DS, Lee M, Vendier O, et al. Design issues for through-wafer optoelectronic multicomputer interconnects. International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections (MPPOI), Proceedings. 1995 Dec 1;8u201315.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Vendier O, Lee M, Fike SM, Buchanan B, et al. Smart detectors: devices, integration, circuits, and systems. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1995 Dec 1;2550:212u201323.
- Kamran F, Harley RG, Burton B, Habetler TG, Brooke M. Fast on-line neural network training algorithm for a rectifier regulator. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference). 1995 Dec 1;2:1462u20137.
- Burton B, Kamran F, Harley RG, Habetler TG, Brooke M, Poddar R. Identification and control of induction motor stator currents using fast on-line random training of a neural network. Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society). 1995 Dec 1;2:1781u20137.
- Jokerst NM, Brooke M, Vendier O, Wilkinson ST, Fike SM, Lee M, et al. Manufacturable multi-material integration: Compound semiconductor devices bonded to silicon circuitry. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1995 Sep 15;2524:152u201363.
- Fike S, Buchanan B, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Morris T, DeWeerth S. Three Dimensional Integration of an 8x8 Array of Thin Film GaAs/AlGaAs Photodetectors with Vertical Electrical Interconnects to Underlying Silicon Circuitry. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 1995.
- Cat HH, Lee M, Buchanan B, Wills DS, Brooke M, Jokerst NM. Silicon VLSI processing architectures incorporating integrated optoelectronic devices. In: Proceedings - 16th Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, ARVLSI 1995. 1995. p. 17u201327.
- Brooke MA, Lee M, Jokerst NM, Camperi-Ginestet C. Silicon CMOS optical receiver circuits with integrated thin-film compound semiconductor detectors. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1995 Jan 1;2400:335u201344.
- Cat HH, Wills DS, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Brown AS. Three-dimensional, massively parallel, optically interconnected silicon computational hardware and architectures for high-speed IR scene generation. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1995 Jan 1;2469:141u20135.
- Jokerst NM, Camperi-Ginestet C, Buchanan B, Wilkinson S, Brooke MA. Communication through Stacked Silicon Circuitry Using Integrated thin Film InP-Based Emitters and Detectors. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1995 Jan 1;7(9):1028u201330.
- Fike SM, Buchanan B, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Morris TG, DeWeerth SP. 8 x 8 Array of Thin-Film Photodetectors Vertically Electrically Interconnected to Silicon Circuitry. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1995 Jan 1;7(10):1168u201370.
- Sculley TL, Brooke MA. Nonlinearity Correction Techniques for High Speed, High Resolution A/D Conversion. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing. 1995 Jan 1;42(3):154u201363.
- Wills DS, Lacy WS, Camperi-Ginestet C, Buchanan B, Cat HH, Wilkinson S, et al. A Three-Dimensional High-Throughput Architecture Using Through-Wafer Optical Interconnect. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 1995 Jan 1;13(6):1085u201392.
- Buchanan B, Camperi-Ginestet C, Morris T, Brooke M, DeWeerth S, Jokerst N, et al. High density focal plane signal processing using 3-D vertical interconnects. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1994 Dec 1;1:191u20134.
- Camperi-Ginestet C, Buchanan B, Wang Y, Jokerst NM, Brooke MA, Allen MG. Three dimensional smart pixel integration of a GaAs-based detector array directly on top of silicon circuits. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1994 Dec 1;56u20138.
- Lee M, Camperi-Ginestet C, Brooke MA, Jokerst NM. Silicon CMOS optical receiver circuit with integrated compound semiconductor thin-film P-i-N detector. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1994 Dec 1;58u20139.
- Lee M, Brooke MA. Design, fabrication, and test of a 125Mb/s transimpedance amplifier using MOSIS 1.2u03bcm standard digital CMOS process. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1994 Dec 1;1:155u20137.
- Tabler JA, Poddar R, Brooke M. Compact, precise digital to analog converter arrays in a low cost, low precision short channel CMOS process. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1994 Dec 1;2:1183u20136.
- Bond JA, Dorsey JF, Brooke M, Magill J, Tabler J. Fast solution of nonlinear equations using parallel analog hardware. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 1994 Sep 1;6(2):135u201356.
- Lacy WS, Camperi-Ginestet C, Buchanan B, Scott Wills D, Jokerst NM, Brooke M. A fine-grain, high-throughput architecture using through-wafer optical interconnect. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections, MPPOI 1994. 1994. p. 27u201336.
- Tabler JA, Poddar R, Brooke M. Compact, precise digital to analog converter arrays in a low cost, low precision short channel CMOS process. In: Proceedings of 1994 37th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. IEEE; 1994. p. 1183-1186vol.2.
- Thomsen A, Brooke MA. Low Control Voltage Programming of Floating Gate MOSFETs and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications. 1994 Jan 1;41(6):443u201352.
- Thomsen A, Brooke MA. A floating gate CMOS signal conditioning circuit for nonlinearity correction. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 1993 Jul 1;4(1):21u20139.
- MAGILL J, BOND J, DORSEY J, BROOKE M. Application of analog computing to real-time simulation of stall andsurge dynamics. In: 29th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; 1993.
- Brooke M, Jokerst N, Allen M, DeWeerth S. Infrared Imaging Array Integrated in Three Dimensions Directly on Top of Silicon Circuits. Defense Technical Information Center; 1993 May.
- Goodman SD, Brooke MA. Symbolic substitution system for data compression. Applied optics. 1993 Feb;32(5):752u201360.
- Thomsen A, Brooke MA. A Programmable Piecewise Linear Large-Signal CMOS Amplifier. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 1993 Jan 1;28(1):84u20139.
- Hirotsu K, Brooke MA. Analog neural network chip with random weight change learning algorithm. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 1993 Jan 1;3:3031u20134.
- Sculley TL, Brooke MA. High resolution nonlinearity correcting A/D converter architecture. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1993 Jan 1;2:1212u20134.
- Camperi-Ginestet C, Kim YW, Jokerst NM, Allen MG, Brooke MA. Three dimensional integrated circuits: Epitaxial lift off GaAs photodetectors integrated directly on top of silicon circuits. In: LEOS Summer Topical Meeting. 1992. p. C24u20135.
- Sculley TL, Brooke MA. Behavioral simulations of a self-correcting A/D converter architecture. In: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1992. p. 56u20139.
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- Tabler J, Brooke M, Dorsey J, Arayani S. Solution of massively parallel systems of nonlinear equations using analog circuits. In: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 1992. p. 764u20137.
- Camperi-Ginestet C, Kim YW, Jokerst NM, Allen MG, Brooke MA. Vertical Electrical Interconnection of Compound Semiconductor Thin-Film Devices to Underlying Silicon Circuitry. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 1992 Jan 1;4(9):1003u20136.
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