Michael Richard Gustafson
mrg@duke.eduECE Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor of the Practice
In the handbook, Duke ECE undergraduate students will find degree check sheets and typical course sequences that outline the degree requirements semester by semester.
There are also links to these check sheets and sample 4-year schedules below. Students contemplating second majors or other special goals should carefully choose courses that meet the minimum ECE requirements and the academic and scheduling requirements for any special goals.
Questions about prerequisites, AP Credits, and course sequencing should be discussed with the student’s academic adviser, the ECE Director of Undergraduate Studies, or the student’s academic dean.
The general requirements and departmental requirements for a B.S.E. with the electrical and computer engineering major requires the completion of 34 distinct courses which are composed of:
An elective course that belongs to more than one requirements category may be counted only once.
NOTE 1: Students who place into CompSci 201 are not required to take EGR 103L.
NOTE 2: For students who matriculated Fall 2017 or earlier:
The following links provide checksheets in PDF format for an ECE major and for an ECE major in combination with various second majors. The checksheets list the courses required for the named program. Students should use these checksheets and the sample programs of the following section, in consultation with their ECE Faculty Advisor, to plan and track a viable sequence of courses that will ensure that all course requirements are met.
Each checksheet is a single page of a PDF file containing all of the covered programs. One can go directly to the page for a specific program by clicking on that program in the following lists. The “current page” can be printed (or saved to a file for easy future reference) from Adobe Reader using the print dialog box.
Suggestion: Use the printed checksheet to record which requirements are met by AP credits, by placing “AP” in the Semester column of the checksheet for example, and the past or expected future semesters for the other requirements. Then review this page with your faculty adviser during one of your scheduled advising meetings.
The following links provide sample 4-year programs of study in PDF format for an ECE major and for an ECE major in combination with various second majors. Each sample program, together with its stated prerequisites, is fully consistent with its corresponding checksheet. Individual sample programs can be printed (or saved to a file for easy future reference) from Adobe Reader using the print dialog box.
With careful planning, motivated undergraduates matriculating with Advanced Placement credits and with summer courses as necessary may use program flexibility to take up to two graduate courses in the spring of their senior year to structure an accelerated program leading to a BSE degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the end of four years and a Master’s degree at the end of a fifth year. Interested students should work with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies to develop an appropriate academic plan.
ECE Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor of the Practice
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of ECE